Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 658 Entering the Range

edge of solar system,

It was detected that the fleet of the Tarot Civilization was pulling away. After the leading fleet had officially entered the Kuiper Belt, Pang Hai and others' lips almost curled up to the back of their heads!

After playing this game for so long, the enemy finally got fooled!


Acting does not mean that Tarot people are weak;

In fact, on the contrary, they are very strong!

The reason why this universe uses unmanned fleets is purely to reduce unnecessary casualties!

The weapons and defense configurations of unmanned ships and manned ships are similar.

In other words, if what we just boarded was this space fleet,

Eradicate the data advantage of Tarot tuners,

The exchange ratio between the two parties,

The best is 3 to 1.

In other words, three Tarot ships were destroyed, and one spacecraft in this universe was destroyed!

If we simply use data to calculate,

If Pang Hai had fought this battle with real swords and guns, three hundred spaceships in this universe would have been destroyed in the chaos!

Excluding the unmanned battleships among them,

There are at least a hundred manned warships!

This number is huge!

There are at least 600 crew members on a spaceship, and a hundred ships means at least 60,000 people!

Sixty thousand people, sixty thousand families!

Pang Hai looked at the unmanned spacecraft that had been destroyed into pieces on the Kuiper Belt front, and took a deep breath.

Although this solar system bunker plan is a bit shady,

But he agreed with both hands!


All in order to minimize casualties without affecting the battle situation!

As for why there is life and blood on the unmanned ship,

Pang Hai lowered his head and looked at Horos, who looked serious in the communication channel, but in fact his eyes were constantly moving.

This idea came from Horus!

a month ago,

He found the logistics and made a surprising statement.

"What, you want to stuff some 'animals' into the unmanned battleship?"

When Mr. Zhu received a call from logistics, he raised his eyebrows and asked him the reason.

"Hey, I suspect that the monster has some kind of ability to detect living things. If there is no life in the unmanned ship, the other party might find it and dare not go deep into the solar system!"

"Don't worry, it's just animals like chickens and ducks. In addition to living things, I think we also need to add plasma and pheromones!"

Horus spoke with certainty,

This is the conclusion he came to after studying strange corpses!

"Your suggestion is very constructive. I will give you instructions immediately on the logistics side!"

When Mr. Zhu heard Horos’s reasons,

He even agreed directly!

Therefore, this is the plot of the enemy entering the urn now,

Otherwise, the strange shape would really be visible at a glance.

There's no one left in your spaceship!

Chicken and Duck: Okay, okay, it’s hard for us, right?

"The Fifth Fleet has entered the Kuiper Belt, and the Four, Six, Nine and One Fleets are still hanging behind. What should we do now?"

Back in time, the intelligence adjutant asked Pang Hai nervously,

This may be the largest and most costly trap in human history!

As someone who has experienced it, it would be fake if you weren’t nervous!

"Let the unmanned spacecraft and positions lurking in the meteorites carry out suicide attacks on me!"

Pang Hai breathed out, his eyes narrowed, and he said with a ferocious smile:

"Just think of it as 'our' last madness!"

"I understand, the order has been issued!"

What does a creature do before it dies?

Struggle, desperately?

Probably, a civilization will have this reaction before it is on the verge of extinction.


In the command room of Tarot's First Fleet,

The captain, who was still feeling uneasy and felt something was wrong,

It wasn't until I heard the observer's exclamation that I felt completely relieved.

"Captain, the Fifth Fleet was attacked. The positions hidden on the side exploded. The other side's warships also did the same!"

The Tarot consciousness retained by the observer was very frightening.

These people have gone crazy!

If they don't agree with each other, they rush out and blow themselves up.

They lost two spaceships just now!

"The battle between trapped beasts, this is their last act of madness, keep moving forward and clear the obstacles!"

The captain, who was determined in his heart, waved his hand suddenly, and the confident expression on his face almost overflowed!

The enemy has reached the stage of madness,

If you want to kill someone, you must first make them crazy! ?

Madness is also madness!

At this point, they are not far from success!

"Let the three fleets in front speed up, and all the objects that can serve as bunkers as far as the eye can see will be counted as positions for me. Hit, hit hard!"

Passed through the Kuiper Belt,

The real tug-of-war between the two sides is about to begin!

There wasn't much the Tarot people could do. They could only continue bombing to wipe out all the defensive positions and clear away the obstacles for them to move forward.

On this side of the universe, there are crazy attacks.

Unscrupulous attacks,

Everything is focused on killing Tarot people!

However, the unmanned fleet, which has "lost" most of its ships, no longer has the ability to fight with the opponent here.

This is equivalent to a naval battle. The enemy has defeated the fleet.

Under the mountains and rivers,

Coast defense artillery has been used!

The next step is for the other side to bombard the port and land, completely ending this war!

Victory is just around the corner!

In the Tarot fleet, several key figures who had regained their wisdom were filled with excitement.

Their nature is to lurk, replace and kill!


A feast is about to begin again!

"The enemy's advance fleet has left the Kuiper Belt and is moving towards the star, and the distance is constantly shrinking!"

In this universe,

Everyone began to get nervous.

"Let the positions in the orbits of Neptune, Saturn, and Jupiter intercept. The enemy's fleet formation has begun to lengthen. The Sixth Fleet has not entered the field yet, so continue to wait!"

Pang Hai swallowed his saliva and nervously ordered:

"Notify the space bridge immediately and be ready to transmit at any time!"

"Tell them to be ready and not to make any mistakes. Once the enemy enters the orbit of Mars, start immediately without any delay!"

"The order has been issued!"

The intelligence adjutant quickly completed the information transmission.

In the solar system,

On the surface of the earth, the planetary integrated defense base, the top of this steel giant peak, suddenly lit up with a faint orange light, and then more than a thousand giant cannons suddenly shot dense and monstrous light columns towards the vicinity of Neptune.

The condensed light columns were extremely dazzling.

For a time, the entire night of the western hemisphere was illuminated!

"Who turned on the light!" Some people got up with a curse and opened the curtains. They saw a shocking scene. The source of the light was not the sun, but a beam of light. The beam of light went up from the bottom to the top, directly penetrating the sky, dispelling the darkness, and making the sky bright! Of course, it not only dispelled the darkness, but also dispelled the detection waves that the Tarot people tried to send! With the strength of the Tarot fleet, as the distance approaches, the large space fluctuations in the outer layer of the earth can be seen at a glance by anyone who is not a fool! But now, everything is different! This time, it is reasonable for the earth to launch an attack. The other party will only think that this is their last struggle, and they can't detect the strong space fluctuations hidden under the beam of light! You think we are fighting back, but in fact, hey, this is just covering up!

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