Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 584 The takeaway has arrived

The information sent back to the home planet by the Creationists is undoubtedly showing off.

Taylor was also the great elder of the previous generation of Destruction Faction.

The final and even subtle reminder of the message,

If the Destruction Faction can no longer survive in the Milky Way, you can consider following their Creation Faction in Andromeda.

This information,

Dino and Horos watched with black lines on their faces.

Such important information,

You said it yourself, it’s a rare encounter.

So you just wrote these words to show off? !

Are you creationists boring or not?

"Based on the size of the canal, scientists speculate that the message was sent three hundred years ago."


Chen Limin read out the time that scientists speculated that the letter was sent.

"Wait, how many?"

"Three hundred years ago?"

Dino raised his eyebrows, showed a strange expression, and asked quickly:

"How big is the territory of the Creationists observed by the detector?"

"Probably limited to one star system."

Mr. Zhu recalled the documents and gave reference data.

"That's not right, they must be in big trouble!"

Dino who got this answer is almost certain!

Creationist people,

We're in big trouble!

Although their Destruction Sect pursues destruction to breed new life, they do not have much claim to territory.

Even if we travel across the galaxy,

The main industries are basically concentrated in Paradise Star.

But the Creationists are completely different.

They have an incomprehensible territorial complex.

Once Deacon is restored and technology no longer stagnates, they will definitely expand their territory rapidly!

But now,

They only have the range of one star system,

That only shows that they are in a lot of trouble!

"In other words, the people from the Creation Sect sent us the 'Daoxi' message three hundred years ago, ambitiously launched their own expansion plan, and then they kept being beaten?"

Horos, who was basically silent the whole time, twitched the corner of his mouth.

Okay, okay,

The Creationists used themselves to give them a big job!

After showing off,

Just keep getting beaten?

Dino also rolled his eyes,

Where's the promise of reviving the engineer civilization?

What about rebuilding the glory of the engineer civilization?

This is how you revive and recast your feelings, right?

"Please Mr. Zhu pay close attention to them, but be sure not to expose the location of this universe."

After thinking for a moment, Dino spoke, and he was ready to put a stop to this matter temporarily.

What to do about the creationist war?

Can’t the opponent still fight?

You can beat me, but you can't die.

What's there to worry about if you can't die?

The Creationists who were able to contain the reincarnation of Deacon and re-develop civilization must be of the same level.

Otherwise, how can we call it a fierce battle?

Since it is a war of the same level,

If you can't win, at least you can still run!

"Well, we'll keep an eye on it."

Mr. Zhu nodded seriously, and at the same time he felt a sense of satisfaction in Dino's heart.

After Dino finished speaking, he took Horos and left.

Nothing to say,

Even if the Creationists are having a miserable life now, so what,

As long as there is no broken vein!

Creationist: Heartbroken, the real heartbreak is not making a fuss...

The war far away in the Andromeda Galaxy,

It is indeed too far away from this universe,

Even if Dino begs for help, Mr. Zhu still has a hard time making a choice.

Fortunately, Dino knew this, so he didn't mention it at all.

This is why Mr. Zhu is very satisfied.

There are some things that you won’t mention and I won’t say. Just keep a tacit understanding.

You have to say it directly,

This makes the atmosphere tense, doesn't it?

Kindness, kindness is the most important thing!

However, what actually happened on Andromeda far exceeded everyone's expectations!

the edge of the galaxy,

This is an area even more barren than the surrounding area of ​​the solar system. Here, because the gravity of the core of the Milky Way has dropped to a minimum, the various star systems are in a scattered state, and the distance between them is so great that it is impossible to travel faster than the speed of light. The point of despair for civilization!

in the void,

As a vortex appeared out of thin air,

A fleet of disc-shaped spaceships shuttled out in an awkward manner and stopped in place.

The fleet spacecraft was severely shattered, with only the flagship in the center still relatively intact, and the armor of the shield ships on the edges was even smashed to pieces. If the compartments hadn't perfectly protected the interior of the ship,

I'm afraid this spaceship has been scrapped long ago!

"We're finally back!"

Among the flagships,

Gro, who was tall, with a tired face and an old look, sat up from the sleeping cabin with his body hunched over, looking at the scene outside the spacecraft, his face full of memories.

"Great Elder, the fleet is seriously damaged and we need to repair it urgently!"

In the communication, anxious voices broke Gro's memories.

"How far can the spaceship travel normally at super-light speed?"

Gro came to his senses and asked calmly.

"Twenty thousand light years!"

"Then continue sailing. It's twenty thousand light years away from the Paradise Star. Half the distance is enough!"


After giving instructions,

Gro's heart was inevitably a little excited, but also a little embarrassing.

Count the time,

The information from three hundred years ago should also be in the hands of those veterans of the Destruction Faction, right?


They had just finished showing off their front legs and had already restored Dickon,

On the back foot, I was beaten back from Andromeda in despair.

This is not a shame,

It’s a shame and a shame!

"Damn Duo Luo civilization, I didn't expect that there is already a hegemon-level civilization in the core of Andromeda. I made a mistake and was targeted by the other party. I even used the move 'Golden Cicada Escapes'. Otherwise, I really need to explain where it is." !”

Thinking of what happened in Andromeda,

Gro's face turned blue;

I just feel endless humiliation.

When they integrate the power of the Destruction Faction in the galaxy, one day they will go to Andromeda to regain their place!

At that time,

Drive that damn Tuara civilization out of Andromeda,

To avenge today!

"Anyway, Dickon's sample has been preserved. My old friends, are you still here on Paradise Star?"

Thinking of when I was young,

During those years of living on Paradise Star, those Destructionist friends I met,

A smile appeared on the corner of Gro's mouth unconsciously.

They are lucky,

Although most of the population was lost when escaping from Andromeda, at least they were going home!

After recalling those green years, Gro and the crew re-entered sleep mode.

The spaceship restarts,

Rapidly traveling through the galaxies they are familiar with.

This universe, Node Island,

Mr. Zhu, who had been thinking about the Creationist researchers for a while, knew that it was unrealistic to fish for people from Andromeda, so he had to give up.

He sat for a while, working on the documents in his hands.

Before long,


Suddenly he sneezed, and then there was a knock on his office door.

"Please come in!"

"Mr. Zhu, the takeaway you ordered has arrived. I went to the cafeteria to pick it up myself. Please rest for a while first. Don't be too tired!"

At the door, Zhao Guangyao made a joke,

He raised the lunch box in his hand and strode into the office.


The takeaway has arrived!

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