Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 677 What a strange feeling

War of the Worlds, East University,

During the time that Fang Jing left, Li Ze had convinced everyone in the country and informed him of the alien situation in a serious manner.

However, the impact of this amount of information is really too great.

Even if these big guys are well-informed,

He was immediately confused. After confirming that Li Ze was not joking, he confirmed his decision.

"This is an opportunity. Even if the parallel universe does not provide us with the promised assistance, this information alone is enough!"

The voice on the other end of the phone was a bit old, but also very decisive.

"Old Li, please pay close attention. If the other party can produce a national distribution map of alien weapons, or even a global distribution map, notify me immediately!"

"Since these aliens can be killed by bacteria, we have to make some arrangements!"

Now that I know this,

Dongda cannot be a coward, it must take the initiative!

And mastering all the information provided by the parallel universe,

Until these aliens will eventually be killed by Earth's bacteria, the person on the other end of the phone feels that they need to play something cruel.

"you mean?"

Li Ze raised his eyebrows.

"Be prepared with both hands, nothing will go wrong. I'll have people look through the information and speed up the production of a batch of bacterial bombs. If you are cheating over there, I can at least have a plan here!"

A serious voice came from the other end of the phone and said:

"You can receive it with confidence, we all support you, it's best if you can really follow the contract!"

Speaking of the content of the contract,

Not only Li Ze, the people on the other end of the phone were also very excited.

Let technical assistance come more intensely!


I don’t want to work hard anymore!

As for refusal, only fools will refuse.

As for their technology,

If a little bit of soup leaks out, it will be enough for them to study for decades!


Li Ze swallowed.

Suddenly, there were rapid footsteps at the door. Luo Yuan stood at the door, knocked on the door, and said urgently:

"That comrade suddenly appeared again!"

"Okay, let's get started here. Let's stop here."

Li Ze hung up the phone, stood up in a hurry, and ran with Luo Yuan towards a maintenance room underground in the base.

Come to the door of the maintenance room,

They did see something strange.

A silver iron man is actually painting the maintenance room? ? ?

Li Ze wiped his eyes to make sure he saw it correctly.

Fang Jing was just carrying a paint bucket.

He's painting the garage, and he's working very quickly, and it's almost done by now!

"Comrade, what are you doing?"

"These aliens must be monitoring the earth. There is some kind of metal inside this paint that will sneak into the cement and turn the cement into a shielding layer. Next, I will find a way to dismantle one of these alien weapons and activate it to obtain sample."

Fang Jing saw Li Ze's doubts.

Just as he finished painting, he simply put down what he was doing, gestured to a huge square box that had been unloaded next to him, and explained:

"This is a fully functional production line. You ask someone to pour the raw materials into it according to the prompts, and first produce a batch of... tens of thousands of detectors."

production detectors,

This thing is very simple,

The production line is very smart, just follow the prompts to stuff the raw materials into it!

Simply put,

As long as you understand human language, you can operate it.

Simple and easy to use!


Li Ze's eyes rolled when he heard this.

He was not only thinking about production issues, he was also thinking about how to give this powerful-sounding thing to "Taimo" and keep it here after production was completed!

This thing is pretty awesome!

"Ahem, Comrade Li Ze, don't worry. When your crisis is over, this production line will become part of our aid."

Fang Jing looked at Li Ze,

Looking at his expression, I felt a little funny.

The other party almost had "I want this machine" written on his face!

"Really, that would be great!"

After saying that, for fear that Fang Jing would regret it, he took the machine and ran away immediately!

This level of escape,

Fang Jing pursed his lips and smiled, he is an interesting person again!

Wait until the other party leaves,

He then completely closed the door to the maintenance room and turned to look at the... triangular cone machine lying quietly on the ground.

Let's take a look at what this thing is capable of!

The process of disassembling this machine,

Full of Cybertronian aesthetics!

Don't tell me, the craftsmanship of these aliens is quite exquisite.

Although the entire machine looks a bit rough and heavy-industrial, upon closer inspection, there are almost no gaps between the structures!


After searching for a long time, Fang Jing's microscope eyes finally discovered the flaw in this machine!

That is the opponent's weapon. There is a small gap on the side of the laser head!

It's this gap,

It became Fang Jing’s key to prying it open!

In his hand, the metal arm armor has turned into a cone-shaped vessel, with a tip with tiny nanopores at the front, which is pressed against the gap. Then, the deformed metal continuously pours into the gap of the machine through the nanopores. !

Wait until you enter the gap,

In an instant, the deformed metal combined into a micro robot!

A strong castle can always be conquered from within!

No matter how perfect the outside design of this machine is,

Hehe, there are also flaws inside!


Right in front of Fang Jing,

this alien weapon began to fall down along the seams, and the shell was falling off like it was free!

This is a delicate job,

you have to remove its shell without damaging the machine!

After removing the shell,

the spacecraft revealed its internal structure,

densely buried wires, complex equipment, and a round cockpit.

What surprised Fang Jing was that

in the cockpit,

there was actually... an alien!

It was a typical big-eyed alien from Carslan, with a high bulge on its head, two short and thick hind legs and two slender forelimbs. It looked like a quadruped walking, and the slender forelimbs were used for grasping.

At this time,

this alien was lying quietly in the round closed cockpit, curled up, motionless, like a baby still in the womb.

"This little thing looks quite... special."

Fang Jing grinned,

carefully pulled out a data cable of this spaceship, and then connected it to the outer intelligent system of the mimic armor.

"The system has been connected and is being hacked..."

"Some kind of synaesthesia technology has been detected and is being processed. Access has been denied."

The hacking has begun.

His mission is very clear, which is to use this alien weapon to create rhizomes and nodules, and then obtain samples!


With the connection of the two systems,

the disassembled triangular cone machine actually lit up a faint blue light at this moment.

For some reason,

this light made Fang Jing feel a little panic in his heart?

"Why do I have a bad premonition? I can't say it's dangerous, but I feel..."

Fang Jing scratched his head.

This feeling can't be said to be dangerous, but it feels very embarrassing? !

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