Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 629: Frozen, almost frozen to death

The strange world, the hinterland of East China, the space gate base,

Pang Hai uploaded the entire scanned Earth-Moon orbit data to the command center.

"Obviously, this ship of aliens originally passed through the earth and fire. Just at this moment, the strange thing lurking in the spacecraft attacked, and the spacecraft changed its course and plunged into the earth."

Looking at the star map marked with red dots, Mr. Zhu breathed out.

red dot,

It represents the abandoned alien corpse!

these corpses,

According to the inspection, they have all turned into monsters!

"There are more than thirty in total. It seems that they were lost all the way!"

From the density of the corpses,

Mr. Zhu could already imagine the tragic situation of these aliens at that time.

I'm afraid there won't be many normal members left in the spaceship until the end!

"Now it seems that these aliens probably 'played' a space werewolf game, and in the end the werewolves won..."

After Horos learned about werewolf killing, he liked to use this example to describe it.

After he finished speaking, he came to his senses, smiled and said:

"We wouldn't have encountered this situation again, with the genetic scanner Tianke!"

The more I understand this strange shape, the more

The less worried Horos is,

This kind of strange shape is weird, but its weakness is too obvious!

Although they can replace humans and imitate any living creature,

But what's the use?

Once the instrument is scanned, it is clear whether it is true or false.

"We understand almost everything. Next, let's prepare to send a team to establish a scientific research station in Antarctica!"

Mr. Zhu nodded,

The understanding of the monster is almost complete. Even in space, the researchers on the battleship have already begun to study the monster.

It’s time for them to set off!

"The materials have been prepared. We are going to wrap up the entire alien spacecraft, build a closed laboratory, and then dig wildly in the Antarctic to put all the weird corpses in it!"

Horos understands,

If this thing spreads, it will be scarier than an alien!

At least the alien is still a foreign object. Although it moves quickly, with the current strength of this universe, which soldier does not have armor on his body?

Save the power armor to fight aliens,

It’s still armor that can resist corrosion, so you’re guaranteed to win!

But the Thing is different.

It's so weird,

With just a little contamination, the other party can penetrate into your body and replace you cell by cell!

That is to say,

When it replaces you, you may not even feel it!

In silence,

Your companion may become the murderous "werewolf"!

Thanks to this characteristic of the other party,

Therefore, scientific expedition personnel who enter Antarctica,

Mr. Zhu made a rigid rule,

The research laboratory should be unmanned.

In addition, the laboratory is built according to the shape of Transformers!

Scientific researchers who really want to participate in this project on-site must wear the First Ascension Armor to conduct experiments!

The protection is immediately full!

It would be impossible for the Thing to infect scientific researchers!

"Mr. Zhu, don't worry. The laboratory and the sample room are separated by nearly a hundred kilometers. We say they are in Antarctica, but in fact they are operated remotely and unmanned, but they are closer."

The scientist of this universe waved his hand,

They are going to study carefully in Antarctica what this strange thing is!

strange world,


The snowstorm continues, and the power of nature forces all members of the scientific research station stationed here to huddle in their rooms and wait for the bad weather to end.

Originally, this should be a rare moment for everyone to relax.

However, the atmosphere at the US Antarctic scientific research station is not very good.

"What, the headquarters wants us to continue stationed here?"

Mike's voice was a little helpless.

"Yes, Dongda prohibits large ships from entering the Antarctic. However, it did not allow our original Antarctic research station to evacuate. It only designated several restricted areas to prohibit us from approaching."

Dr. Claire exhaled and smiled sarcastically:

"Those politicians still have hope in their hearts. Even now, they still don't give up!"

"What's wrong?"

The team members were very interested in Claire's words!

"Guys, there is an alien spacecraft in Antarctica. It is a spacecraft that can sail in the universe. If we can get it and reverse engineer the technology in it, any country will benefit immensely!"

Dr. Claire shrugged and sneered:

"This is what our politicians had in mind. They sent a fleet that happened to be in Argentina towards the Antarctic. As a result, they suffered a loss from Dongda's space force. No, they should have been insulted."

Recited the information in the telegram,

Everyone at the scene looked ugly.

Therefore, the navy and air force have failed, and these politicians just want to let them occupy this pit, right?


Mike suddenly reacted, stared at the doctor suddenly, grinned, and asked:

"Doctor, did you just say that before the airborne troops evacuated, an unlucky guy fell off the plane, and three people jumped out after him. The headquarters asked us to search and rescue these four people nearby?"

I was busy complaining just now.

I almost overlooked this important thing!

"Yes, that's right, the headquarters said so. The four of them are Grammer, Tony, Cosway and Durant."

It wasn't until Mike mentioned it that Dr. Claire remembered this thing. He recalled the content and said with some pity:

"Poor four guys, there's a storm blowing outside. I hope the supplies they brought can last them through the night."

Antarctic blizzard,

That was enough to make people unable to see the road and lose their footing!

Even when they were at the scientific research station, they had to be fixed with cables when passing through various rooms!

God knows what the situation of those four unlucky airborne troops is now?


In the world of ice and snow, the strong wind blows wildly,

The daytime in Antarctica in winter is extremely short, and sometimes there is no daylight at all.

in darkness,

A little cold light lit up, becoming one of the few bright lights on the ground in the dark night.

The middle-aged soldier Grammer finally reunited with his three unlucky companions.

Based on the experience accumulated during the mission in northern Canada, the four people used the engineer shovel they carried with them to dig a hole in the thick snow and drilled into it.

"Damn, we're running low on fuel with our carry-on!"

Coswell shivered coldly.

They had been holding on here for eight hours, but it was still dark and the blizzard was still there.

"Let's not talk about fuel first. Food is the problem. We need to replenish our body's calories!"

"Damn it, the rescue device has no signal here at all, we are going to die here!"

The middle-aged soldier Grammer looked desperate.

Even if the cave entrance is sealed, the violent Antarctic wind will sometimes directly break through the snow wall.

The cold wind pours into the cave,

The four of them have turned pale from the cold!

Glory, face, mission, morality, and friendship were all thrown away by the four of them.

The atmosphere between the four people gradually became strange.

The way they looked at each other became cold and wary!

When faced with a desperate situation,

Human nature cannot stand the test;

A tragedy is about to happen in this deserted world!

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