Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 704 I want to go too!

this universe,

When the photos that had been filtered several times appeared in front of Mr. Zhu,

He gave a rare relaxed smile.

"This time the weird sphere in the subspace did not dodge, but took the blow firmly. It seems that the opponent is very weak!"

"Yes, our attacks are still going on. When necessary, I even think I can communicate with 'it'!"

This idea came to Zhao Guangyao's mind,

When the sphere is weakened to the extreme and there is no erosion body around it at all,

capture it, study it,

Explore the mechanism of its birth and study the principle of its manufacture!

Even, take this opportunity to touch the clues of the civilization that created it!

This enemy

It's always been too mysterious,


This intentional sphere,

This is the best entry point for this universe to understand them!

"Your idea can be regarded as a possibility for the time being. The details will have to wait for everyone to demonstrate."

Mr. Zhu nodded gently,

Capturing a guy who can use his corrosive body to bewitch and distort his consciousness is not an easy task.

Even if you have to do it,

You must also be thoughtful and meticulous, leaving no flaws!

Otherwise, if the other party takes advantage of the loophole, I'm afraid he won't be able to make a comeback!

"By the way, Mr. Zhu, there is one more thing. Fang Jing... also wants to visit the Broken Star Territory."

Zhao Guangyao's voice was a little worried,

The most important thing now is to explore the Broken Star Territory.

This kind of prosperous place is not only a beautiful place, many people want to visit it.

"If you want to go, then go."

Mr. Zhu didn't stop him, he just smiled lightly:

"The expert team has already made a plan. The spacecraft going there will be of the Aegis class, half a kilometer in length. This size can carry out space bridge transmission in seconds and is also equipped with a space breaker."

"Even if you are imprisoned in space, you can still escape smoothly!"

The requirements given by Mr. Zhu are:

It’s okay to have enough combat power, but you have to run fast!

You can beat it, but you can't beat it.

But you must be able to run through it!

Therefore, under the restrictions of physical laws, the spacecraft cannot be too large. Half a kilometer level, capable of high-frequency transmission within ten light years per second, is the most suitable form found in the end!

In addition, the scenery can be transported directly based on that machine,

Even if you can't run away,

Fang Jing can also run back immediately to shake people!

Across the entire galaxy,

There is a delay in the delivery of information!

When the ship sends a distress signal, it's better to have Fang Jing come back to report it!

"Okay, I'll go back and inform him. This kid will definitely be happy for a while when he finds out."

Zhao Guangyao smiled and nodded,

It's not like we're going there on a ship. For safety, we need a fleet, right?

There is a fleet to protect safety,

He wasn't too worried about Fang Jing's safety.

"The list has been finalized. Pang Hai is on vacation. Then call Wu Tong over and let him serve as the flagship captain!"

Mr. Zhu nodded,

Fang Jing was not only happy, he was probably jumping up and down!

"Let everyone get ready. The spaceships in Kyushu are ready. There are twenty-four ships in total."

"Our target this time is-the Stellar star system!"

war of the worlds,

Outside the solar system, twenty-four battleships formed a battle array, floating quietly in the interstellar dust area.

After a final inspection,

The spaceship is preparing to travel at faster than light speeds!

"Visitor" fleet, within the core compartment of the Neutron Star flagship,

Fang Jing looked curious and asked Zhou Yuan:

"Hey, Brother Zhou, why can't I fly? Isn't there a space bridge?"

"This is called showing weakness to the enemy. If someone attacks us, we can do it by surprise!"

Zhou Yuan put on the immersion suit and grinned at Fang Jing.

Disguised as only capable of high-speed super-light flight,

The enemy will not think of blocking the air against them. In this way, if they encounter trouble that cannot be solved, they can directly teleport and escape, leaving the opponent dumbfounded.

After all, who would have thought that you don't need teleportation? !


Fang Jing nodded suddenly, and when closing the door of the soaking chamber, he finally asked:

"There should be many aliens in the Broken Star Territory, right?"

"According to the data we read from Pan Tai, it is a garbage recycling station. There are many civilizations selling various things of unknown origin. There is a mixture of three religions and nine streams, and it is very chaotic. However, the types and numbers of aliens are indeed all trade The most popular one in the station!”

"There are no less than a dozen types that Pan Tai has encountered alone!"

Zhou Yuan shook his head and smiled,

The Broken Star Territory is equivalent to the official black market.

Safe in the safe zone,

Outside the safe zone, it depends on luck!

"More than a dozen!"

Hearing this amount, Fang Jing's eyes widened.

There are so many of these types!

There are more than a dozen civilizations that can fly faster than the speed of light to alliance transmission points like the Stur star system.

Fang Jing can already imagine the prosperity and grand scene there!

Various civilizations and intelligent creatures collide and communicate,

It was definitely fun there!

"This is just a rough estimate. In fact, it may be more. This is actually not surprising. The Milky Way is very large, spanning one hundred thousand light-years, and the stars in it are like grains of sand. If there are no other factors, there will naturally be no shortage of civilizations."

Zhou Yuan smiled and said,

This should actually be the norm in the universe.

It's just that under the governance of this alliance and the creation of the safe zone, the development of civilization has taken a completely different path.

"In fact, there are still some civilizations that cannot go to the Broken Star Territory at all. However, under the guidance of the Alliance, there are some moderate civilizations in the galaxy that are also biased towards law. They are willing to use spaceships and let backward civilizations pay for the energy to carpool and transport them. Go to Broken Star Territory.”

"According to Pan Tai, there are many backward civilizations like this. They relied on searching for technology in the Broken Star Territory and then developed."

Zhou Yuan said,

There is also some emotion.

This world and the Milky Way are completely different.

This is the leading role of the overlord civilization!

Mild above,

Civilizations within the radiation area don’t dare to make mistakes!

"Here, it feels like...the interstellar era that humans enjoyed in the early days, full of beauty."

Fang Jing's eyes flashed with curiosity and longing.

How wonderful it would be if the entire multiverse were like this in the future!


This is not realistic after all.

"Okay, no more words, the time is up, get ready to enter the soaking state!"

After saying that, Zhou Yuan heard the reminder on the radio and immediately closed the lid of the soaking hatch.

Fang Jing also followed immediately.

The moment the hatch cover is closed,

A light green solution immediately poured in, filling the entire cabin.

Fang Jing was directly soaked in it!

The oxygen-rich solution seeped into his nose and throat,

He didn't feel any discomfort at all,

Until his whole body was completely immersed, he closed his eyes and was immersed in the synaesthetic virtual reality world.

"Entered immersion mode...the spaceship sets sail!"

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