Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 683 You said there is no possibility

United States,

CIA headquarters,

Several agents sat together, checking the data collected from Dongda.

"Looking at the location, this place should be an underground nuclear test base built in the last century."

Two observers, Thor and Helmer, also attended the meeting, and they were analyzing the data.

"Nuclear test base, launching rockets, and now a large number of raw materials are coming in?"

The agents frowned,

It's too messy, the other party is like a drunk boxing, messy, they can't guess where they will hit in the end.

"Maybe they want to increase the number of nuclear warheads?"

Helmer raised his head carefully, his eyes rolling around.


"The raw materials are delivered by truck..."

Even his companion Thor was speechless when he heard this,

Have you ever seen anyone's uranium ore being directly delivered by civilian trucks? !

"We did get some internal information, but it's also very vague."

The CIA agents thought for a moment and took out the information they had.

"The intelligence personnel of Dongda have made detailed deployments in several urban areas and certain locations. It seems that they are looking for something?"

Because the confidentiality level of Dongda is too high this time,

the people they planted in Dongda only know where someone went and what they are looking for,

but they don't know the specific content.

"Looking for something?"

Putting all the materials together,

it's even more confusing.

The other party's set of turtle punches is surprisingly messy,

but they don't believe that Dongda will not do useless work.

The other party must have its own purpose!

"Besides the city, where else is there?"

In the conference room, the director of the Astronomical Center, Sloer, glanced at the city name provided by the CIA, his eyes slightly widened a little, and he seemed to be thinking about something.

"We can only find out this information. The other party's confidentiality work is very strict. Our people are just the outer layer."

The CIA agent shook his head,

that's all!

"Send your people to these places to see if the other side has made any arrangements!"

Slore narrowed his eyes slightly, took out a map of the East University, and randomly pointed out two locations on a hill.

"Here? It's deserted, what can there be?"

Scratching his head, the agent was a little confused.

"Send someone to take a look, just in case there is something to gain, it's better than us talking about it here like a group of headless flies."

Slore didn't explain much, just casually responded.


The agent saw that the discussion was fruitless and ended the meeting.

When almost everyone had left, Sloer walked out of the room and came to a quiet place. Facing a blank wall, he muttered to himself with empty eyes:

"This group of two-legged monkeys seem to have discovered our secret."

"Not sure, I'm sending people to verify. If these two locations are indeed arranged, what should we do?"

"Okay, I'll contact Tester..."

"Once it is confirmed that the other party has discovered something, launch an attack immediately!"

"I've been here long enough!"

At the end, Sloer's face was a little ferocious, and he growled.

His face returned to calm, and he left the small room expressionlessly.



When Li Ze unloaded the first batch of materials in front of Fang Jing,

Fang Jing looked at him, grinned, and showed a sunny smile.

"Fang Jing, can we start?"

Li Ze exhaled,

This is a gamble,

The resources needed by the other party are now being transported here from all over the country, and for this reason, even many important industrial constructions have been stopped directly!

The house is about to be stolen,

What's the point of industrial construction?

Keep it as a burial object, and use it in the underworld!

"It's time to start!"

Fang Jing smiled confidently,

glancing behind Li Ze, he saw several silver-haired scientists following him,

Well, the audience is here,

Next, let them see what productivity is!


With Fang Jing's order,

countless material collection tubes like tentacles instantly stretched out from the six production lines,

and the entire warehouse suddenly looked like a cult, extremely weird.

Metal tentacles flew everywhere,

the raw materials piled up in place were decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye,

one after another, the sharp cones as big as a person were being spit out by the production line frantically and continuously.

There was no pause,

just this second,

according to the intelligent system, the six production lines had produced nearly a thousand units!

The scholar behind Li Ze, Wu Zhiyuan, had just come to observe.

He originally wanted to see the production method of the parallel world, but when the terrifying energy of these six machines was placed in front of him, it was a speechless shock. He widened his eyes and stood there blankly, looking at the machine, which was like spitting water. This kind of productivity!!! He could already see what was behind this machine. The parallel world of Dongda must have entered a social stage with highly developed productivity! Li Zeyi was already standing there, with an expression of shock on his face.

Fang Jing quietly turned a part of his armor into a video recorder and recorded the performance of several people in detail.

he thought,

After many years,

This is their proper dark history!


"It's a pity that I didn't think of this back then. Otherwise, wouldn't Mr. Zhou and the others have to be controlled by me?"

Fang Jing smiled inwardly,


When he thinks more deeply, if he had really done this,

Wouldn't he be beaten by a group of people at the base? ? ?


Thinking of this, he immediately became more cautious in his movements.

Well, if you do such bad things, you must not be discovered!

Li Ze and others were still silent in the shock brought to them by these six production lines, and did not notice Fang Jing's small movements at all.

In fact, even if they knew about it, they would not care. Instead, they would cherish this video very much.


This is the turning point of their fate!

"This batch of production is finished!"

After Fang Jing finished recording the video, he looked at the equipment that had filled the entire warehouse and the raw materials that had bottomed out, and shut down the machine.


There is only one restriction on their production speed,

The speed of transporting raw materials!

"I'll have the transportation department speed it up!"

Li Ze came back to his senses, his eyes shining brightly,

He saw hope in these machines!


At this moment, a soldier in military uniform ran in from outside the warehouse door. He whispered a few words in Li Ze's ear.

Hearing his words,

Li Ze's face instantly turned livid, and he asked Fang Jing solemnly:

"Comrade Fang Jing, do you think it's possible that those aliens have sent some spies to lurk in our human world?"


Hearing the other party ask this,

Fang Jing's heart skipped a beat.

You asked me this, have you discovered anything?

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