Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 656 Now, it's my turn!

After all, what this universe is facing is not the Tarot people.

This war cannot be treated with normal thinking!

For today’s “Tarot people”,

Even if this huge fleet was completely destroyed,

But as long as one cell lurks into the body of civilized organisms in the solar system, they will succeed!

With the monster's ability to hide and infect,

They will eventually completely destroy the entire human world!

This is their magic weapon to roam unhindered in the universe.

For any carbon-based organism, they are the Tenke,

This ability is innate,

With the monster's shallow wisdom, they don't need to know why they have such abilities.

They only know,

Reproduction, lurking, hunting and even...destruction!

"The show is about to begin. Gather the fleets and let the Seventh Fleet take the lead. Use their armor-breaking ion beams to smash these guys' shields!"

The captain read more memories about the original body,

Now, with the arrow on the string, it’s time to take action!

"Understood, Captain, the Seventh Fleet has moved forward, and the opponent's ships have also made moves!"

War always has a purpose,

The Tarot Man, or rather the monstrosity of this ship,

The purpose is to parasitize, replace, and eliminate human civilization,

So, the fight really started,

They are equally ruthless!

The Seventh Fleet surges forward and is close to the outer circle of the opponent's star system!

The spaceship's thick light shield started to open continuously.

They are like the sun that belongs to the Kuiper Belt!

It emits an extremely conspicuous and dazzling light!

"They're so arrogant, they're afraid we can't see their position clearly, right?"

In the command room on Earth, Pang Hai twitched the corners of his mouth and chuckled, and said quickly:

"Since the opponent is so conspicuous, let's start the fight. Pick the brightest one, beat him hard, and load it with tearing bullets. Since it's going to be a show, how can it be called a show if there are no casualties!"


The casualties suffered by the Tarot people were spaceships carrying crew members.

In this universe, the only casualties are unmanned ships!

Life is the most precious thing,

This exchange, no matter how you calculate it, is a winner!

"The tear bombs have been loaded, aiming at the opponent's... brightest ship."

The munitions adjutant scratched his head and said,

What kind of play is this?

Pick the biggest one?

In response to this, Pang Hai just laughed. This style of fighting was his own creation. It is called: Xia Da. Its common name is: beating the old master to death with random punches!

"The opponent is approaching the outer defense circle of the Kuiper Belt and has entered the optimal shooting distance!"

"Fire, fire!"

When the time comes, just fire on me,

How hard it is, how hard it hits!

Solar system, edge of Kuiper belt,

The shining golden seventh fleet of the Tarot people is advancing forward in a swaggering manner.

So brave,

The entire front is still silent until now,

Those who don’t know better think that they are unmanned ships!

As they sailed like this,

In the distance, behind an asteroid somewhere, a reflection suddenly flashed out in the darkness!

A black object, just like this, quietly approaching quietly!


On the Tarot ship, other radars did not detect this thing, but the detectors saw it visually!

He immediately used active laser radar to shine light on this thing!

This thing flies very slowly, very slowly, so slowly that he just tells everyone to pay attention to their defense.

"Armor-piercing bullets, defend immediately!"

The armor-piercing bullet seems to be a signal,

The moment it was discovered, tens of thousands of firepower points suddenly appeared in the originally silent Kuiper Belt!

High-energy energy beams, plasma cannons, ion armor-piercing projectiles...

There are all kinds of attacks,

It hit the Tarot people's light shield hard!

The whole scene gives people a feeling of very strong firepower, very fierce!

But the fierceness returns to fierceness,

The Tarot detector grinned.

There's no way you can break my defense!

The thickened light shield is simply impossible to penetrate with a weapon of this power!

"It's safe!"

Just when everyone in the Seventh Fleet was full of confidence and ready to fight,

In the darkness, there was a sudden flash of light, two flashes...

Keep flashing!

The dozens of undetected tearing bombs suddenly accelerated to super-light speed with lightning speed, and headed directly towards the brightest ship in the entire Seventh Fleet!

This sudden change caught the Tarot people by surprise.

The autonomously fired interceptor missiles continued to spin and attack like crazy!

"Quick, stop the opponent. The speed of this thing and its tearing ability make the light shield unable to withstand it. If you miss one shot, we will be finished!"

The Tarot observer’s expression changed drastically.

His attention was immediately attracted by the dozen rounds of tearing bullets that suddenly appeared!

Aim, intercept;

In just a few seconds, the Tarot automaton burst out with incredible reflexes.

Sixteen rounds of tearing ammunition,

They were actually shot one by one and intercepted by explosions on the spot!

"It's so dangerous, it's a conspiracy, isn't it... Wait, no, where is the laser-calibrated armor-piercing bullet?!"

Before the observer could open the champagne and heaved a sigh of relief, he suddenly discovered:

It seems, as if, the first armor-piercing projectile is still under observation?

He suddenly understood,

The sudden burst of firepower just now, as well as those dozen rounds, were actually covering for the first slow tearing bullet? !

"Where, where?"

The observer held his breath;

A look of horror!

Okay, okay, if he can't handle it head-on, then he'll come in for the negative side, right? It will consume his energy and affect his judgment?

Damn it!

"Found it!"

The observer, whose eyes widened and searched non-stop, finally discovered the slow tearing bomb again.

But when I saw it again,

The observer's pupils shrank suddenly, his eyes filled with horror!

Because of that tearing bullet,

Where is the leisurely look just now?

It had already rushed forward and was in front of the light shield!


I don’t know if it was an illusion, but the observer heard such a strange vibration.

Then, that indestructible light shield,

Just like that, the space tearer on top of the torn bomb was ruthlessly torn to pieces!

Tearing the light shield apart, this is not over yet,

With concentrated firepower, in just an instant, not even the blink of an eye, the tearing bomb penetrated the entire body of the Tarot ship.

Wherever the projectile passes,

The space tearer distorts everything!

Even the hole that was punched out of the spacecraft was a conspicuous spiral shape, with broken instruments and space displacement!

In the Tarot Seventh Fleet,

The ship with the brightest and most dazzling light shield,

In an instant, there was a muffled sound inside the ship.

The entire spacecraft suddenly exploded and disintegrated!

On the Kuiper Belt battlefield, the first destroyed spacecraft appeared!

"Damn it, armor-breaking ion beam, hit me hard!"

Captain Tarot roared angrily,

The results of the battle appeared, but their side was destroyed first!

"Captain, their spaceship is hiding behind the bunker..."

"Destroy them and their bunkers together!"

A fierce light flashed in his eyes,

The captain said,

Now, it's my turn!

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