Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 582: Fighting, with whom?

Mr. Zhu looked at the document in his hand and was silent for a long time.

He had no idea that in this universe, a parallel world,

The fall of Cybertron civilization has such a catalyst!

mysterious enemy,

He has an enemy who has the opposite energy of "Tianzun" and can make people fall and get lost.

They imitated the "Tianzun" and defeated these "Emperor" associates,

In the end, it also laid hidden dangers for the decline,

Because the ancient Transformers discovered that their energy core, which was similar to the "Tianzun", could not perfectly resist those enemies.

In other words, although the enemy cannot corrode and corrupt their consciousness,

However, long-term contact has caused some Transformers to develop violent consciousness in their bodies.


This laid the foundation for an unprecedented internal riot in Transformers.

Great alliances always disintegrate from within, powerful civilizations always begin to decay from within,

During this riot, the Ancient One who once led the Transformers to defeat their enemies died, leaving only a few metal obelisks and the legendary epics on them.

However, the ancient man probably never thought of it.

After the endless years after that riot, Cybertron ushered in another war between the Autobots and the Decepticons, which even destroyed the foundation of civilization!

"Huh, there is no doubt that the 'Tianzun' and 'Great Emperor' written by this ancient Transformer are the Yuanshi Tianzun and the Great Emperor of the Universe!"

Zhu Laofang put down the document in his hand, let out a heavy breath, and sat back in his seat.

The content on this metal tablet,

Very critical!

He undoubtedly directly confirmed,

Even in the Transformers world, there is something like the subspace on the surface of a black hole,

And judging from the final results of Cybertron civilization,

They seem to be degrading and limiting civilization!

"We need more evidence, and it's very possible that the Transformers world is just a coincidence?"

This matter cannot be drawn to a conclusion easily.

But it was this unintentional coincidence that made Mr. Zhu very wary.

He has already believed three points,

Next, it depends on what Optimus Prime is looking for in the "Knight Center" and whether there is more direct evidence.

Because "Knight Center", according to records, is the place where those ancient Transformers are buried!

"I hope I can find it!"

This has just begun, Optimus Prime has made a major discovery, and Mr. Zhu can't help but have some expectations in his heart.

They need more evidence, more information!


If the expert group’s speculation is true,

Maybe even this universe has such a "filter"! ! !

The universe is developing very fast now,

If there really is a "filter", we might encounter each other one day, and a fierce battle will inevitably occur.


They need to prepare early and understand their opponents early!

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhu, I will pay close attention!"

Zhao Guangyao knew the seriousness of the matter and raised his own concerns:

"However, if something capable of degenerating and confusing consciousness appears in this universe, our residents may not be able to resist at all."

"I've already considered this."

Mr. Zhu glanced at Zhao Guangyao appreciatively, nodded, and revealed:

"The next generation of creatures will have pseudo-Qingyuan energy embedded in their outer armor. At the same time, we will build giant protective towers outside the major inhabited planets, and the Forbidden Sky Towers will also be spread accordingly. The same is true for the Totem Card people. ”

Now that a discovery has been made,

It is inevitable to prepare in advance.

Mr. Zhu never fights an unprepared battle.

Since he has vaguely predicted it, he will never give the opponent a chance to kill with one strike!

Mr. Zhu’s side,

Waiting patiently for Optimus Prime’s harvest,

Alien World, Paradise Star Observation Post, Giant Screen Observation Center,

The researchers in charge of the observation, Zhao Xu, Li Yue and Xu Tao, were aiming the detection antenna at a certain location in the Andromeda Galaxy.

The three people were from different experimental groups and were temporarily formed according to the observation rules to jointly undertake the observation task.


A research team discovered a structure suspected to be a Dyson sphere in the edge star system of the Andromeda Galaxy.

According to subsequent detailed observations,

Scientists in this universe have concluded,

That’s the Dyson Sphere!

And the structure of this Dyson sphere is exactly the same as recorded in the engineer database!

In addition, the location found is close to the Milky Way,

Therefore, this universe is almost certainly

This mysterious civilization that is closest to the Milky Way at the edge of Andromeda and built the Dyson Sphere is the creation sect of the Engineer family!

Different from the concepts of Dino and other destructive factions,

These engineers are on the road to reinventing Deakin!

"The coordinates have been reconstructed and the obstacles have deviated. Now is the best time to observe them!"

Zhao Xu checked the detector path again,

There are six such detectors on Paradise Star. Previously, their No. 4 observation station could not clearly see the situation in Andromeda due to the periodic movement of obstacles.

And now!

The blocker period has arrived and has moved away from its original position.

Now is the most critical moment for their observations at the No. 4 Observatory!

The three people immediately mobilized the probe and carefully aimed it at the target location.

On the holographic projection,

The originally blurry and severely exposed picture suddenly refreshed.

In its place is a clear star map!

"Start zooming in!"

With the cooperation of Zhao Xu and the other three,

The image in front of me is constantly refreshed and enlarged,

Beginning with a panorama of Andromeda,

Move the position downward, half picture,

Lock the punctuation area, star group map,

Lock on the target star and star system map!

After zooming in to the end, an image that was somewhat blurry, but whose structure could be discerned, was displayed in front of the three people.

"Recording mode has been turned on. Look, that's the Dyson Sphere!"

Xu Tao excitedly pointed at the dim sun on the holographic image.

The gravitational waves it emits are obviously inferior to those of stars of the same class, and the radiation is not of the same magnitude.

Just reading the data, it was obvious that something was wrong with this star.

And with this data and a pair of tables, hey, the theoretical performance of the engineer's Dyson sphere is exactly the same!

However, these are not the key,

Just as the three of them were observing the star, the data in the detector suddenly changed.

At a certain moment, the radiation value increased tenfold.

Moreover, in this star system, multiple gravitational wave sources have appeared.

"Bip! Blop! Blop!"

At this moment, the detector's alarm sounded!

"what happened?"

Li Yue frowned and asked the intelligent system loudly.

How many possibilities are there for these data to change? Why did the smart system directly alarm? !

"The system predicts that there is a 70% chance of a war in the target star system. The data has been reported. Observers are asked not to move and wait for the next instruction!"


Zhao Xu, Li Yue and Xu Tao looked at each other.

Eyes widened,

Who is the other side fighting? ?

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