Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 731 Let’s see who is faster!

The backside of a giant black hole 10,000 light-years away from the Broken Star Field,

A large space bubble with a diameter of a thousand kilometers,

Suddenly appeared here.

The surface of the space bubble continues to solidify,

The solidified space, together with the frozen Kai Dis and his ship, slowly emerged into reality.

When the transmission ends,

The time that was originally stagnant due to the time corridor was restored instantly.

When the consciousness in the light group returns,

Kay Dees's first thought was——


Drive the spaceship and run!

This is an enemy with strange methods, and can even interfere with time artificially!

Although it was only a few dozen seconds,

But in a space war, ten seconds is enough to decide the winner!

That is to say,

This is a powerful force that will defeat miserably even the Alliance's main fleet!

"What the hell did I encounter!"

His face was no longer casual, but showed some fear. Kai couldn't care less about the exploration mission.

He just wants to survive now!


Can you escape?

The Alliance survey ship had almost just landed. In the void, the Neville fleet also arrived.

More than twenty warships,

At this moment, the pyramid battleship was tightly surrounded!


There is the gravitational influence of a massive black hole, and it is far enough away from the alliance,

This alliance investigation ship is now unable to escape!

It's time for a righteous gang fight!

You, the Alliance survey ship, were beaten by a group of us!

"I still have a chance, you will regret sending me to the edge of the black hole!"

Kay Dees did not give up the struggle directly;

He saw the massive black hole outside the circle!

In the eyes of ordinary civilizations, this is an insurmountable celestial body in the universe, but he, Yu Heng, is one of the twelve main civilizations of the alliance!

As long as he breaks out of the encirclement and touches the black hole,

You can use the fragmentation device in the spacecraft to forcefully break the opponent's forbidden air through the strong gravity of the black hole, and then connect to the subspace network as an emergency excuse to directly open the space door!

"When I open the space door, how dare you be so arrogant? Just wait for me!"

Cai Dis roared angrily, and the thorn he penetrated into the light layer of the cockpit swung violently, and he issued one order after another,

On the outside of the spacecraft, layers of shields were erected, and the engines also showed signs of being crushed by him.

He will make a desperate move!

"For the Alliance!"

On the spikes, the signal flashes at high speed,

In the universe, the prismatic spacecraft wrapped in a beam of light emits a shining light,


It began to desperately move towards the direction of the black hole, and with a fierce move, it directly opened the space tube and rushed towards it!


Among the flagships of the Neville fleet,

Artificial intelligence, the Avatar sneered with a cold expression.

Want to rush towards a black hole?

Although I don’t know what the other party wants to do, if I stop what you want, then it must be right!

"The opponent's instant penetration is very powerful. Unless it is an annihilating attack, it cannot be stopped. But what we want is alive!"

The supercomputer's nanosecond calculation was just an instant. The Avatar thought of a countermeasure. He smiled slightly:

"Ship No. 15, open the space tear shield, 300% power, use the hull to block him!"

That's right,

What they want is alive, but because of the opponent's speed and power, they can only use annihilation attacks to destroy both the people and the ship!

Kai Dis immediately grabbed him hard. The other party wanted to catch him alive at this breaking point, so he came up with a ruthless plan!

However, Avatar's solution is also very simple and crude!

Just let the ships block it!

"Ship No. 15 has received the order and has headed to the target location."

"Very good. The other ships are waiting to be recharged. Now they are far away from the alliance. We have plenty of time to play with him slowly!"

Avatar is not in a hurry either;

He is waiting!

on the other side,

Kai Dis felt that the other party must be crazy!

He thought that what stopped him would be a desperate attack from the opponent, but...

"It's actually a spaceship, a spaceship lying across the waterway?!"

"This damn thing... must be an unmanned spacecraft, fuck!"

After realizing this, Kai immediately cursed angrily,

Don't treat the unmanned spacecraft as a treasure, there is no such waste!

Just to stop him?

You only have twenty-four spaceships in total!

I don’t feel bad for losing such a ship!

Avatar: Sorry, these twenty-four ships are all designed to deal with you. As long as we can capture you alive, the loss of only one ship is acceptable!

"Damn it, turn around, you'll definitely get tangled up if you put it on!"

Kai had to pay for the opponent's madness and quickly changed the direction of the space tube.

He is also waiting,

According to Zhinao's analysis, although this place is far away from the alliance, his disappearance will definitely attract the attention of the main star!

Search the airspace over a wide area,

The movement here will be locked soon. Even if he can't escape, he can survive as long as he holds on!

"The fight between trapped beasts."

Avatar shook his head and just commanded the fleet to play catch-up with the other party in the encirclement.

He runs away, I chase him,

He took advantage of every opportunity and I chased him.

Those who knew understood that they were preparing to capture each other alive, but those who didn't knew thought that the two fleets had a good relationship and were playing games!


Kay Dees had something in her mind that she didn't know whether to say or not!

Although he wanted to fight,

but the other party's use of ships to block his route was really too rogue!

As long as he crashed into it,

it was certain that he would crash through the other party, but the shield that obviously contained space waves would definitely stick to him!

At the moment of sticking,

the enemy ships next to him suddenly attacked him, and it would be impossible for him to escape!

"Main star, main star, find me quickly!"

For the current situation,

Kay Dis was a little desperate.

No airspace, no communication, no detection waves,

Now the enemy is closing the encirclement again, and his range of activities is getting smaller and smaller.

He will soon be blocked by the opponent's spacecraft,

but then he will really be unable to move!

At this critical moment,

Kay Dis suddenly found that in the starry sky, a familiar position burst out with a shining light!

That position is...


"The Alliance found this place!!!"

The surprise came too suddenly, and Kai Dis cheered directly!

With the speed of the alliance, he will be saved soon!

"You bastards, wait for death!"

After being excited,

he looked fiercely at the local warships that kept blocking him on the detection wave.

What he was waiting for has been waited for,

you can go to hell!


Avatar also noticed the abnormality in the starry sky,

but he still did not change his expression!

He just glanced at the progress bar on his side quietly:

98%, 99%, 100%!

"It seems that the reaction speed of the alliance has exceeded our expectations. No wonder you still want to entangle with us. What you are waiting for has been waited for... What I am waiting for has also been waited for!"

Avatar's mouth corners grinned, revealing a hideous smile.


I am waiting for charging, you are waiting for support,

we are waiting at the same time, then next, it depends on who is faster!

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