Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 574: So considerate

The surface world of a black hole,

The war in outer space in Earth's orbit lasted for almost half an hour and was finally over!

The Space Force is the same as the Navy,

This is a unit that can be completely defeated in a few hours!

Of course, this war is completely different.

After the battle, Pang Hai did not announce a cessation of operations, but announced another destruction of all 771 destroyed targets in orbital space!

Complete destruction!

At that moment,

It seems like a flash bomb exploded in the outer space of the earth!

Pop, pop, pop, flash,

Let the bases inside the earth and in the orbit of the Mars parent star be clearly seen!


It is dark night in Beomi Continent at this time,

There is no need to report it to the command room of the Space Force. People in the city can easily see it with the naked eye.

The sky is constantly flashing!

The bright white light illuminates the entire sky as if it were daytime.

At this moment, it’s dawn!

No, the sky is flashing at intervals of a few tenths of a second!

Resident: Is it dawn yet? No, why is the sky flashing? !

"It's so dazzling!"

"What happened?"

“Who dropped a flashbang in outer space?”

"Is this a war in space orbit?"


Residents on the ground couldn't see it clearly with the naked eye. The abnormality in the sky made them walk out of their rooms and gather in the open space of the city. They looked up in amazement at this astonishing phenomenon.

Compared with the confusion of the people,

In the space force base, there was deathly silence.

In the conference room, I saw on the screen that all the earth-lunar orbit facilities had lost contact.

Eureka, the head of the North American Space Force, felt a flash of panic in her heart.

"A quarter of an hour, only a quarter of an hour, all the facilities were destroyed!"

"There are only two possibilities, either there are a lot of attacking objects, or the attacking objects are very fast. In short, we are finished now!"

"The entire planetary defense fleet is gone. They are now in outer space, bombing the corpses of our facilities indiscriminately!"

"These are undoubtedly a bunch of lunatics!"


In the conference room, from the perspective of the Space Force,

This space fleet is really a bunch of complete lunatics.

Their detectors don't lie, that flash is clearly a giant energy weapon that fires several rounds per second!

You said, if you win, then you win, right?

If you don’t hurry up and come to the earth as a victor and show yourself as a saint in front of people,

Why are you whipping corpses at these facilities?

Eureka couldn’t understand it, and neither could the strategists in the conference room.

If you can't understand it, then you can only attribute it to the "psychological abnormality" of the intruder!

"What should we do?"

Eureka asked the colleagues present with some worry,

No matter what, the opponent will always be finished.

"We should use ground defense facilities to resist them, and we must not let them invade the earth!"

The main militant group stood up immediately, with fanatical faces and excited voices.

"Yes, we must resist to the end!"

"It's done, we must not surrender, and we will wait until the fleet in Mars orbit comes back for reinforcements!"

"The Youyi Fleet must have observed the situation on the earth and is returning!"

The meeting room was in a state of excitement at this time, with everyone speaking in high spirits and eager to go up and fight the intruders immediately.

However, how many of them are fishing in troubled waters?

Eureka doesn’t know clearly, but he will understand it soon!

Because in the midst of these angry sounds, a roar suddenly sounded!


The explosion was just above their heads,

The ceiling of the office was suddenly smashed through, and sunlight shone in through the hole. Likewise, a metal sphere came in as well.

The surface of this metal sphere is smooth, and the metal is polished like a mirror.

Dense and inexplicable light shot out from the detector, quickly scanning everyone in the conference room.

"Didi didi——"

Suddenly, the metal ball made a harsh sound as it scanned a brigadier general.

"What is this, an intruder's equipment?"

The metal ball was firmly aimed at Tovill, who sounded the most excited just now, but now his tone trembled and his calves kept shaking.


I just responded a few times. I even folded this position correctly. I don’t really want to deal with you!

No, don’t!

With a pleading look in his eyes, Tovir opened his mouth to beg for mercy.

But the metal ball was merciless, and an orange laser shot out, instantly vaporizing him on the spot!

"Oh, my God!"

"What the hell, I want to get out of here!"

"They are intruders, fight them!"

At this moment, facing the metal ball,

In the conference room, some were frightened to death, and some were so angry that they drew their guns and wanted to fight back.

But these are of no use,

The metal ball just swayed out a burst of radio waves, and everyone present was instantly horrified to realize that they couldn't even control their bodies!

"Stop your actions immediately and continue to be scanned!"

The metal ball gave instructions in English,

At this moment, no one moved.

Continue along the conference room and start scanning.

At the end of the scan, it was Eureka's turn, and the metal ball suddenly stopped in front of him.


Eureka's pupils shrank suddenly, she swallowed, and cold sweat broke out from her back.

This, this metal ball is facing him!

He is going to die soon!


The metal ball was facing his transparent lens, the sound of electricity flashed, and a blue light suddenly ignited and rushed towards Eureka.

Eureka suddenly closed his eyes,

He was dead!

One second, two seconds, three seconds passed,

Eureka opened his eyes with some confusion and surprise,

The metal ball had gone to scan others,

And he,

was not dead? !


The Space Force Headquarters is just a microcosm,

At this moment,

Tens of millions of metal balls around the world are conducting a full-scale scan of all life forms on the entire earth,

Except for the Eastern Powers that were informed of the situation,

People in other places are in a panic,

They don't understand what happened,

Just an orange light turned on, and in an instant, a person's life was harvested!

On Earth, in orbital space,

In the cockpit of the supernova flagship, Pang Hai looked indifferent, quietly looking at the numbers on the projection in front of him.

"The number of people on Earth who have been found to have corrosive bodies is still increasing. For those who are hopeless, we have issued an order to kill them immediately; those who are mildly infected are given treatment."

"We have also informed the Eastern Power that this matter is finally over."

"Well, in this matter, humans in this world are also victims, and we can only deal with it this way."

Pang Hai nodded slowly, as if he had thought of something, and asked in a heavy tone:

"How is the unmanned ship now?"

"I was just about to tell you."

The intelligence adjutant's face flashed with Seeing a strange feeling, he grinned and said speechlessly:

"The unmanned ship stopped in an open area. We also deliberately found a location outside the channel, thinking that no one would come back here."

"As a result, there was really an unlucky guy who drove a spaceship with broken heat dissipation and navigation, deviated tens of millions of kilometers and hit the unmanned spaceship. Now, we not only have data in the subspace, but also a ship of the best experimental subjects who were infected and isolated."

Sent a ship of experimental subjects directly, the intelligence adjutant shook his head,

That remote place, that broken spaceship, they just happened to isolate themselves by the way.

The other party is too considerate!


Pang Hai asked a question mark, with a look of surprise,

Is there such a good thing?

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