Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 611: Full of sincerity

Fang Jing and Hou Zhongyun's hands were firmly held together.

For this reason, he also specially removed the mimic armor on his body and exposed his hands.

In this way, it can be said to be full of sincerity.

However, this action seemed sincere in Fang Jing's eyes, but not in Hou Zhongyun's eyes.

Simply horrified!

"This, this!"

Feeling such a real touch in my own hands,

He looked carefully at Fang Jing's exposed hand.

Hou Zhongyun wondered if he was dazzled?

Did he just see that the metal armor on the hand of this visitor from another world turned into particles and then disappeared?

Is that fake?

His head turned stiffly,

As a result, the correspondent next to him also looked like he had seen a ghost.

Seeing this scene, Hou Zhongyun understood that this was true! What he saw just now was true!

"General Hou, let's find a conference room to talk in detail!"

Fang Jing saw Hou Zhongyun's shock. He politely withdrew his hand, and the silver-white metal particles came out again and assembled into a complete mechanical arm.

"Oh, okay, please come with me!"

Seeing this magical scene again, Hou Zhongyun took a deep breath, with uncontrollable excitement in his eyes.

Although I can't understand how the other party did it,

But he could clearly see that this was a kind of heavy armor worn on a human body, similar to armor!

This is an advanced technology far ahead of this era!

Thinking about the other party’s identity again,

The excitement in Hou Zhongyun's mind was almost uncontrollable.

If you can get some technology,

The Republic will usher in earth-shaking changes!

Because of this, Hou Zhongyun's attitude quietly changed.

He became more eager!


This is because Fang Jing doesn’t know what the other person is thinking.

If it really became clear, he would just throw his head back and laugh.

A little bit of technology, General Hou is too timid, too timid!

How can this universe only provide a little bit of technology wherever it goes?

They have only two purposes for crossing over!

If the technology is stronger than this universe, then cooperate; if the technology is weaker than this universe, then support!


This big Eastern country in the 1980s will ride on the fastest technological fast track in history, going straight into the interstellar era from the time when wired telephones were not very popular!

Following Hou Zhongyun with an excited expression on his face,

The corners of Fang Jing's mouth raised high,

When we arrived at the conference room, General Hou might not even be able to see the surprise he wanted!

The conference room Hou Zhongyun chose was the deepest one in the 677 laboratory. At this time, several correspondents had already picked up paper and pen and were preparing to act as temporary record-keepers.

"Colonel Fang, please sit down!"

Hou Zhongyun stretched out his hand... and pointed at the solid marble that was finally moved by the soldiers!

Well, marble is just right for the size of Fang Jing's Mimic Armor.

It can only be said that Hou Zhongyun was so well prepared that he even considered the issue of body shape!

Fang Jing was not polite and sat directly on the black marble.

"Now please tell me about your so-called parallel universe?"

Hou Zhongyun asked the guard to close the door. After sitting down, he looked at Fang Jing with interest.

Judging from the armor on Fang Jing's body, this so-called parallel universe will definitely not be simple!

"Then let me introduce you first!"

Fang Jing took a deep breath, looked into Hou Zhongyun's eyes, and slowly introduced the situation of this universe:

"Our world has entered the interstellar age. Super-light navigation and space jump technology have expanded our territory to within a thousand light-years with the solar system as the core."


"Our civilization is highly developed, and simple labor has been completely replaced by machines. We have transformed Mars and Alpha Centauri b into a habitable planet. The total population has now reached nearly three billion."

"What's more important is!"

After a brief introduction, Fang Jing curled his lips and said words that made Hou Zhongyun's breath choke and haunt him in his dreams:

"This entire territory is controlled by us, the great Eastern country!"


After listening to Fang Jing’s introduction,

Hou Zhongyun took a deep breath and recalled the scenes in this universe in his mind.

A great country spanning a thousand light years,

The productive forces in the country are highly developed and have even reached the form of a perfect utopia. The people live and work in peace and contentment without having to worry about life and enjoy this prosperous life.

What a beautiful world this is!

Hou Zhongyun was a little dazed for a while.

He thought of this place, their world,

He remembered the desire of himself and his comrades to build their great eastern country into a nearly perfect form like the parallel universe.

"It's so enviable, Colonel Fang, I mean, your world is so beautiful!"

With a sigh, Hou Zhongyun imagined that beautiful world in his mind. As a comparison, he immediately informed Fang Jing of the general situation of their world.

Fang Jing is now highly concentrated,

This is what he has been waiting for!

Your chance to find out what kind of world this is is now!


Hou Zhongyun told about the situation of their world in great detail, and Fang Jing listened very carefully.

But until I finish listening,

Fang Jing was confused!

The reason is,

He didn't hear anything wrong with the world at all!

The history and situation of this world are exactly the same as those of the 1980s in this universe. The red power in the north and Lao Mi are confronting each other, and the eastern power is caught between the two forces. The world is at the peak of the Cold War.


The names of each country are correct, and the level of scientific and technological development is not outstanding.

How do you see it? It’s normal!


It wasn't until this moment that Fang Jing realized that he was in trouble!

He couldn't be sure at all, what kind of world was this?


Is this a real, ordinary parallel universe?

Fang Jing was confused.

Even intelligent systems are confused.

If this were the environment of the 21st century, an invasion of the intelligent system would be able to detect the situation around the world.

But this happened to be an environment in the 1980s,

The intelligent system wants to explore the data, but there is no place to scan it!

In this world, technology is so backward that even intelligent systems are helpless!

Simply invincible!

"Any questions?"

Hou Zhongyun looked at Fang Jing, who was silent for a long time after listening, feeling a little embarrassed.

Maybe we in the parallel universe are too weak?

"The problem is a bit big!"

Fang Jing smiled bitterly,

Even if I come into contact with the great Eastern countries, I still can’t figure out what kind of world this is.

Then there will be some trouble!


Several question marks appeared in Hou Zhongyun's mind.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. Let's talk about the alliance's problems first. Please take a look!"

Fang Jing temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart and smiled at Hou Zhongyun.

A beam of light shot out from the mechanical eyes of the mimic armor, projecting an agreement in the air.

"Is this... an agreement?"

Hou Zhongyun was first surprised by Fang Jing's methods. After seeing the contents of the agreement, his pupils shrank suddenly:

"Is this true?!!!"

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