Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 614 When a computer is connected to a signal that does not exist...

in the conference room,

Fang Jing laughed loudly and planned his vision for the future.

In the future, scientists from Hou Zhongyun’s side will

It is to be directly grafted into the scientific research system of this universe.

In other words, they have to learn the most advanced knowledge directly!

Bring them all back to me and rebuild them!

And the big eastern country here will also use controllable nuclear fusion as a node, jump several times in a row, and directly start the fourth energy revolution and enter the real era of electric energy!

This can be said to be a direct improvement in technology!

"The start of controllable nuclear fusion?!"

All the scientists present took a deep breath.

It’s reasonable not to suck in the cold air!

Controllable nuclear fusion!

They also know that the cutting-edge basic science of the northern powers, Laomi and Europe is said to have taken different routes, but the "Tokamak" of the northern powers is currently the most advanced.

But this state-of-the-art technology is actually still a long way from being a complete success!


A gift package for beginners in this universe includes the full set of technology for this thing, as well as the construction of related production lines?

This is not as simple as taking a breath,

The faces of the nuclear physicists present turned red with excitement!

"This is just the beginning, just like my armor, guess what the energy source is?"

Seeing the scene where many old people were exclaiming, Fang Jing also became playful.

This is a big Eastern country in the 1980s!

Just like showing off the achievements of the younger generation to the seniors,

Although there are differences, there is still a little bit of this mentality!

"Is the armor the legendary controllable nuclear fusion?"

The white-haired nuclear physicist stared at the mimic armor on Fang Jing's body, his whole eyes shining.

That is the technological frontier that the whole world is chasing!

The finished product was placed in front of him like this, how could he hold himself back!


As a result, Fang Jing smiled slightly and gave a negative answer.


These words made everyone present feel a little disappointed.

But just as the disappointment arose, he was completely kicked away by Fang Jing's sudden words.

Fang Jing smiled and introduced solemnly:

"The energy of an entire star is trapped inside my armor! This is a rougher way to use energy than controlled nuclear fusion, but it is undoubtedly more efficient!"

That's right, absorbing the star source is equivalent to imprisoning an entire star.

After hearing Fang Jing’s introduction,

Everyone present was stunned.

If controllable nuclear fusion is still within the scope of their understanding,

Then confining the star's energy is completely beyond the scope of their knowledge.

On the contrary,

There are some things that you don’t need to understand,

Just hearing about it was enough to shock them!

Therefore, they have a powerful basic impression of this universe in their hearts.

At the same time, at this moment,

The guard knocked on the door of the conference room. He walked to Hou Zhongyun a little apologetically and whispered:

"The materials have been delivered!"

Fang Jing heard clearly,

Hearing this, he let out a long breath.

The materials have been delivered, so it's time to start taking action.

Ice and snow world?

Antarctica, Arctic, plateau?

He carefully explored each one, not afraid that he would not be able to find them.

The secrets of this world will always be revealed!


The former site of the University of Pennsylvania, the "Internet" research center in cooperation with the military,

Researcher Sally stood on the podium,

Under this special classroom, the people sitting were not university students, but soldiers in uniform. They looked seriously and quietly looked at the various equipment piled up on the podium.

"With the continuous rollout of network systems, the multi-service joint command system has begun to take effect. Even in California, our network direct-point satellite has been successfully tested. From here to the Middle East, networked computers allow our navy and air force to The coordination of joint strike capabilities has reached an unprecedented level!”

Sally's tone was excited, and he cheered loudly:

"We are confident that within eight years, a unified networked data link will be established across the entire military, and our military will become the strongest information-based force in the world!"

"With high efficiency, precision, and joint cooperation among the three armed forces, we will lead the war in the new era!"

After speaking, Sally opened his hands and let out a cheer,

This cheer seems to be calling for the arrival of a new era, cheering that their army will climb to a higher level!

"Snap, snap, snap!"

Below, many soldiers were silent for a while, then stood up suddenly, clapped their hands together and clapped desperately.

The class ended soon,

Soldiers from the three armies surrounded Sally, trying desperately to understand the situation of the network and the joint command system.

Sally also talked about the rise. He excitedly introduced the content and functions of the Internet to everyone.

Even until the end,

Still surrounded by everyone, he walked towards the open laboratory.

"Let's go take a look. There is an abandoned computer that we used for network experiments in the university. Although it can no longer be connected, I can better show it to you if I have a real thing!"

Smiling, he led everyone into a laboratory.

In the room, a huge computer occupies the entire room, and dense pipelines are laid on the floor, giving it a sense of chaos and order.

But even in this mess, there are technologies that can change the world and every aspect of everyone's lives!

These are the first networked computers tested in the United States!

What is condensed above is the wisdom of this era, the wisdom about information technology!

"Through signal connections, we can exchange information on several nodes. The information from the satellites, outpost nodes, and command centers is highly unified. During the war, we can rely on networked terminals to monitor the situation ahead in real time!"


The first is logistics, the second is information,

Whoever has stronger logistics and whose frontline information processing and response are more timely and accurate will be able to gain the advantage on the battlefield.

Sally stretched out his hand and powered on the abandoned networked computer, then raised his head proudly.

He firmly believes that

This new project will change the shape of future wars!

"Wait a minute, Dr. Sally, didn't you say that this machine has been abandoned and cannot be connected to the Internet? But why... is it still receiving information?"

Just when Sally was thinking about the future in her mind,

The military students below showed surprise on their faces. They pointed at the computer behind Sally, very confused.

"What...receiving information?"

Sally frowned and said displeasedly:

"This is impossible. I personally cut off the network signal. This machine only retains the function of satellite wireless network connection, but the wireless network satellite in space has fallen into the Pacific Ocean..."

As he spoke, Sally turned around,

In the end, before he finished speaking, he froze on the spot.

What did he see?

That computer is automatically writing some kind of network signal!

How is it possible?

In the entire world, the United States has the most developed Internet technology. Regional networks have appeared in various universities and scientific research institutions. Apart from this, the ghost of the Internet has not yet been seen in other parts of the world.

This signal cannot be from the United States.

But who else could it be if it wasn’t from the United States?

Could it be...

"Really a ghost, ghost signal???"

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