Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 672: Serious and infallible

Fang Jing has no doubt,

After coming into contact with the strange energy particles that Horos took out,

His head tilted directly,

The coma entered that space in consciousness.

In the dark space, the silver-white machine exudes shining light,

The gray-black main vein and silver-white branch veins are symmetrical to each other.

Apart from the fact that the colors are different, which makes Fang Jing a little uncomfortable,

This symmetrical structure

Sure enough, it is somehow in line with some basic human aesthetics.

Every time I see this scene,

Fang Jing can be sure that this machine must have been designed by humans!


Only humans can have this kind of aesthetics,

Look at Arnomi,

They arranged a room for him, and he just made it up and down.

When I went to visit Fang Jing as a guest, he almost lost his temper. He was like the Moritani Teiji of this universe, and the famous Detective Conan came to the scene.


He held back, after all, the physiological structure is different, and people's aesthetics are based on asymmetry!

Now, looking at this machine,

Standard symmetry,

The color is still black and white, it’s simply too wonderful!

A pleasing feeling!

Ahem, it’s time to run a carriage.

Fang Jing stopped his thoughts and focused his gaze firmly on the small white dot of the branch.

As his eyes came closer, the original white dots were instantly dyed red!

At the same time, as his consciousness came into contact with the little red dot,

Prompt screens suddenly appeared around him!

There was darkness all around,

In the darkness, Fang Jing faintly saw something red.

A tweezer sticking out from the red root system of some kind of plant, or perhaps a sarcoid? Samples were taken out.

Then the screen suddenly went black,

A strange particle structure was vaguely displayed before his eyes!

Until here,

The prompt screen suddenly shattered,

In reality,

Fang Jing opened his eyes suddenly and sat up directly from the medical cabin.

That just now was...a prompt to open the space door?

from a red,

Some kind of particles are extracted from things that look like roots and sarcoma-like things crawling all over the ground?

"Why is this reminder becoming more and more abstract?"

Seeing King Sun make a safe gesture, Fang Jing couldn't help but complain.

All right,

This kind of hint makes it impossible to guess what the new world is like.

The ground is covered with red roots,

Doesn't this appear in movies very often?

"Forget it, let's leave these things to the external brain!"

I thought a lot,

Fang Jing gradually gave up thinking,

It’s better to leave professional matters to professionals.

He just needs to be responsible for winning!

"You kid, you look so arrogant. I guess the expert team has another headache."

Beside him, Zhou Yuan shook his head and couldn't help but chuckled when he saw Fang Jing's head tilted, as if he needed help outside the court.

Every time Fang Jing shows this expression,

Members of the expert group,

Just get ready to change your hair!

That’s not a smile, it’s the hard work of old men and women!

"What are you talking about? I can't understand it!"

Fang Jing curled his lips,

There's no way he can't understand it, right?

"The pinkish root system, a sarcoma-like structure, is spread all over the ground..."

Tan Wei picked his head.

Maybe his hands were too strong, and he grabbed a lot of hair. Zhou Yuan's eyes jumped sharply when he saw it.

Fortunately, he works in the field,

You don't need to use your brain, otherwise you will definitely be "bald"!

Speaking of this matter,

I guess everyone is laughing at Horos for having too many "stewed eggs". This bastard refuses to make a potion that prevents hair loss.

This universe and Xi Ruier were too busy, so they just made a medicine that can quickly grow hair and that’s it.

So there is this scene in front of me,

Tan Wei found that his hair was falling out a bit quickly, so he drank a bottle of hair growth water for himself while talking.


Then his hair grew and fell out, and his hair became a consumable for brain thinking!

The style of painting is developing in an increasingly strange direction!

As for Horos,

The people watching this beast almost laughed out loud!

The one who usually cooks braised eggs screams,

Now I'm going to be a braised egg too!

Fang Jing, the culprit who invented the term "braised egg", suddenly wiped away a cold sweat when he saw this scene.

Fortunately, he is not a rigid user!

"There are too many works with this kind of characteristics. Obviously, Mr. Zhu, this is another world that you will only know if you have been there."

Tan Wei poured himself a sip of hair growth water as if nothing had happened.

He came to this conclusion based on the analysis of his assistants and the opinions of members of the team.

As for the hair issue,

He doesn't care anymore and just fights with Horos to the end.

This is about face and honor, and they will never give in!

"I see."

Mr. Zhu nodded,

Glancing at the small movements of these parties,

You guys are having a great time!

Arnomi, the new member, was still watching the video over and over again.

This guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

A pair of eyes rolled around, and he was now the subject of special attention from the Secret Service.

"An unknown world!"

"...Fang Jing, are you ready?"

I sighed in my heart,

Mr. Zhu is no longer as worried as he was at first. After all, this is not the first unknown world!

"Of course I'm ready!"

However, there was no trace of nervousness on Fang Jing's face.

After he firmly answered Mr. Zhu's words, he did not forget to look sideways at Horos, and then made a "braised egg" mouth gesture.

Provoke the other party to "glare at each other".

"Just be ready!"

Mr. Zhu nodded,

He didn't pay attention to the small actions of a few people in private.

Base Erha and Horos are familiar with each other.

Even if there is a conflict, just give it a beating!

This is all well-known to everyone.

Either it's two against one against Horos, or Fang Jing is one against two.

Everyone is used to it.

"The expert team has prepared a detailed plan. When ready, gather in the disinfection room No. 12. Remember our regulations!"

Zhu Lao said this,

The people present seemed to have received some kind of signal, and they all immediately sat upright.

In this situation, some small actions are innocuous, but when it comes to doing things,

They always remember those eight words!

"Seriously, nothing goes wrong!"

The members of the expert group answered Mr. Zhu solemnly,

Then the logistics began to be organized in earnest.

For these jobs,

All departments of Project 237 are already familiar with it and can no longer be familiar with it.

But even so, they still insist on checking every link no less than three times.

To ensure true foolproofness!

A few hours later,

In the disinfection room No. 12, Fang Jing, who was wearing a mimic armor and fully armed, walked out of the airlock door.

Facing everyone's gaze,

Standing in the center of the entire disinfection room, where the space door will stand in the future

He looked around,

He didn't say anything, just made a ready gesture towards the monitor,

Then in the spotlight,

Use your consciousness to activate that machine,

Then his figure swayed,

In an instant,

Disappeared in place!

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