High in the sky,

The pilots of the "Sun Bird" spacecraft, who were responsible for intimidating and driving away fleets from all over the world, never expected that,

They just showed up,

Even the communication eviction message has not been sent out yet!

The old American aircraft carrier fleet flying the Stars and Stripes,

How dare you fire the control radar to shine on them!

Fire control radar illumination!

Isn't this what I'm telling this universe?

They have already taken aim and are just about to fire? !

"Okay, okay, if you are brave, I want to see if you dare to open fire!"

Li Zhangcheng, the captain of the Sun Bird spacecraft, was immediately laughed out of anger.

We haven't given you any trouble yet,

You are so stubborn that you even turned on the fire control radar!

How brave!

"Captain, the other party did not fire, but the helicopter on the deck started to activate. It is probably to transport troops to the Antarctic continent. What should we do next?"

After waiting expectantly for more than ten seconds,

Seeing that the other party did not fire, the munitions adjutant was a little unmotivated.

Why don't you open fire!

Have you opened fire? We have a reason to do it to you!

He even dared to use the fire control radar to shine on us. He was so impatient!

"Oh, aren't they very brave?"

Captain, Li Zhangcheng grinned and ordered loudly:

"Main gun, charge 5%, aim one kilometer to the side of the flagship, give the opponent a loud bang, and let them experience the feeling of the ship capsizing!"

"Hehe, the captain still knows how to play!"

Thinking of the waves caused by the main gun being exploded so close to the opponent, one kilometer away,

The munitions adjutant gave a thumbs up to the captain.

"Will the opponent's aircraft carrier be overturned directly?"

The intelligence adjutant twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Don't worry, the assistant has already speculated on the data, and it is 100% irreversible. However, this time it will leave a lifelong shadow on the soldiers on this aircraft carrier. It is estimated that they will not dare to ride on the ship for the rest of their lives!"

Captain Li Zhangcheng grinned evilly, revealing his white teeth.

"...The main gun has been calibrated, 5% power, one shot, fire!"

As the order is issued,

The dark spaceship hanging high in the sky suddenly stretched out a thick and terrifying muzzle.

Moreover, what was fired from the muzzle was not a cannonball, but an astonishing beam of light!

Light beam excitation,

Before Captain Lao Mi could react,

It bombarded not far from the aircraft carrier.

Looking at the dazzling beam of light, the captain curled his lips and said with some disdain:

"It's just light, a cheap method!"

He still doesn't believe it,

What kind of threat could this beam of light pose to them?

Therefore, sometimes, the more ignorant a person is, the more inexplicable self-confidence he has.

Just like the current captain,

He doesn't understand what this ray is.

But I am confident that my invincible fleet can definitely handle it!

He made a judgment based on past experience,

Only this time, the opponents he faced were not those rookies.


There was a dull muffled sound,

In the cockpit of the aircraft carrier, the captain, deputy and others all turned their heads and looked at the place where the light beam fell.


The light beam disappears, as if nothing happened,

But the deputy was feeling terrified at this moment, always feeling that a storm was brewing secretly!

The light beam falls,

It was quiet, nothing happened.

The air was stuck like this for a few seconds.

The captain of the American aircraft carrier fleet raised his eyebrows, and his eyes suddenly showed surprise.

That's it? That's it?

This so-called Dongda Space Force is indeed an extremely naked scam. They are just pretentious, used to bluff people!

"Quick, beat that damn thing for me..."

But, the surprise only lasts for this moment,

Just when the captain was about to knock down these "deceptive" things,


A dull sound suddenly shot out from the point where the light pillar landed.

Turning around and looking,

The captain only saw that not far from the aircraft carrier, no, it should be said, a wall of water rose up on the sea surface!

The sea surface actually stood up! ! !

"Captain, ranging and displaying, this wave is a hundred meters high...almost perpendicular to the sea level!"

The deputy glanced at the data chart and his pupils shrank sharply.

Seeing such data,

He even wanted to die!

The wave continues to surge, and now the height has exceeded 200 meters!

If we keep fighting in this state,

All the aircraft carrier fleets have turned into turtles and bastards who have turned their shells inside out!

"Captain, what should we do? The huge wave is on our port side and is still approaching!"

The deputy was anxious;

The captain was also anxious,

He never thought that the beam of light emitted by the ship that day would have such an effect?

They couldn't bear just the waves caused by the shock wave! ?

"Full left rudder, full left rudder, let the bow break the waves!"

The captain roared angrily and ordered with cold sweat on his forehead,

"Ask those who can get on the plane to come down, find cover, and secure themselves to the plane. The plane can't fly very high in such a short distance!"

The situation is critical,

The waves coming over have exceeded the height of the aircraft carrier, and are still growing higher. It seems that there is a tendency to turn into a wall of water and hit it directly.

If it is not handled properly,

This wave alone can directly kill their entire fleet!

Aircraft carrier fleet?

After all, it's just a ship. Ordinary storms and waves can't shake these steel giants, but unusual waves?

This wave is a gift carefully prepared by this universe for their "arrogance"!

"Boom, boom!"

Along the calm coast of the Antarctic continent,

the westerly belt is very stable. Under this stable circulation wind belt, basically no big waves will be raised.

However, now here, there is such a huge wave.

If someone looks down from space, they will see a horizontal line moving at high speed on the sea.

Yes, this wave is so big that it can be seen in the outer space!

On the sea,

there are huge waves without wind.

The crazy waves rushed over before the US fleet had finished turning the left rudder!

At this moment,

at the moment when the hundreds of meters high waves rushed over,

the soldiers on the ship who had found shelter showed despair in their eyes.

A wall of water stood before them, boundless.

In their eyes, the whole world seemed to be overturned, and it seemed that what was hitting them was not the waves, but the entire sea!

The blue sea water was flowing, "gurgling", and it was close to the fleet!

"It's over, we are completely finished!"

In the cockpit, the captain who tied himself to the fixed rope showed despair in his eyes.

With such a big wave,

their entire fleet would probably be completely overturned!

At this moment, he finally remembered the captain who ran away directly.

He regretted it now,

very much.

Why did he have to be so cheap and turn on that damn fire control radar?

Can't he try it first!

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