Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 651 You, that's a murderous look!

strange world,

United Nations,

When Todai said that this universe will deploy a thousand planetary comprehensive defense bases on all continents of the earth,

The representatives are confused.

A giant steel base that is highly close to the Kármán line and has a base deep into the earth’s crust.

Are you sure you mean the base?

Rather than a space elevator? ! ! !

"Everyone, now is not the time to worry about other factors. The purpose of this universe is to prevent being attacked by the Tarot fleet during the jump!"

The Dongda representative stood up and said with a serious expression:

"Countries that disagree can raise their hands, but the ugly talk is ahead. When a fight breaks out, if you are hit because there is no defensive base, it will be your life too!"

Space war, swords have no eyes,

Without a defensive base, if the unmanned ship cannot stop it,

If I hit you, you can’t blame anyone else!

This universe can think of this and provide the necessary help. To be honest, it is considered to be the most benevolent!

in the conference room,

Representatives from other countries looked at each other,

Even Lao Mi and a certain couplet didn’t raise their hands.

Who dares to lift this?

If there is no defensive base and they are hit, they will use their heads to intercept the Tarot Civilization's attack!


By the way, with the squid algorithm, intercepting the opponent's attack with the ground is also considered an interception!

"Okay, since no one objects, this issue is passed unanimously!"

Seeing that Lao Mi and a certain league representative remained silent, the Dongda representative nodded with satisfaction.

At the same time, he felt secretly happy.

Damn it, it feels like no one dares to object when you speak.

This feeling that no one dares to disobey your will is so refreshing!

Ahem, restraint, you must restrain yourself,

A big country must be magnanimous!

The issue was passed,

Next is the issue of layout.

First of all, the North Rice Continent was arranged, with a total of one hundred units, and the location was selected at a certain location in the central Great Plains.

The U.S. government came forward to acquire the occupied farmland.

The original owner of the land, a farmer, was "persuaded" by the FBI's kind words and finally agreed.

The family was hiding far away, looking confused at the sky full of federal planes.

"Is this going to be a nuclear test here?"

Bob, who was wearing a straw hat, looked confused. What are you doing in Dahua, the experimental area? What are you doing in this fertile farmland?

Observe farmers' reactions to nuclear radiation?

Ahem, although America did do this before, it was impossible to do it so openly, right? !

"Oh my god, Bob, look up in the sky, what is that, a red sign...this?"

With a cry from Bob's wife,

When Bob looked over, he was stunned.

It turned out that flying from the sky were not only their American planes, but also a group of strange-looking planes.

The paint on the tail section of the aircraft is different for each one!

Bob didn't recognize those weird flags, but he still recognized the flag of a certain alliance that America had always promoted as evil!

Has a certain alliance cooperated with their America?

Is the world about to be destroyed? !

Bob’s guess is not a wild guess;

Because some experts from the United States actually said bluntly in newspapers that unless the world was going to be destroyed, or the two countries were in the same camp during the three wars, they would never cooperate with a certain alliance!

Bob remembered the firm tone and resolute attitude very clearly.

But now,

Seeing the planes with red logos mixed with the stars and stripes planes,

Bob felt that the world suddenly became extremely ridiculous.

But what’s even more ridiculous is yet to come.

When Bob's son ran out with the textbook, the childish voice checked the pictures on the book one by one:

"This is Dongda's plane, this is Great Britain, this is France, this is..."

all in all,

The planes flying over in the sky basically include all the countries in the world that can fly over!

"What the hell are you doing? Aliens are coming?"

These countries can come together,

It's even scarier than aliens coming!


Farmer Bob doesn’t know that the big event that will change his worldview is actually just beginning now!

After these planes flew around the sky,

Several flares were shot down,

The flare landed in the wheat field, emitting red smoke, which was extremely eye-catching.


On the horizon, a black line flew over from far to near, as if it was being pulled by something!

This black line, starting from the distant horizon, seems to be endless!

"What's that?"

Bob rubbed his eyes, thinking he saw it wrong?

Is there a short circuit in the sky?

A black belt appears?

Wait, take something and fly towards his farmland!

Realizing something, Bob turned his head sharply. They were now in the safe zone, far away, so he picked up the telescope without hesitation and aimed in the direction of the black belt's landing.

All I can see is the black strip,

Spread to the top of the flare, and then start stacking layer by layer!

"What the hell is this!"

After twisting the knob of the telescope, Bob could see more clearly!

Through the sunlight, he saw clearly,

Those black belts are all made of metal!

These metals flew from the end of the sky, landed on his land, and then scattered like powder, sinking deeply into the earth!

The amount of this powder made of metal is increasing,

In the end, black toner covered the entire plain like haze, covering the entire sky!


A shocking scene appeared!

The powder condenses into a tornado, condenses into a storm,

They gather, deform,

Finally, it turned into a metal wall, turned into a metal truss, turned into a metal wall of unknown height, lying across Bob's sight.

The point is, this isn't the end yet;

Right before his eyes,

A metal mountain peak that was taller and greater than the mountain in the distance just broke out of the ground in the wind and stood in front of everyone!

This simply appeared out of thin air,

In front of Bob, a Mount Everest appeared out of thin air!

This kind of visual shock,

Make Bob realize,

They seemed to have seen something they shouldn't have seen!

Somewhat frightened, I put down the telescope in my hand.

His hands were shaking,

In the distance, the FBI wearing sunglasses and a suit is also holding his head high.

In fact, it was obvious that the shock in his heart was no less than that of Bob!

Although I received an order from above to clear out an area,

But no one told him,

There would be such a big commotion!

You might as well detonate an atomic bomb here!

Don't you know how difficult his job is?

The detective turned his head in despair, and happened to look at Bob.

Bob, who was already worried, was even more shocked.

I'll go,

This agent won't kill people and silence them!

The look in his eyes was filled with deep resentment!

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