Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 728 What a courage!

the realm of chaos,

in the void,

Hidden in a diamond-shaped spaceship in a beam of light,

Kai Dis, sitting leisurely in his driving position, looked curiously at the star map in front of him.

"The lucky and unlucky treasure hunter, King Hunter Heimer?"

"Thank you, lucky guy, I saved your life!"

"If it is really that thing, you will definitely be filled with hatred this time, and your people will also get unacceptable bad news."

In the mixed orange and purple light group, a sigh slowly came out, and then stretched out one tentacle after another, carefully touching the star map in front of him, and moved the marked position on the edge of the star map. Put it to the maximum.

It was a chaotic zone with a large amount of planetary debris and even cooling star debris.

Due to the existence of these giant fragments,

The gravity of that place is terrifying. Sometimes, when two giant fragments fly past each other, if you are unlucky and happen to pass by, you will even be torn into two pieces and eaten by the fragments!

"It's actually here, near where the Evolutionary Drainer was discovered. That makes sense."

He nodded affirmatively, and the last trace of doubt in Cai Dis's heart disappeared.

If it were here,

It really might be the remnants of the previous civilization.

"There are chicken feathers all over the ground. I hope I can find them."

Kai Dis sighed deeply,

After confirming the location, he no longer hesitated.

The orange and purple tentacles that stretched out instantly retracted into the ball of light.

"Link the spaceship, the gravitational path is connected, connect!"

The light group retracted its tentacles, but the next moment, countless purple and orange spikes suddenly stretched out from the smooth surface!

These spikes extend infinitely and pierce directly into the light layer inside the cab.

The link is established,

Full speed, forward!

"Buzz buzz-"

In the void, the light beam emitted from the Alliance Cross Teleportation Node suddenly shined, and then the surrounding space spread out like water waves.

Following the swaying waves, the light beam trembled violently,

Just like a bird diving into water, the light beam disappears into the space, leaving only faint bulging ripples, proving that he is traveling rapidly!

The brilliance bloomed in an instant,

Kai Dis runs amok directly in the realm of chaos.

Because he knows,

In the entire alliance, the entire galaxy, and even the known universe, no one has the courage or ability to stop him.


They are invincible,

Their strength is worthy of this pride!


I am invincible,

Others are free!

the realm of chaos,

It is the battlefield of two civilizations and the tombstone of one civilization.

A consensus reached by the Alliance and many archaeologists for so many years is that,

The civilization that regarded this place as its home star domain was undoubtedly defeated!

And the victor,

But like a ghost, it didn't leave any traces here!

Or maybe, the outer members of the alliance didn’t find any traces!

These traces,

There is a high probability that the real core of the alliance, the twelve main stars, have been searched and eliminated.


The twelve main civilizations, or the primitive alliance,

It was the first civilization to discover the Broken Star Territory and develop this area!

No one knows what they got out of it,

No one knows what they discovered!

People only know that later on, there was a pan-alliance, a trade war, various space gates and the current alliance.

The light beam travels through the waves very quickly,

Its speed has even caught up with the early space bridge jumps.

100 light years is nothing to them.

It only took less than one Earth time for Kai Dis to reach the outskirts of the target area.

The beam of light stopped,

Circles of light waves, with the light column as the center, flicker at high frequency and scan the entire area.


In the cockpit, the light layer emits light according to the external frequency, and above the thorns piercing it, these glimmers of light are also collected bit by bit. Kay Dis is integrated into the spacecraft.

The detector is his eyes!

The light waves sweep across the entire area like a carpet,

Sweeping through planetary fragments, star fragments, and broken structures, nothing happened.


Just as the light wave swept across a blank void area, Kai Dis became excited.

"The results show that there is an internal curvature in the space, and there is a link space inside, and things must be hidden in it!"

Another link space!

It seems that something has really been discovered!

Kay Dees immediately became excited;

They have been looking for it for so long, trying every possible means, and finally found a clue today!

He was excited in his heart,

He immediately controlled the spacecraft and approached the link space at all costs. He wanted to take away the things inside. This thing might be able to change their destiny!

This will be the point where their destiny changes!

The light beam floats,

Bravely passing through countless broken fragments, sailing towards the empty area.

During this voyage,

In order to get the things in the link space as quickly as possible, he didn't turn on the protection at all!


For this kind of spacecraft with extremely keen detection capabilities,

Even if it is a sudden attack,

Even if they are equally civilized,

Kai Dis can also be confident that he can open all the protections on the spacecraft in an instant!

"It's almost time, get this thing and send it back to the main star!"

All the perceptions hit this link space.

The spacecraft slowly approached, a light column separated, and the sharp light blade fiercely inserted into the space,

A crack was created.


Kai Dis shouted, controlling the detector and rushing into the link space.

At the same time,

the universe vest that has been hidden in the distance and distributed in an encircling manner, on the flagship of the Na'vi fleet, was named Avatar Commander. He felt the vibration of the space being torn on the passive detector and suddenly opened his eyes.

Avatar's eyes widened, his expression solemn, and he shouted in a majestic voice and ordered:

"Deploy the Sky Tower!"

"No air!"

Surrounding the half-light-year position of the link space,

nine spaceships rushed out directly from their hiding places with light shields, energy shields and space tearing shields!

On their hull,

a sharp spire stretched out,

nine towers formed a formation, echoing each other, and the huge energy wave directly covered the entire encirclement at this moment!

They had been prepared long ago,

and completed the no-fly zone in the entire area in an instant!

Within the coverage of the Sky Tower,

the space is stable, and without consuming hundreds of times the energy, don't even think about tearing a little crack, don't even think about using it together to create a little curvature and deflection.

This area is forbidden to travel!

All this happened very quickly,

just when Kai Dis controlled the detector, rushed into the link space, and took out a metal cone!


He reacted and widened his eyes,

someone really dared to attack him here!

What a big dog guts!

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