Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 605: Ice and Snow World

The strange energy is the silver-white energy needed in the prompt!

At the moment when Fang Jing fainted,

Horos, Skyfire, and the expert team from this universe all exclaimed!

In particular, the members of the expert team all made sharp explosions from their mouths. In order to celebrate, an old man even jumped two feet high.

When I fell, I almost broke my bones!

After several months of trial and error, boring experiments, and lots of stress, I finally succeeded!

"Fang Jing is in good health and has no problems!"

After Sun Wang and Zhou Yuan put Fang Jing into the medical cabin, after inspection, Sun Wang came to a conclusion.

Until here,

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief again.

This matter has finally come to an end.

They can't stay for a moment, they are about to go to a new world and start a new journey!

"It's really strange energy. It's hard to imagine what strange things will appear in the next world."

After putting away the condensed strange energy and closing the air-locking box, Horos curled his lips.

What he wants is cannons and giant ships; what he wants is the fleets arranging their postures on the endless battlefield in the vast space, with a stern look, and what they want; what they want is the inextricable excitement of bombarding each other; what they want is war and conquest, and the enemy's begging for mercy. Bring the blood!

Instead of the weirdness and mystery now.

As a member of the Destruction Faction, Horos is actually a militant at heart.

And I especially like to fight the kind of war where the enemy can resist, but the resistance is fruitless!

"Don't think about it, it's probably just weird. The hot-blooded space battle you want can't be encountered at all; and even if you encounter an enemy fleet, this universe will fight it. If you are strong, you can avoid it and retain your combat power. If you are weak, you can detect it. The effect of charge and annihilation.”

After Zhou Yuan finished his work, he looked back at Horos and grinned.

He understands Horos’s thoughts!

Because he and Horos are the same kind of people!

They are all the type who like big guns and big ships, and are passionate about fighting against each other!

But just think about this situation,

After all, if they fight against each other, it means that this universe is really in trouble.

That would also mean that Zhou Yuan would sacrifice a large number of his comrades.

Life is very precious, which is an important reason why this universe has always followed the Gou Daoliu fighting method.

Mr. Zhu couldn't bear to part with his own soldiers!

"Also, with the caution of this universe, the new world will definitely not be able to fight a large-scale space battle! I'd better find some time to play video games and experience it!"

Horos smacked his lips. This is good. The human soldiers in the base are all very good young men.

They are all so familiar, and he doesn't want to lose two of them one day.

"Hey, with your skills, I can hit you with electricity!"

Horos was sighing with emotion, but Zhou Yuan did not give him this face at all and directly exposed his shortcomings.

Who would have thought,

Horos, who can drive a super-light spacecraft very smoothly, is actually a novice at video games!

Even Fang Jing can beat him up!


Thinking of this, Zhou Yuan's smile couldn't help but feel a bit "sarcastic".


In response, Horos rolled his eyes and said,

If you can't beat me, just pick off the wires, then who can beat you?

Next time I dare to pick up the wires,

Let’s see if Fang Jing and I don’t stuff your head into the computer!

Let’s see the cost of cheating!

In the familiar dark space of consciousness,

Fang Jing opened his eyes and cast his familiar gaze on the mysterious machine in the center.

On the extreme branches,

The big white spot has been dyed red at this moment. I slowly penetrated my consciousness into the red spot.


The scene around Fang Jing suddenly changed.


The violent storm and snow were howling around us, and as far as the eye could see, the surrounding area of ​​Fangjing turned into a blanket of white!

He seemed to be on a snowfield,

There is a vast expanse of white everywhere in front of you.

Snow is falling from the sky, and the wind is blowing hard with frost. The ground is covered with thick ice, and when you step on it, there is a layer of snow that reaches your knees.

He came to a world of ice and snow!

At this point, the scene around Fang Jing suddenly shattered,

In reality, in the disinfection room No. 10, he suddenly opened his eyes!

That’s it for the tips!

A world of ice and snow? !

Where is this new world?

This universe, Mars node island, underground part,

In the expert group seminar room,

Tan Wei already had some bald hair, but just now he lost a few more hairs.

He supported his chin with his hand, his face full of thought, and whispered in a low voice:

"Everything you see is ice and snow. What kind of world is this? There are many worlds that meet this condition!"

ice and snow,

Fang Jing was able to determine that it was ice and snow formed by condensation of water vapor, and not something else.

There are countless works that meet this condition alone.

On Siberia, Antarctica, and Arctic islands...

There are also many locations,

Not only Tan Wei, but also artificial intelligence was blinded by this too general reminder.

"It's not yet certain what the new world will be."

Zhao Guangyao was on the side, collecting information from all the scholars and reporting it to Mr. Zhu with some helplessness.

"Yeah, I understand."

Mr. Zhu nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

He just looked at Fang Jing.

"Of course I want to go!"

Fang Jing, who already had a tacit understanding with the main personnel of Project 237, saw Mr. Zhu staring at him and knew that the other party wanted to ask for his opinion.

What opinion can Fang Jing have?

Of course I rushed!

"Okay, let the logistics team prepare. It just so happens that strange energy is about to be mass-produced, and your defense should be strengthened."

Mr. Zhu nodded,

His answer to Fang Jing was not unexpected, but even if he knew how Fang Jing would answer, he still had to ask seriously.

This is a kind of respect!

"Horos, Tianhuo, you lead the scientific research team to take full responsibility for this matter!"


Horos and Skyfire took command.

Fang Jing himself has the ability of the pseudo-trinity, coupled with the mimic armor and the star source energy in it,

This configuration,

He is simply a living star battleship!

Although it is a low-end version, the protection is also fully maxed out!


For his safety, the only thing this universe needs to do is to maximize his mental resistance!

In this way, physical resistance plus mental resistance,

Mr. Zhu can completely rest assured about his safety in the new world!

As for other things,

Mr. Zhu doesn’t need to give any more instructions.

After experiencing 10 worlds, Project 237 only needs to be handled according to the plan. The action team and logistics team have rich experience, and they will handle all security issues.

Guaranteed, Fang Jing’s logistical problems in this new world exploration!

"In this case, everyone should get in position immediately. The exploration of the new world is also very important. At the same time, the surface world of the black hole must be monitored more. It will be very busy during this period, so it will be a lot of trouble for everyone!"

Mr. Zhu was very kind and his words made everyone feel comfortable.

The new world is important, and the surface world of black holes is also important,

In this case,

Then do it,

This amount of work is not a problem for people like them!

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