Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 660 What's inside... is our enemy

In the command room of the Tarot Fleet,

The captain's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

The scene that happened in front of him shocked him very much.

Just now,

Such a big planet disappeared under their noses!

How is this done?

The whole space is extremely silent at this time,

The Tarot Fleet was stuck on the spot and had no idea what was happening.

The sudden disappearance of the earth was something they had not expected at all.

Caught off guard, they panicked!

Finally, the calm observer swallowed and found the truth!

"Captain, the fleet discovered that there are strong spatial fluctuations left in place. The opponent must have jumped away!"

Space fluctuations, space jumps!

"Space jump..."

The captain frowned and lowered his head in thought for a few seconds. He seemed to suddenly remember something. His eyes suddenly widened and he shouted angrily with a look of horror:

"No, this is a trap by the people on Earth. Notify the fleet and we will evacuate out of the solar system immediately!"

He finally reacted,

No wonder he always felt that things were a little too smooth along the way!

He originally thought that the Tarot people's equipment was too powerful.

It turns out that the enemy is playing the role of us!

Since entering the solar system, the other party has been acting. This is purely a huge trap!

After understanding this, he immediately ordered the fleet to evacuate.


It's too late!

The Tarot fleet's maneuvering orbit is not even halfway through,

The detector detected that starting from the Kuiper Belt, along Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, and all the way to Mars, a command flashed away,

In the dark space,

First, there was a violent explosion in the entire Kuiper Belt.

Surrounding the entire solar system, an explosive aperture completely blocks all ionizing radiation and signals within the star system.

Then, there are Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars...

Going down a line, all the high-quality planets in the entire star system exploded.

The debris and fire from the planetary explosion were thrown far away,

The Tarot fleet, which was forced to gallop through the solar system, only saw the bright light flashing away.

"Damn it, damn it, these people are crazy, they even blew up their own star system!"

"Quick, let's get out of here immediately!"

Captain Tarot is going crazy;

The desire to survive filled his heart!

"It's over, Captain, we're done!"

The detector lost his mind and murmured desperately.

"We still have hope, it's just that the asteroid exploded. If we avoid the projectiles and shock waves, we can escape!!"

Captain Tarot roared, trying to get the detector back on his feet!

"It's over!"

The detector shook his head, looked at the time, and suddenly turned his head to look at the core of the solar system, the sun!

His face was full of despair and he had already guessed what would happen next!

The violent explosions of the planets and the Kuiper Belt destroyed the assembled stars into a powdery state.

The powder slowly floats in the solar system,

Note that this is not about creating a dust explosion in the solar system.

The focus is on the sun!

"When the sun collapses, all matter in the entire solar system, including us, will be pulled directly into the collapse field, compressed into basic elements by huge pressure, and then thrown into the universe!"

The detector slumped down in his seat and muttered to himself:

"And when the signal from this explosion is detected by other civilizations, they will just think that the sun has reached the end of its life and collapsed itself into a red dwarf star!"

"Perfect disguise, carefully planned trap..."


Until he heard the detector's words, Captain Tarot's body shook violently.

He also slumped down in his seat in despair.

at this time,

In the real-time star map,

The sun's rays have begun to look strange,

It shines brighter than ever before, even surpassing the first light that exploded when it was born!

When its light reaches its peak,

Every inch of the sky and within the star system is illuminated by the sun!

Those places that are far away from the sun and don’t feel much sunlight,


I also feel the hospice care of the sun!

the center of the solar system,

The sun, which had continued fusion for who knows how many billions of years, let out one last roar, and then exploded!

The entire solar system was severely shaken by this explosion!

The Tarot fleet is like a small boat in the sea,

I can only sway with the angry waves!

This explosion was just the prelude to the collapse.

As the sun's last radiance disperses, the artificial super-enhanced collapse of the star begins!

within the solar system,

All matter began to be dragged crazily by a suddenly strengthened gravitational force.

Dust, broken meteorites, including the Tarot fleet,

They are all moving passively towards the core of the solar system, the star that no longer shines and emits dim red light.

“Can’t we escape the gravitational lock of a collapsing star?”

The captain still wanted to make a final struggle, so he roared unwillingly.

"There is no other way. This is a gravitational force second only to a black hole. The huge gravitational force second only to a black hole explodes in a few seconds. We will be compressed into basic elements by the star, and then thrown to the entire universe by the helium flash!"

The detector closed his eyes in despair,

The time is too short, not enough for them to enter the super-light state!

got this reply,

The captain finally gave up

That is at this moment,

The gravitational locking of the sun's collapse suddenly intensified, and all the material in the entire solar system was gathered on the surface of the star at an alarming speed.

The Tarot Fleet hundreds of millions of kilometers away from the sun,

It even passively entered the light speed state,

The speed of light state without curvature bubble!

Just for a moment,

The broken Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, various meteorites, and the protagonist's Tarot Fleet were directly pulled into the surface of the star, and the high pressure directly shattered all materials!

In the collapse site,

Matter is reduced to basic particles and distributed layer by layer

Hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron...

All the way to the iron!

After all, the mass of the sun is still too small. When we get here, the pressure is not enough.

These pressures are not enough for him to stabilize himself, nor are they enough for him to form a black hole.

Therefore, under the influence of human beings, helium flash occurred!

A barrel of explosives that gathers all the matter in the entire solar system,

It was exploded at this moment!

A terrifying light group instantly appeared in the universe,

Matter collapses, particles fly, space collapses,

Everything is silent!

This explosion was silent, but earth-shattering!

Before this explosion, the Tarot Fleet

Total destruction!

They have been reduced to their basic elements and returned to heaven and earth!

Some of the matter was thrown far, far away due to the natural curvature field formed by the cracked and distorted space...

Ten light years apart,

Outside the Tianyuan Four Star System,

This space fleet intercepted a small amount of trace elements after the explosion,

After this element was checked and sealed, it was forwarded to the captain, Pang Hai.

Looking at the slightly invisible elements in the glass bottle in my hand,

Pang Hai shook his head and sighed:

"What's inside may be our enemy..."

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