Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 719 How did this thing pop out from the crowd?


Faced with Stro's extremely strange look, Wu Tong shook his head and had different opinions:

"I think the alliance is united for other reasons."

"Energy, we are all brothers in the four seas, it is just a shell of this layer of reason."

"It seems that if you are not the core civilization, you will not be able to access this truth."

It's definitely not that simple!


There are at least two types of people in the alliance who know that energyization is impossible!

The first type of people are the core members of the alliance. They don't care at all, because the alliance is originally for other things!

The second type of people are peripheral members of the alliance. They are in the same situation as Stroh, so... they will crazy to falsify this matter.

What can be used to falsify it?

"Who gets the twelve machines?"

Wu Tong narrowed his eyes.

If this is the case, everything will fall into place!

The transit station network is made from subspace, and is vaguely related to the alliance about the upcoming Covenant crisis!

"Arnov's civilized Alyost took one, I took one, the eternally lonely Pall took one..."

Stroh thought carefully and added:

"As of now, except for me and Pall, these machines must have changed hands."

"Just like Arnov's, it's in your hands."

"Have you been inquiring about news from the outside world?"

Wu Tong raised his eyebrows.

"I asked an old friend to do it. A lot of things have happened in these years. Ever since the discovery of those machines, the Chaos Realm has become a big melee. There... there used to be just some plundering incidents, but now, it's a war of annihilation at every turn. "

Stroll's face looked a little ugly,

It's because of this weird machine that the place is in such a mess!

In the past, everyone in the Chaotic Realm was quite abiding by the rules, at least they didn't do things like murder the entire clan.

What now?

It's chaos, everything is chaos!

"Wait, do you know something?"

Looking at Wu Tong's face, he looked like the alliance would definitely not collapse.

Stro's eyes lit up, and his face shone with hope.

"You must know something, right? Tell me quickly!"

He looked at Wu Tong expectantly, as if grasping a life-saving straw.

"...where did you find the space where that weapon was hidden?"

What was Wu Tong going to tell Stro?

Facing the other party's questioning, he just looked at him, and Fang Jing jumped up suddenly.

Stroll automatically shut up.

"In the fringe area, this is the star map, I will send it to you!"

Stroh looked ugly,

But in order not to get punched again, he still confessed honestly.

"Well, we understand. I wish you a happy life."

Wu Tong received the star map,

He stood up and said goodbye to Stro, and then left the room with a group of younger brothers like a gangster brother.

Stroh, who had a stick-shaped bruise on his head, was left freaking out.

Not like this,

I vomited all the water in my stomach,

In the end, you didn’t reveal anything? !

Walking on the streets of Universal City,

After watching too much, everyone's sense of novelty gradually faded away, replaced by a sense of normalcy.

"Brother Ang, that's all I'm asking. I feel like that guy can still say something!"

Fang Jing rubbed his hands, and his joints made a crisp sound.

Nastro's fighting skills were pretty good, and that scene gave him a feeling of relief from beating the cockroach to death!

"He probably only knows so much."

Wu Tong shook his head.

"Then what are we doing now?"

"Wait, wait for some news!"

"What news?"

"News from the Covenant!"

If he guessed correctly, it was recently!

"Does that mean we can have a nice stroll around the area?"

Fang Jing's eyes lit up,

When Broken Star came, they hadn't had time to get to know it well!


He turned his head sharply and looked firmly in one direction.

There is a jungle there, and in the jungle, there are many creatures that look like standing big cats!


He wants to go there and see!

There were many strange aliens on the street. The moment Fang Jing turned his head, a figure among them attracted him.

This is a long strip of alien,

There are two flexible auxiliary bones on his mouth that allow him to grasp and operate. He moves in a hurry, as if there is something urgent.

This is not the key,

The key is,

Just now, I don't know why, the moment he glanced at him, his whole body felt a creepy feeling!

"What's wrong?"

Wu Tong saw something was wrong with Fang Jing,

The look of curiosity and expectation just now turned into a bit scary in the blink of an eye. What was going on?

"That alien is weird!"

Fang Jing swallowed.

He shook his hand slightly, and a small detector appeared in his hand.

Quietly point the detector's head at the long alien,


There was a harsh clear sound in my ears,

Seeing the data on the detector, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Full, this, this is...corrosive body?!"

Fang Jing completely understood,

That creepy feeling just now was not fake!

There is really something wrong with that long alien creature!

"Silence, something is different, let's follow!"

Professor Dong walked quickly to Fang Jing, turned his head and saw the data on the detector, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

But he is a professional after all.

He soon realized that this was somewhat different from the corrosive body's data.

More precisely,

This is the corrosive body being transformed!

However, this was enough to make the faces of the members of this universe change drastically.

It's this damn thing again,

How did it appear in Alliance's Broken Star?

"Let's follow, Fang Jing, prepare strange energy weapons!"

Wu Tong took a deep breath, this Broken Star is no longer safe!

"I'm in front!"

Fang Jing used deformed metal to conjure several pieces of equipment with strange energy, and threw them to the other eighteen people. Then one person took the lead and stood in front of the team.

He is now the main combat force of the entire team, and naturally shoulders the important responsibility of protecting his comrades!

"The detector has been turned on. There is a problem with this one nearby. Brother Zhou, follow me and let us see what he is going to do!"

"Tianming, protect everyone!"

Fang Jing's body was covered with a light layer of deformed metal film.

At the same time, gray-white strange energy enveloped his whole body,

He rushed out immediately,

Zhou Yuan was not slow at all, and the two of them disappeared at the street corner following the long alien.

On the spot, Li Tianming, holding the detector, found a good defensive place and was responsible for protecting the remaining people.

Wu Tong also raised his equipment at this time, with a solemn look on his face.

who can know,

It’s like meeting “love” just around the corner!

Broken Star suddenly appeared something like an erosion body,

And just running around in the street,

Running around!

It's a fucking miracle that this alliance isn't over yet!

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