
within subspace,

Its face was smeared with strange particle energy,

I felt a heartbreaking pain!

This kind of pain was something he had never felt before!



Let out a cry of pain,

The entire twisted subspace is trembling with its painful cry!

"I'm digesting, damn, what is this, what is this!"

This strange gray energy, the moment it comes into contact,

In addition to pain, it can feel that the energy stored in its body is being dissipated!

That's its "energy\

,"It is the basis for its existence!

And now, this foundation is crumbling!

What the hell is this energy!


I feel so painful that I don’t want to live,

It's so painful that it turns the entire twisted subspace upside down!

It's not easy,

This pain slowly subsided, and it instantly burst into unparalleled rage.

It was completely irritated!

"Damn it, a group of weak creatures actually dare to do this to me. I will definitely kill you and completely annihilate you!"

"I will make you kill each other and watch your civilization completely disappear!"

After a few angry words,

It is ready to crash into the boundary wall at all costs and break free from this damn cage!


It happened to be at this time,

The cracks in the subspace were torn apart from the outside world again!


Several more batches of things that looked like missiles were sent in!

Right under its nose!

Before it could react,

The crack is closed,

It was left to stare at these missiles.

"No, no!"

Thinking of the unforgettable pain just now, it turned around and wanted to escape, but it was a missile after all!

No matter how it runs,

The missiles were always following behind it, constantly exploding into masses of gray energy.

Throughout the subspace,

The atmosphere suddenly changed,

There are explosive turbulences everywhere,

These turbulent currents carry that kind of strange energy, and any subspace erosion body they touch is directly annihilated into nothingness!

It runs, missiles chase it, gray energy is everywhere,

The corroding bodies spreading from it are constantly being eliminated!

These energies,

It just made it lose its temper!

"It's almost time for the next batch of missiles!"

Outside, Pang Hai was counting the time, commanding the unmanned ships far away in Centaur, preparing to open the subspace rift again.


This situation is very comfortable now,

The enemy is huddled in the subspace, and it seems that he cannot come out easily.

Since you can't move,

I'm about to move!

"The next batch is ready!"

"Open the space rift!"

Centaur, in front of the unmanned ship, the crack with strong black air was torn apart by the strong gravity. The missile had not entered, but in an instant, a sharp black air flew out, entangled in the endless air. On the hull of the human ship!

"Captain, something inside has grabbed the unmanned spacecraft, and it's coming out!"

The intelligence adjutant's expression changed and he became very nervous.

After all, this is subspace,

Who knows what will come out!

"The unmanned ship body has endured a lot of pulling force, and the opponent wants to pull it into the subspace!"

"Then let it pull in."

Pang Hai responded indifferently, and then immediately ordered:

"The missile launch has been cancelled. The unmanned ship stopped resisting and rushed over to me. When the time comes, it will self-destruct together with the missile!"

I didn't plan to have this unmanned spacecraft in the first place.

If the other party wants it, then give it to him.

What a big deal!

They just happened to explode together!


The intelligence adjutant was stunned for a moment and immediately forwarded the order.


Then I saw the Centaur,

The black lines formed by the condensed black energy trapped the unmanned spacecraft and pulled violently,

The unmanned spacecraft in this universe just started the engine and resisted for a second, and then...

This unmanned spacecraft seems to have lost its mind and gone crazy.

The engine reversed and rushed towards the subspace crack!

within subspace,

It was getting angry, furious because this damn little bug actually hurt it and teased it, and tried its best to pull the spaceship in.

As a result, suddenly,

The strength in his hand suddenly relaxed,

The spaceship actually hit it with a black line!

? ? ?

What made it even more shocked was that after the spacecraft flew into the subspace, it politely closed the subspace rift!

"No, there must be that damn thing up there!"

"Don't come over here!"

Ling black energy surged out in a swarm,

Pounced directly on the unmanned ship!

It is suspended in the center of subspace,

Using his own abilities, he wanted to "activate" the spacecraft that was pulled in.

As long as the activation is successful, it can be used by it.


Just like the missile that flew in earlier,

This spaceship is basically driven by strange energy as its core.

What’s even more crazy is that physically, there is a strange energy node not even an inch away.

This thing,

It cannot be activated at all!

"Ahhh...he's coming!"

Let out a cry of terror,

Since it cannot be activated, it is too late!

The spaceship has already hit!

That day,

In the pitch-black subspace, a shining gray-white light burst out.

That day, many twisted objects and erosion bodies in the subspace felt unprecedented pain in all these years!

Under the gray-white light,

The erosion bodies retreated!

The surface world of the black hole,

The solar system, the fleet command room,

Pang Hai looked at the time, nodded slowly and smiled:

"It should be almost time. The opponent has been bombed and there is no sound of chiseling on the wall of the subspace."

Looking at the space fluctuations that calmed down in the detector, Pang Hai laughed,

You are honest,

It doesn't mean that I won't do it again!

"Now this universe has opened a special production line, and the attack process is fully automated. The next wave of attack will be in five minutes, and the attack wave is... 10,000 rounds!"

The deputy captain smacked his lips,

Ten thousand rounds!

This is a fatigue harassment tactic,

Isn't that thing very powerful? It can affect the visible universe even through the thick wall of space!

So free,

Then you have to find something to do for it.

Lest it think about human beings every day and have crooked thoughts.

"How many?!"

Upon hearing this number, Pang Hai widened his eyes and licked his lips:

"Tsk, tsk, it can't move its nest, it can only stay there and get beaten. It's so miserable!"

"Let's wish it good luck!"

Just in the middle of talking,

Another unmanned warship loaded with strange particle missiles sets sail!

Only behind it,

Spaceships of the same configuration are lined up at the port, with busy robots constantly loading missiles into them.

The whole queue was very long.

A cursory look,

There are probably more than a hundred ships!


With the production line of this universe in place,

This number is increasing at a terrifying rate!

In short,

Blessed is the Warp!

People in this universe care so much about it, lining up to give it gifts, that it’s too late to be happy!

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