Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 689 Really, it’s over in seconds!

Slor, who controls the pilot, kills very quickly.

The pale light shines through,

One swipe is enough to create a large area!

Human blood accumulated on the ground and flowed slowly. In just a moment, the originally low-lying road turned into a trickling stream made of sticky blood!

After being turned into blood,

As time went by, the flowing blood eventually turned pink.

Moreover, there are some pink roots and sarcomas growing out of the blood,

This scene,

It looks extremely disgusting!

However, Slor was very excited.

"Transform, keep transforming!"

"Let this planet completely become our home!"

Cheers a few times,

Looking at the neighborhood that he had already killed, Slor estimated in his mind how many seconds he had left.

He looked up at the sky, his face full of anticipation.

They, the Space Hunters, Arnov's army, are coming!

Human civilization is about to meet death! ! !


Including the livestock they raise, as well as all animals on this planet, even plants,

They will be completely exterminated by them, and then they will become nutrients for the growth of the new world!


When he thought about the exciting place, Slor coughed twice.

He didn't care about this, and even complained a little:

"It's all due to the frail human body. It must be because of the period of lurking that I'm a little uncomfortable with it."

"Next, I have to take a good bath in the long-lost air!"

After saying that,

He just waited quietly,

He didn't even bother to pay attention to the human who was pointing an RPG at him not far away.

It's just the ant's death struggle!

"It's this damn thing that killed thousands of people in these few blocks. It's just like a devil!"

At the corner of the street, two men with ferocious and frightened faces pulled out a rocket launcher from somewhere.

Without hesitation, they pulled the trigger directly on the triangular cone monster.


The rocket launcher shoots out,

But three meters away from the triangular cone monster, it exploded as if it hit a wall of air!

"Hou Li Crab Te, what is that?!"

The two attackers opened their eyes in horror.

But before the two of them could escape, Slor's eyes focused on them.

The pale light passed by,

The two of them directly turned into two pools of blood!

"Not enough, far from enough!"

Slor, who was so crazy that he even let the pilot fly temporarily, reached the height of a skyscraper, and then spun on the spot.

Dense white light shines continuously on the entire city,

Just a few minutes,

Relying on this method, Slor caused quite a murder!

This is simply a one-sided massacre!

Until I "saw" the sky lit up with golden light wrapped in purple,

Only then did he stop killing,

Instead, he roared at the sky:

"Come, my compatriots, let us forge a new settlement with conquest and blood!"


Finished roaring,

He was waiting there with a crazy face,

At his feet, buried underground, was a pilot, where he was personally waiting for his compatriots!


The gold-coated purple light that was supposed to land turned out to be only gold after entering the earth!

A thunderbolt struck Slor's feet,

The pilot buried underground only trembled slightly, and then fell into...


? ? ?

Slor's eyes widened and he looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

What on earth happened!

interstellar dust region,

Halwei had already laughed heartily in the cockpit,

Except for that damn Eastern Continent,

Eight hundred thousand Arnov hunters have officially set off!

Their consciousness is protected by the golden energy shell and under the gravitational tube created by the spacecraft, traveling through the universe at super-light speed!

This is an upcoming activity that is even more exciting than orbital airborne.

These warriors,

It will come to the earth in the form of super-light speed!

"Slor and our advance team have started killing on the earth without any hindrance. It seems that I was overly worried before."

The voice of the mastermind sounded faintly beside Halwei,

His tone was a little relieved and a little reassured.

"Haha, this is a weak civilization, they have no ability to resist!"

Halwe just sneered at this,

To them, human civilization is like weeds on the roadside, they can be trampled to death with just one kick!

"However, there are some sharp people in this weak civilization,"

"I like to see them the most, they look desperate, unwilling but helpless!"

Thinking that the arrival point of the eastern continent was still gray, Halwei smiled even colder.

very good,

Finally something fun!

When his 800,000-strong army arrives, he must be the first to destroy the humans in this place!

"Captain, the soldiers are coming!"

At this moment, the mastermind issued a reminder.

At the same time,

On the optical detector, I saw the bright gold-coated purple light transmitting into the solar system and flying towards the earth. The scenery hidden in the Kuiper Belt also cheered up.

It’s finally here!

The golden purple light was very fast. After entering the solar system, it had reached the orbit of Jupiter in the blink of an eye!


Fang Jing, who had been waiting for so long, roared and started up tens of millions of devices buried in the Earth's orbit.

The originally blue Earth,

suddenly appeared a series of blue dots in orbit, and then these dots shot out lasers, connected into lines, and finally expanded into a thin film!

This film is very thin, and the color is also sky blue.

This color, shrouded in the Earth, which is itself dominated by blue, is not visible at all!


Interstellar dust, Halvey in the cockpit of the spacecraft discovered the changes in the Earth through the detector, and he roared in horror.

"Where did this damn film come from? Quick, main brain, it will be terminated!"

"Quickly terminate the program!"

Halvey's eyes were red at this time.

The detector showed that the film was used to intercept the information body!

If his soldiers were allowed to continue the program, 800,000 soldiers would be destroyed!


this time the main brain did not reply to him,

because, when he found out, it was too late!

In the solar system,

the dazzling golden purple energy beam continued to travel,

from Jupiter's orbit to the earth, it was just a blink of an eye!

They have come to the outside of the earth!

The next moment,

the gravitational narrow tube ended here, and Arnolf's energy consciousness ray hit the filter cover hard!


passed through smoothly,

but, visible to the naked eye, in the light that passed through, the purple light completely disappeared!

The other party's consciousness was successfully intercepted!

The golden light entered the earth,

directly turned into lightning and struck the coordinates of the coming,

the iron pilot who was struck only trembled slightly, without the slightest sign of waking up.

800,000 soldiers,

all destroyed!


Halvey, who saw this scene with his own eyes, went crazy!

He couldn't believe it,

he was actually tricked by this damn human!

He must make the other party pay the price, no matter what! !

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