Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 59 Declaration of War!

"Move quickly!"

Plastic English came from behind.

Carl Thomas raised his hands high and, escorted by soldiers, walked out of the island of the USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier and came to the deck.

His eyes were gray and he looked around at the empty deck.

There were densely packed helicopters parked all around.

Unfortunately, these planes do not belong to them, but to the great Eastern countries.

Now, the aircraft carrier is completely in the hands of the enemy.

"Climb, climb up! Hurry up!"

Suddenly, a neat sound in the distance attracted his attention.

Karl looked up and saw a scene that made him even more desperate.

On the aircraft carrier's island, several Chinese soldiers wearing navy "Smurf" camouflage quickly climbed onto the island.

The few of them cooperated and soon arrived at the place where the flag was hung.

The leading soldier tore down the American stars and stripes flag and threw it into the sea like trash.

Then, a bright red five-star red flag was solemnly hoisted.

The red flag stretches in the wind, which is particularly beautiful.

At this point, all personnel on the USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier, except those who resisted and were killed, have been captured!

When Karl saw the scene in front of him, the last line of defense in his heart was finally defeated.

He suddenly collapsed to the ground, his eyes blank.

All around were American soldiers squatting on the ground in fear with their hands on their heads.

Their expressions were panicked, and their strong bodies and fearful expressions formed a sharp contrast.

At this moment, Karl seemed to see something in his blurry eyes.

It's like the Stars and Stripes were dropped.

On this earth, their country, the great America, is about to be knocked off the altar!

"Captain Carl!"

In the corner, Karl's loyal deputy saw Karl lying on the ground, immediately stood up and rushed over.

"Be honest with me!"

The soldier guarding him roared angrily, pointed at him, and said stutteringly:

"Yuo Don't mov... Damn it, these birdsong are annoying the most. Squat down for me!"

But our people will not tolerate him.

The soldier went up and hit the deputy on the back of the head with the butt of his rifle, knocking him to the ground.

As soon as the cane was lifted off, the American soldier who was being held in custody suddenly regained his composure with his somewhat unconvinced eyes.

Completely clear.

Along with this, people began to cooperate.

This reduces a lot of trouble in the subsequent transfer work.

China and the United States are at war in the South China Sea!

This news instantly topped any list around the world!

The whole world instantly focused its attention here.

However, since these two major countries are fighting each other, satellites in space will be interfered with as long as they fly through this area.

Therefore, until now, the situation on the front line is still a mystery.

Only the nearby fishermen recorded the violent explosion from a long distance away.

Everyone is waiting anxiously.

Because this war will determine who is in charge of all of East Asia and even the entire earth in the future!

Will the United States continue to win the title, and the Angsa main body will continue to suck the blood of the world; or will the great Eastern country rise slowly and become the new sun of the world?

Perhaps, some clues can be seen from this war.

Inside the great eastern country, it is surprisingly quiet now, and everyone knows that it is really starting.

Therefore, everyone is waiting for the final results.

Is it victory or defeat?

Along the Zhanjiang River, there is a 25-story residential building.

Jiang Ming simply moved his computer desk to the balcony of the living room, facing the blue sea.

"Why is there no news yet? We must win!"

What the two major countries are doing in the South China Sea has already gone viral.

As an old military fan, he pays special attention to this matter.

I wish I could become a satellite and fly over the battlefield to have a look. What the hell is going on!

"The air defense troops on the shore haven't moved, so the situation should be okay!"

Holding the binoculars, Jiang Ming breathed a sigh of relief when he noticed that the shore defense troops on the shore were not too nervous.


Suddenly, on the distant sea, a shrill whistle sounded.

Jiang Ming woke up suddenly.

Isn't this a Chinese whistle? !

Could it be that the enemy has crossed the coast?

Picking up the telescope in panic, Jiang Ming held his breath and did not dare to think further.

On the horizon, the majestic steel behemoth showed its heroic appearance. It was all gray and white, with tall masts and a huge runway deck as big as three football fields. It was slowly heading towards Zhanjiang River.

This scene is undoubtedly extremely shocking.

For a moment, Jiang Ming even forgot to explore what was unreasonable, and felt only deep fear in his heart.

"This is, this is the USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier, he, how did he come to Zhanjiang?!"

"Did we lose?"

With great fear in his heart, Jiang Ming rushed to the balcony desperately, stretched out his head, and tried to get closer to see what was going on.

"Hey, Lao Jiang, is this our ship?"

The neighbor next door also stretched his head out of the balcony and was watching. When he saw Jiang Ming, he scratched his head.

"This is not our ship!"

Jiang Ming was a little panicked. This guy was going to hit their boat!

Does the person next door have presbyopia?

"Isn't it? But it's our flag, and why are so many people on the ship squatting with their heads in their hands?"

The neighbor next door was confused. Oh, isn't it? I don't quite understand.


Jiang Ming was stunned for a moment, and was shocked. He quickly picked up the telescope and observed it in detail.

This time, he looked very carefully.

Because the ship was very close, the bright five-star red flag on the island was particularly bright under the sun.

"It's really our flag!"

Jiang Ming was secretly surprised.

I was so busy looking at the ship that I even forgot these details!

He held the telescope tightly with both hands, stretched his head, and suddenly curled his mouth and laughed wantonly:

"It's a prisoner. All the people on the deck are prisoners of the US military!"

Put down the telescope in surprise.

Jiang Ming quickly checked the time.

Two hours!

It was only two hours, and the US aircraft carrier was captured alive and transported back to the port.

At this time, Jiang Ming had two bold guesses.

They may have won!

This guess came to him after seeing the scene in front of him.

Moreover, he had a strong premonition that this was true!

Five o'clock in the afternoon.

The spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs solemnly walked to the front desk.

His face remained serious, but his eyes were obviously full of joy.

The reporters around him were all glowing green, frantically asking questions such as whether there was a war in the South China Sea and what the situation was.

The spokesman gently pressed his hand, raised his head, faced the media around the world seriously, and said in a resounding voice:

"The US authorities gathered South Korea and Lipbon to attack our military aircraft at 2:25 pm today, and sent a total of 120 ships of the joint fleet to launch a surprise attack on our fleet. We passively defended ourselves."

"Now, our army has defeated the enemy. The specific war damage information will be made public after the statistics are completed."

"In the face of the malicious war invasion by the US authorities, South Korea and Lipbon, now, I solemnly declare that the whole country has entered a state of war-"

After speaking, the spokesman paused, his voice was sonorous and firm, and his eyes were indifferent:

"And, officially declare war on the three countries!"

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