Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 625: Isn’t Antarctica a wilderness?

On the edge of Antarctica, in a transport plane,

The ace airborne troops of the United States were awakened by the cold wind that was rushing in crazily.

Are you really going to jump like this?

The ground is a vast white world, and the ice cap is an unknown number of meters thick.

If they really fall on it, they won't even be able to get any supplies and will have to rely on themselves!

"Jump, I don't want to be called a deserter!"

A middle-aged soldier standing at the front of the cabin took a deep breath, his eyes were extremely firm, and he clenched his fists again and again.

"There is no altitude information, no target identification, no ground information, and no meteorological information. Anyone who dares to airborne in this situation is either a great warrior who is not afraid of death, or he is crazy!"

With an angry shout, the middle-aged soldier smiled bitterly and murmured in a low voice:

"I hope that the value of our airborne landing can be called warriors because of our achievements..."


Looking back now, we are just a bunch of lunatics who have been fooled!

He didn't say this last sentence,

After silently cursing in his mind, he stood in the skydiving preparation area.

bring it on,

Antarctic wind, I am not afraid of you!

I will conquer you with my airborne pride and unyielding will!

Taking a deep breath, pulling down his sunglasses and putting on his helmet, the middle-aged soldier was ready to jump!

But at this moment,

The other soldiers in the cabin who were making psychological preparations suddenly let out an exclamation. Their pupils shrank sharply, pointing to a place outside the cabin door, and exclaimed:

"Oh my God, what is that?!"

"It seems like a UFO?"

"Is it a transport plane from a certain alliance? It's so big!"

"If any transport plane is in the shape of a shuttle, it couldn't be an alien spacecraft!"


It turned out that it was far away on the side of the plane,

A battleship in the shape of a long shuttle, painted black, with a simple shape and a modern style, lies across the sky.

It just floated there quietly, without any trace of an engine or conventional engine.

The airborne troops speculated based on distance and experience,

That strange aircraft is at least bigger than their aircraft carrier!

In the cab,

Captain Mars also widened his eyes. He stared at the aircraft with astonishment.

So big

How did it fly? ?

"Captain, there's turbulence and convection!"

Just at this moment, the co-pilot suddenly exclaimed,

The convection came so quickly that Mars didn't even react, and the plane suddenly shook violently.

Moreover, a strange radio wave signal also came over, but it made him feel extremely ridiculous.

"Zizzizi - this is the space force of the great Eastern country. The sky over Antarctica has been banned. Please return immediately!"

! !

Hearing this signal,

Mars' eyes almost popped out of his head.

Great Eastern country, space force!

Is that strange aircraft actually a space battleship?

A flash of understanding flashed in Mars's eyes, and then without any hesitation, he immediately took the phone and responded decisively:

"We have received the information and are returning. We are returning."

It’s okay not to be a coward!

Just in terms of body shape,

What the other party is floating in the sky is a steel castle!

If you are disobedient, are you going to hedge against the other party?

He is a small transport plane, so hit him with his head!

After completing the reply, he immediately broadcast to the entire phone, wiped his cold sweat and said:

"Airborne troops, the airborne mission is temporarily pending, and the cabin will be closed!"

After saying that, he directly pressed the close button.

In the cabin, the commander of the airborne troops opened his mouth wide when he heard the sound of the radio. He turned to look at the people who had just jumped off, with a panic look on his face.

Captain, are you fucking kidding us? !

Why is it suddenly pending again!

Several of his people jumped down!

The soldier who walked to the cabin door and was about to jump down, with a determined look on his face, felt as if he had been granted amnesty when he heard the announcement.

Of course, he looked at the "seniors" who were already falling,

There was also a look of joy and admiration on his face.

The commander angrily connected to the communication and asked the captain:

"Wait, to be determined, four of our people have jumped! What is going on?!"

"I've already closed the hatch. If you keep jumping, we'll all get into trouble if you keep jumping. I saw that the aircraft is not there. It's used to close the air!"

The captain's tone at this time was not very good either.

After a perfunctory sentence, the communication was immediately cut off.

No one can disturb his escape!


"Forbidden air?"

The airborne commander took a deep breath and understood what the captain meant.

That thing is too big, and its appearance is made of steel. At first glance, it is not something to be trifled with.

He left now to save everyone's lives, and he couldn't fault it. After all, no one would have trouble with his life.

It's just a pity...

The four soldiers jumping in front.

Well, actually there were only three people who took the initiative to jump.

The first one was when he was jolted by the convection current, his feet slipped and he fell down!

Time goes back to one minute ago,

The middle-aged soldier stood in the preparation area, took a deep breath, and prepared himself with some anger towards the politicians who thoughtlessly ordered them to parachute into Antarctica.


For some reason, the plane shook violently at this moment.

Standing in the pre-jump area, he just slipped.

"FXXK!" shouted,

Fell directly from the cabin deck!

This guy was a pure unlucky guy.

The three others followed him and jumped down because they were emboldened by him.

It was the herd effect!

As long as the first person jumped,

the last line of defense in their hearts collapsed, and they were not afraid anymore because of their momentum.

But no matter what,

whether they jumped by themselves or were thrown down,

they got down and it was an established fact!

In this regard,

the captain and the commander could only pray for them silently in their hearts,

hoping that these four people would have good luck!

Especially the unlucky soldier!

Here, the plane slipped away quickly,

but on the battleship floating in the air in the distance, the people in the command room were stunned.

"Damn, there are still some brave men in the US military in this era!"

In the command room,

on the holographic projection,

four small dots are falling rapidly.

Facing the biting cold wind over Antarctica, these four people are desperately resisting, using their will to resist the strong wind that is like a knife shaving their faces.

And this strong wind is the first of many hardships they will face!

When to open the parachute,

after landing successfully, how to survive in Antarctica,

the people of this universe in the cockpit of the ship are not optimistic about these people.

Although the airborne troops usually focus on training wilderness survival and lurking skills,

they are sure that no one will teach them how to survive in Antarctica!

The people of this universe guessed that

those old American politicians,

probably saw that the airborne soldiers had wilderness survival skills,

so they naturally thought that

they would definitely survive in Antarctica!

After all,

Antarctica is also a serious "wilderness"!

You can't say that Antarctica is not a wilderness!

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