Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 713 As long as you are happy!

in the alliance,

Because a large number of creatures have chosen to energize their consciousness,

The flesh is no longer a prison to them,

Therefore, a "cultural trend" arose hundreds of years ago, which is for conscious bodies to "wear" the physical bodies of different races!

Just like humans wearing clothes,

The consciousness of the alliance,

We are also pursuing various different, unique and rare physical bodies of alien species!

Although the alliance's biotechnology is advanced and can produce various "bodies" to supply to users in the alliance,


Intelligent creatures cannot imagine things they have not seen!

The shells manufactured by those "clothing" companies are basically modifications of the creatures in the alliance.

Either there are multiple heads, or that part is enlarged,

Nothing new!

As for other civilizations, they were born after hundreds of millions of years of natural selection on the planet. The splendid biosphere and civilizations, the shapes and bodies of the creatures in them are treasures that no designer can design!

These are miracles that cannot be replicated!

Therefore, since then, there has been a trend in the alliance to find the bodies of different civilizations and creatures to use as "show off" fashion.

Unfortunately, due to the limited civilization in the universe,

In more than a hundred years, all civilizations that the Alliance has come into contact with have been destroyed.


Tomos discovers a new, wild civilization!

When his consciousness enters the bodies of clones and those creatures and returns to the Alliance home planet,

Everyone will envy him,

He will be the focus of attention!

This mentality is like collecting stamps.

He, Tumos, possesses one of the rarest "shells" in the world, and will become the future star of the alliance!

"Ahem, Tomos, my friend, this unexpected deal has been reached, and next we want to exchange currencies."

Wu Tong didn't forget about business either.

The main purpose of their coming to the bank is to exchange for the unified currency of the alliance!

"Oh, I'm new here. Do you want to exchange some unified currency for consumption? Come on, come on, come with me!"

Thomas's enthusiasm at this moment was not ordinary.

Having spent a "body" in vain, his favorability towards human civilization has skyrocketed!

He almost rushed over, took Wu Tong's hand, and introduced him!

"We have two ways to exchange the unified currency of the alliance here. One is to exchange based on energy on a one-to-one basis; the other is to exchange technically. Professionals will evaluate it to ensure that it is not deceived!"

Tuomos came to the counter, pulled it thoughtfully, and produced a few metal pillars, allowing Wu Tong and others to sit down.

"What are you going to exchange for?"

"General civilizations will use technology, even if it is repeated technology, because different civilizations have different priorities. Because of this idea, our alliance will also purchase it and give a good price."

He said this because he felt,

Emerging civilizations should not be able to use so much energy.

The total mass of the Milky Way is so much,

There are so many civilizations here, and Tuomos has received many people in the past who came to exchange for a unified currency.

that scene,

Everyone is eager to take out their own wealth, and there is no direct one-to-one exchange for energy!

So he subconsciously thought,

This human civilization is probably the same!

"...Well, let's choose energy exchange!"

Wu Tong thought about it and made a decision!

Technology is something that can easily be revealed if it is revealed easily!

After some analysis,

I discovered some of your weaknesses and will be very passive when encountering conflicts!


Tuomos was a little surprised at Wu Tong's choice, but also a little curious.

"It's the exchange ratio."

As he spoke, he showed Wu Tong the standard ratio of exchange.

The alliance energy exchange ratio is very simple and crude.

Taking 10 times the energy produced by the sun in one day as a unit, it is calculated as one thousand standard alliance coins, and so on.

"How much do you want to exchange?"

After saying that, Tuomos was also very curious, how much can this human civilization be replaced? !

By grasping the amount of energy, we can generally infer the approximate strength of a civilization!

in the universe,

Once you master the speed of light, there will be no iron-clad hierarchy among civilizations.

What is first-level civilization, second-level civilization, third-level civilization?

In the real universe,

The situation is much more complicated.

The ideas of various civilizations are also completely different.

Some partial scientific civilizations can even be counterattacked by lower-level civilizations!

Even if they are at the same level of civilization, the gap between civilizations may be greater than that between humans and dogs!

Therefore, the alliance generally judges the strength of a civilization through its unit energy carrying efficiency!

And this efficiency,

You can intuitively see how much energy the spacecraft can carry!

"We want to change. Let's exchange for alliance coins first. You can go to the human fleet in the parking area to get it."

Wu Tong thought about it again and again.

I decided not to be too conspicuous and chose to keep a low profile!

He could have taken out a star source from his arms and shocked everyone, but that would be too stupid!

"Okay, I have assigned personnel to verify it, please wait a moment."

10 units of stellar energy!

Thomas was already a little surprised.

If these energies hit a spaceship, this spaceship has the ability to shatter a planet with a single attack!

This level of civilization,

can be considered middle-level in the alliance!

I didn't realize that human civilization is so powerful?

While waiting, Tomos chatted with Wu Tong for a few more words.

When the staff who went to verify extracted energy from the fleet and brought back the "body" that Tomos needed, Tomos handed Wu Tong a card.

"This card already contains 10,000 alliance coins and 50,000 Gagers,"

"Welcome to the alliance!"

After that,

Tomos no longer paid attention to Wu Tong, but looked at the five hibernation capsules beside him with excitement.

In these five hibernation capsules,

five different clones were sleeping in them.

This is the goods delivered by Wu Tong!

It only took a few seconds for the fleet to complete the manufacturing.

And the key is that the genes used for human clones are still those of humans in the alien world who have undergone major changes!


Neither leaking human genes nor affecting making money,


This universe wins twice!

"Now I'll try!"

Tomos couldn't wait any longer,

Seeing the purple light flashing, he went straight into the clone's hibernation capsule!

This hibernation capsule is all the Alliance's stuff,

This universe only provides clones and a living environment.

Afterwards, the lights flashed on the entire cabin,

Just in front of Wu Tong and others, a bald "person" in shorts suddenly opened his eyes, pushed open the hatch, stepped out of the hibernation capsule... and fell out!



The fair-skinned "person" fell flat on his face in front of Wu Tong and others!

Fang Jing looked at the scene in front of him and covered his eyes,

It was too much to watch,

There was a "person" on the ground, his hands and feet were swinging in a weird way,

This guy fell to the ground and couldn't get up,

His hands and feet were uncoordinated,

The whole body was on the ground, spinning like a top!

It looks quite funny!

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