Wearing a transparent isolation gown,

Fang Jing followed curiously to the landing module of the flagship.

Next, they will have face-to-face contact with various aliens for the first time!

That's right,

It was on the way to the space elevator that they were about to come into contact.

Because the rules of the alliance are that when leaving the spaceship, everyone must take the ferry arranged by the alliance!

This is also to prevent some civilizations from jumping over the wall and driving a small gunboat directly into the Broken Star!


On the ferry ship, they will be able to come into contact with various aliens face to face!

The landing bay opens,

Even if Fang Jing and his party are exposed to a vacuum, the isolation suit and biological armor work at the same time, allowing them to handle it with ease.

In the distance, the densely packed various docked spaceships dazzled everyone.

For those with a heavy industrial style, the spacecraft is rough and atmospheric, and the gap at the connection is big enough to fit a person in; for those with a refined style, the spaceship is as smooth as a mirror. If you look through it with a telescope, you can even see through the hull of the opponent's spacecraft. Himself; there are also those who use a grotesque style of painting. The irregular shape of the spaceship makes people feel extremely uncomfortable.

After all, they have entered the universe!

There is no need to follow the aerodynamic laws of the planet,

Of course, the spaceship is as good as the aesthetics!

Just like the oblique pentahedral spaceship and the "toilet" shaped spaceship in the distance, I felt a little uncomfortable looking at the scene.

He could only comfort himself in his heart,

Respect civilized customs, respect, blessing...

But it’s really ugly!

Not long after, in this spaceship parking area, a tilted triangular spacecraft slowly approached the human fleet.

This triangular spaceship has a smooth hull and is golden yellow. All sides are composed of triangles with great differences. The hatch is placed diagonally on the side. The size of the door can be adjusted to suit the needs of different intelligent creatures. Body shape needs.

After approaching Fang Jing and others,

The cabin door of the spacecraft opened, and a passage emitting blue light connected the landing module.

"This is the Alliance ferry, human civilization, passenger 19, the location has been received, please get on the boat, your seat information has been sent!"

The ferry boat approached and the seat information of Fang Jing and others was immediately sent.

The alliance is very good and considerate in this regard. At least, 19 of them are next to each other!

among the crowd,

After receiving the information, including Fang Jing, they looked at the channel that emitted blue light with curiosity.

They haven't felt this way for a long time!


There are points of curiosity everywhere!

For example, this blue channel looks like a slide. How do you get up there?

"Let me try!"

Zhou Yuan took the lead and walked into the blue passage first.

Then, he felt an inexplicable pressure on his body, which squeezed the transparent isolation suit on his body. Then, he was squeezed and moved slowly in the blue channel!

This scene,

Fang Jing and others understood what they were seeing.

It turns out that this thing and the transparent isolation suit are used together!

No wonder this isolation suit is a little soft on the outside.

It turns out to be a stress buffer!


Fang Jing's eyes lit up and he flew forward to follow Zhou Yuan's footsteps.

"Everyone, get on board!"

Wu Tong also laughed,

He directed everyone to line up and walked into the blue channel.

This blue channel is still a trivial matter. When everyone entered the spacecraft and followed the instructions to their seats, everyone's expressions were called "Wonderful!"


In order to let everyone adapt to the feeling of getting along with other civilizations,

The seats on the spaceship are no longer partitioned.

That is to say,

These 19 people in this universe are directly sandwiched between two civilizations, no, front, back, left, right, up and down,

Directly sandwiched between six different civilizations!

That’s outrageous!


All the curiosity in Fang Jing's heart turned into extreme embarrassment.

Because they are caught between six civilizations!

Six completely different civilizations!

The one on the left is a bug as big as a human, like some kind of beetle; the one on the right is some kind of mollusk, a multi-tentacled octopus; the others are also all kinds of weird shapes,

But Fang Jing didn’t pay much attention to them either.

Because the two civilizations on the left and right are so...enthusiastic!

"Hohoho, is this your first time in the alliance?"

"Newbie, it's so rare. Broken Star is the one with the most damage among all trading posts!"

A beetle-like civilization is translated as giant tree civilization.

On their civilized planet, there is only one sacred tree that covers the entire planet. These beetles are parasitic on the sacred tree. Their carapace is very hard and they can survive in a vacuum for several months without using any equipment.

The king of endurance!

"How did you know about the Alliance?"

On the other side, a soft-bodied creature like an octopus also chatted with them enthusiastically.

This kind of intelligent creature looks like a marine civilization at first glance. Their civilization is called the Deep Ocean, and they are one of the civilizations that has joined the alliance!

"We fought a battle with a civilization called Arnov in space, and then we learned that... there was an alliance in the universe, so we came over immediately to take a look."

In this regard,

Fang Jing and the others had a unified answer, which was to put all the blame on Arnov!

This kind of blame-shifting behavior never works after repeated attempts.

There are so many civilizations here anyway, who would go out of their way to remember a nomadic civilization?

As a result, this "Tatara" who talked passionately in the deep ocean actually knew!

After Wu Tong finished speaking,

It shook its tentacles, thought for a moment, and then said astonishingly:

"Oh, Arnov, I have an impression of that bandit civilization!"

"You defeated them?!"

"Tatara, do you know this civilization?"

Now it was Fang Jing and others' turn to be surprised. The Arnov civilization last visited here more than 500 years ago.

Five hundred years ago, do you have any impression of this?

What a super brain!

"I know that they were lucky enough to get the technology in the Broken Star. Their consciousness was completely energized and they were no longer bound to the physical body. The Alliance has paid attention to them, but it's a pity that they are addicted to killing. This is what the Alliance hates, so there is no issue invite."

Tatara shook his head, looked at the human civilization in front of him with some curiosity, and sighed:

"My father has said before that sooner or later they will die from killing,"

"It seems that what he said as an old man still has merit!"

"Then do you know why they are addicted to killing?"

Having said this, Wu Tong asked this question in a cryptic manner.

He wants to know,

Is the Absorption Evolver something everyone knows about, or is it an unknown item that Arnoff got by chance?

Anyway, according to Pan Tai,

There were at least three of these extracting evolvers at that time!

"We don't know that. After all, it's their civilization's choice."

In this regard,

Tatara shook his head, he really didn't know what was going on!

This Arnov civilization was originally a nomadic civilization.

When they can no longer survive, they invade civilization. This can also be explained by survival choices.

But since the last time I came to Broken Star,

He became extremely bloodthirsty, which was strange to him.

Tatara can only define it as crazy!

"If you want to explore the reasons for their transformation, you've come to the right place!"

No longer thinking about this, Tatara showed a "smile" when looking at Wu Tong.

Although I don't know the reason for the transformation of Arnov's civilization,


Someone may know!

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