Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 586 It has nothing to do with me!

"What, you intercepted the fleet of Creationist engineers?"

Dino and Horos rushed to the space gate of the alien world and were shocked when they heard the news.

Didn’t it mean that the Creationists were fighting people in Andromeda?

Why did he suddenly come to the Milky Way again!


It didn't take long. Not even half a month had passed since I received the other party's message.

Half a month,

More than 2.1 million light years,

How is this possible? !

"This is the situation. The fleet was intercepted by the Earth's wandering fleet. After discovering that it was an engineer, they quickly informed us."

Mr. Zhu briefly explained a few words,

Then he quickly led the way, and even Fang Jing followed curiously into the alien world space gate.

"According to observations, the condition of the Creationist fleet is very bad. There are more than thirty ships in total, and there is only one relatively complete ship. Judging from the damage to the hull, it should have been penetrated by some kind of energy weapon."

While walking, Mr. Zhu supplemented the information he knew to several people.

And upon hearing this news,

Dino frowned and suddenly added:

"There are more than thirty spaceships. The people on this ship are the elites of the Creation Sect. They were almost the same number when they left."

"It seems that they encountered a strong enemy and ran away."

When it came to the number of spaceships, Dino roughly understood the situation of his own kind.

There is a high probability that I will not be able to survive in Andromeda.

So what if you escape back with your family fortune and prepare to make a comeback?

Pass through the space door,

Dino glanced at the dome of the space gate base and the giant shuttle-like spaceship, and sighed:


You come to your brother,

Brother now just wants to drag you into a trap!

"Well, there must be some Hibernators that I know on the Creationist side. We can just form a laboratory!"

Dino is already making an abacus in his mind.

237 Laboratory stipulates that there must be scientists from this universe. This cannot be omitted.

But those Transformers who are huge and have thick hands and feet,

You must get out of his laboratory!

It's these Transformers that make the measuring instruments in their laboratory inconsistent in size. Dino has been putting up with this for a long time!

Ahem, of course it doesn’t mean that they all get out, they can have a seat in the experimental area!

Just when Dino was planning in his mind,

Mr. Zhu has already brought them to the command room.

"Dino, Horos, as engineers of the Destruction Faction, you will be responsible for negotiating with the other party later. If you can win over them, do your best to win over them."

Nodding, Mr. Zhu announced that it was time to begin.


The giant screen holographic projection in the command room was turned on.

Throughout the room, a fleet of disc-shaped spaceships appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

This fleet is in very bad condition. Most of the hulls have been severely bombarded, and some have even had their partitions knocked out.

This is the creation faction’s fleet!

Opposite them, the human cone-shaped fleet was arranged in a battle formation. Their military appearance was neat and tidy. They leaned behind various giant meteorite bunkers and quietly pointed their guns at the opponent.

The two fleets faced each other in the air, with both sides' energy shields turned to maximum power!

However, when Dino saw the opponent's shabby fleet, the corner of his mouth twitched.


The quality of the spaceship of the Creation Sect is unbelievable!

A round of random shots,

A large number of this fleet will have to be scrapped!

He thought that the reason why the Creation Sect could persist until now was because they believed that the Destruction Sect would help.

Well, we're going to help!

"What is going on? The number of fleets of this human civilization is still increasing. There are already more than a hundred ships!"

Gro, who was awakened from his sleep,

Wiping the non-existent cold sweat on his head, he looked confused.

At the same time, he was still a little angry and cursed in his heart:

"What do the people of the Destruction Sect do for food? Are they dead?"

Even if you are no longer the overlord of the galaxy,

Seeing that we are surrounded, at least come and help!

What the hell,

Their spaceship was not in good condition to begin with, but it ended up being one against three?


We fight the human fleet?

Will you win...?

"Great Elder, the isolation layer of the No. 16 ship has been damaged, and the damage control is being repaired, but now..."

Just when Gro thought things couldn't get any worse,

Reality always told him, well, this thing could be even worse!

The fight hasn't started yet,

Their spaceship had already begun to explode.

"Repair it. Repair it immediately. Don't let the damage to the partition wall endanger the inner cabin. The priority is to ensure the safety of the occupants inside!"

Clenching his fists, Grotto gritted his teeth, feeling an indescribable humiliation in his heart.

They might as well have died in the Andromeda War!

"Yes, in addition, Great Elder, the human fleet has released goodwill towards us... Wait, there is something new!"

Just as he was talking,

The holographic image in front of Gro changed suddenly.

At the edge of the so-called human fleet, another fleet appeared out of thin air.

That's right, it's just out of thin air!

"Space jump?!"

At this time, Grotto was not calm at all.

Good guy,

This human civilization has even developed space jump technology?

You know,

Their engineer civilization has dominated the Milky Way for tens of thousands of years, and this thing is still only theoretically valid.

And it has only been three thousand years since the Creationists left the Milky Way.

Wait... human civilization?

Gero finally remembered something and asked again in disbelief:

"Information officer, you said the fleet on the other side is human civilization?"

"Uh... Great Elder, that's right."

The information officer on the other side was also confused at this moment.

Is the Great Elder confused? The first sentence he said when he met the other side was that this is the human territory. Have you forgotten?

"No, human, human, I seem to have heard somewhere that the Destructionists, Heaven Star, right!"

Gero remembered that

Humans, the humans in this world's Milky Way, are the products of the Destructionists' restoration and creation!

Three thousand years ago,

He had heard an elder of the Destructionists mention it!

"What about now?"

Looking at the huge fleet that was majestic and majestic across the space, and the fleet that appeared directly through the space,

Gero understood, completely understood.

The Destructionists are playing with it!

This is fucking ridiculous.

Including the time the Destroyers guided us,

the human race has only been around for 10,000 years at most.

In 10,000 years, they have surpassed the engineers’ technology!

Gero took a deep breath.

What the hell!

Just by using space jump, he knew the result!

"Grand Elder, the human fleet is requesting a communication!"


Gero was a little worried at this moment. Would the other side be angry with them because of the Destroyers?

With the other side's strength, they must know the situation of the Destroyers.

They also know that the Destroyers once wanted to use black water to destroy humans in order to recreate Kendi.


the other side's friendliness is really friendly, right?

The communication was connected.

Gero spoke up to clear the relationship with lightning speed:

"What the Destroyers did to you humans has nothing to do with us!"

After the words fell,

there was silence. The other side of the communication remained silent.

Gero raised his head slightly and his eyes widened.

He saw an "engineer" looking at him with a "nuclear-kind" smile!

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