Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 654 Ship-Shaped Broadsword Mine

Monster world, earth,

Now the entire earth is surrounded by space bubbles, so it looks a little blurry from space.

The blurry outer earth,

They are several unmanned fleets,

The unmanned fleet has set off, and their destination is the edge of the solar system.

The task is relatively simple.

That is to stop the Tarot Fleet at all costs!

Even if it is a self-destruction, giving the Tarot fleet a small shock,

As long as it can be blocked for a few seconds, that's enough!

Earth, inside the space bubble layer,

The vast fleet of this universe is suspended in the atmosphere, waiting quietly.

"All personnel have been evacuated to the interior of the space bubble. Tianyuan Four, which is ten light years away, has been cleared. That will be the new solar system of this world!"

The intelligence adjutant gathered intelligence from all over the place and took a deep breath.

Everything is ready!

"Tian Yuan Si, it's a beautiful place, I believe you won't mind."

Pang Hai pursed his lips and looked serious.

Wherever there is the earth and humans, that is the solar system!

This won't change!

It’s nothing more than a change of location!

"The Tarot fleet has arrived in the interstellar dust area, and the detector has sighted each other...the detector has been destroyed!"

After a few seconds of silence, the intelligence adjutant suddenly reported anxiously,

The forward detector has been destroyed by the opponent!

"Everything is going according to plan, the space bridge control area said there is no problem!"

"Don't they use detectors? What's going on with the Third Fleet?"

Pang Hai spoke out to indicate that everyone had no questions, but at the same time, he also had questions in his heart.

Doesn't the Tarot Fleet use detectors?

Then why didn’t the Third Fleet avoid it?

Is it a strange ritual of the Tarot people?

Before a big battle, sacrifice the flag and teammates first?

Otherwise this cannot be explained,

When you hit my detector, why did it suddenly become so easy for you!

"They passed through the interstellar dust and have reached the firing range of the defense area. They started to fight back!"

According to the established procedures, this universe needs to introduce the Tarot Fleet into the solar system!

Therefore, they must make a gesture of defending the solar system.

Otherwise, the middle road will be wide open.

Even ghosts will suspect that there is a ghost here!

"Fight back!"

Pang Hai looked solemn,

Although this is a side dish before a meal, it is crucial whether the other party can be fooled!

If the Tarot fleet decides to use kite flying tactics outside the solar system, then the Panghai fleet will have no choice but to take the initiative to attack area denial!

outside the solar system,

interstellar dust region,

The first Tarot fleet arrived first, and the Tarot observers who regained some of their consciousness scanned the scanner and immediately discovered the unknown detection.

Destroyed upon discovery,

With a set of combos, a ball of sparks instantly exploded from the meteorite belt.

"That's it, push forward!"

The captain read the body's memory, passed the formation to all his kind, and then showed a smile.

That's it,

Among the remaining 900 or so spaceships, as long as one spacecraft fragment contaminated with their genes enters their home planet, they will win!

Move on, to "replace" them, move on!

"Side side, 300,000 kilometers away, high-energy energy fluctuations, presumably an attack, side shield thickened by 70%!"

Just then,

The prey's counterattack has arrived!

Three hundred thousand kilometers away, a light second away,

A ball of silver-white high-energy laser was suddenly excited and shot out.

However, when the beam hit the surface of the spacecraft, an energy shield, just a few tens of meters long, turned into a chasm, and no attack from this universe could pierce it no matter what!

But it doesn't matter,

If it can't be pierced, then it will be consumed to death!

This high-energy light beam seems to be endless, hitting the energy shield all the time, constantly consuming it!

And, at this very moment,

In the extremely dark universe, hundreds of identical light spots suddenly lit up.

They come from all sides of the fleet,

With an aura that was bound to destroy the Tarot warship, it hit the shield brazenly!

Hundreds of attacks,

The shield cracked with cracks!

"That's it, resist desperately, I can't wait to invade your home planet!"

The scene in front of him made the captain's eyes flash with excitement.

The wisdom he read told him,

This level of resistance is a normal phenomenon. If there is no resistance, or if the resistance is very small, then there is a problem!

"Captain, outside the high-energy beam, there is a UFO speeding towards you in the darkness. The opponent is trying to attack the spacecraft from behind. There are also armor-piercing beams and anti-energy shield weapons on the front!"

The Tarot detector immediately reported,

The opponent's counterattack is like a furious wave, wave after wave, and at the same time, the undercurrent is surging,

If it is an accident,

It’s easy to go wrong!

"Hmph, it's just a futile struggle, get ready to activate the light shield!"

In this regard, the captain of the First Fleet was not surprised but overjoyed.

He can now definitely,

The other party can't set a trap here!

How can any trap have such strong firepower!

Having regained the consciousness that belongs to the Tarot people, the commander is no longer as cold as a puppet, but has regained some... popularity.

His voice was excited, and his whole body was trembling, as if he was excited for the upcoming counterattack!

"Open the light shield and let them feel despair!"

With an order,

The Tarot First Fleet, which was hit from the front, had its armor broken from the side, and was attacked from behind, suddenly burst out with bright golden light on its original trajectory.

This light instantly covered the energy shield. It looked extremely solid and enveloped the entire fleet!

"What was that? Some kind of defense?"

This side of this universe,

Pang Hai stared, his eyes full of curiosity,

Golden shield, what is this?

Even though he is well-informed, he has never seen this thing before!

"Attention, attention, the Tarot fleet is protected by a high-energy polymerized photon shield. There is a problem with the surface structure of this photon shield... The conclusion given by the analysis team is... a broadsword mine?!"

The space explorer lost his voice at the end.

The conclusions given by the analysis team are very easy to understand.

The shield composed of these aggregated photons, due to external structural elements, will aggregate the energy of the attack, mix all these things together, and then explode!

The whole image is like a broadsword and mine,

This is the enemy!

The shield side is the opposite side!

"Damn, this is a trick, isn't it?"

After hearing the explanation, Pang Hai's mouth twitched.

Turn the entire fleet into an energy absorber and then explode,

Needless to say, Tarot people are really talented and brave people!

Don’t be afraid of too much energy, you won’t be able to absorb it at all, and you’ll burst yourself!

"Forget it, let them go crazy and jump! Please enter the urn, and we will show the enemy that we are weak."

Although I thought of the solution to the opponent's method,

But Pang Hai stopped at the right time.

To attract them into the game, it must be just right!

"I'll just let you dance around for a while at the end!"


Pang Hai waved his hand, signaling the attack to continue.

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