Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 733: Tragic Capture

in the universe,

The Neville flagship disappeared with its loot,

Only the blazing light clusters left by the self-destruction of twenty-three battleships were left, as well as the black holes dancing with them.

Due to the huge gravitational force between the two,

The distant distance was instantly shortened, and the two bodies started to rotate rapidly against each other!

During the rotation,

Space, time, light, detection waves, everything has returned to nothingness!

Even at the edge of black holes and blazing light clusters,

Because of the extreme distortion of space, time has become a little blurry!

Traces of the space bridge?


It’s long gone!

Moreover, due to man-made reasons, a giant black hole is being born here!

black hole,

In the process of dancing together, they are rapidly devouring the energy contained in the blazing light group.

This speed is very fast,

The light group released its brilliance in an instant,

The black hole was completely devoured in an instant!

Light and darkness intertwine here,

The wonders of the universe burst out here!


The Alliance fleet that had already arrived in front of them had no time to appreciate this rare wonder of the universe!

They have only one purpose,

Kill that damn enemy and save Kai who might still be alive!

"Tear it apart!"

A dazzling orange light rose into the sky,

Shooting out from the distant darkness, it was just a point, but as it got closer, the point of light turned into a pillar of light!

This beam of light,

Directly penetrate this gestating black hole without mercy!

The crack caused by the orange light, the giant black hole that directly tore apart,

Let the core of the black hole stop spinning and stagnate!

So powerful,


However, even with such a powerful weapon,

They're still late!

The black hole has completed its mission and swallowed up all the energy generated by the explosion, mixing it with various particle debris inside it. It is no longer possible to tell who is who!

"Damn it!"

The captain of the Yu Heng fleet roared angrily, with a raging fire burning in his heart.

This is it again,

They are one step slower!

"We have lost traces of the enemy, and this...is also part of their plan."

The observer sighed with a headache,

The alliance has really encountered a shameless opponent!

This operation is both an explosion and a black hole covering it up.

They couldn't find anything at all!


Judging from the current situation, if the alliance only passively defends,

We may never catch these guys,

Too cautious. Even if they catch a little bit of the tail, the other party still has enough planning redundancy to deal with emergencies.

How to fight like this!

"A rat that only knows how to hide, a rat in the gutter!!!"

Captain Yu Heng encountered the first battle in his life.

The first battle and the first failure!

A complete failure,

They didn't even see each other's shadow!

"Notify the main star that the Eye of the Alliance is at full power. If there is any disturbance, please notify us immediately!"


He, Captain Yu Heng, could only remain in powerless rage!

Smash the table in anger!

Somewhere in the unknown void,

Neville's flagship didn't know where it was teleported.

He only knows,

Now, drag the controlled alliance spaceship and fly, just keep flying!

"Control of the Alliance spacecraft has reached 99%. The only uncertain factor is the captain, Kai Dis!"

It is worth noting that

It was the ship itself that was talking to the Avatar!

This is not because the spaceship has come to life, but because this spaceship is actually a proper mechanical Transformer!

"Send out a containment team and use energy hoops to contain this 'guest' to prevent him from causing trouble."

Avatar nodded,

Kai Dis, a member of the Alliance and the main target of this mission, wants it!

The mainstream spaceships of the alliance, well, they are of great reference value, so I want them too!

He wants them all!

this time,

In addition to the loss of more than 20 warships,

The harvest was extremely rich!

"Operation in progress..., it is recommended to hide the Alliance spacecraft immediately."

"Okay, then wrap the other person up!"

Considering the powerful search capabilities of the Alliance, Avatar did not dare to take risks.

He is now alone in a boat,

You must be careful in everything!

"Operation in progress!"

After saying that, the entire flagship suddenly turned into densely packed deformed metal particles, and then like a swarm of bees, it enveloped the entire alliance warship, and then the metal particles returned to their original shape.

In addition to the diameter of the spacecraft becoming larger,

From the outside,

This spaceship!

Nothing unusual!

The outer flagship wrapped the spaceship,


Waves of deformation technology particles, like water flow, trickled into the ship body through the big hole in the ship wall, and found their way into the cockpit of the alliance ship.

At this moment, Kai has regained consciousness,

He looked at the dense metal particles pouring in from behind,

Everyone was terrified!

"Who are you, insect civilization? Let me tell you, the Alliance will not let you go!"

"My support has arrived, they will find you soon!"

"My brother is the captain of the main star. He will definitely avenge me!"

Kai had never seen such a strange scene before.

The metal was like flowing water, flowing toward him quietly and blackly. No matter how much he shouted, there was no response.

What is the other party?

Who is his enemy? ? ?

During the whole process, he didn't even know who the other party was!

The slowly flowing deformed metal stopped in front of Kai and surrounded him.


The deformed metal solidifies directly into a metal tank!

Three orange haloes of light suddenly appeared in the upper, middle and lower sections of the tank, tying Kai directly!

"Damn, this is a Z-shaped hoop specially designed for energy bodies!"

Feel the sense of confinement in your body,

Kai reacted suddenly,

Now, he was truly trapped and couldn't move!

Even when this energy hoop wrapped around him, his thinking became intermittent and his curses became incoherent!

"Enjoy this 'journey', Mr. Kai Dis, member of the Alliance Star!"

Looking at the target that was completely caught in the projection,

The Avatar smiled.

This mission was a near success,

In the end, they were the better ones!

"Gulu, gulu, gulu!!"

In the picture, the canned Kai has not given up yet and is still struggling, causing the whole can to shake continuously and make a "clang" sound of metal collision.

"It seems that this gentleman has not been appointed yet!"

Shaking his head slightly, Avatar murmured in a low voice:

"Use the digestion beam, little by little, to give the other party a taste!"

"The order is being executed..."

In the tank that wrapped Kai, he still had a little bit of consciousness left, but he hadn't given up yet!

If even he gave up, there would really be no hope, so he was still struggling, still trying to survive!


At this moment, a cold white light emitted from the top of the tank.

The light hit his purple-orange light group,


It was like a strong corrosive solution dripping on the plate, directly making a dissolving and melting sound.

That's right,

Kai found that his energy body was...dissolved bit by bit!

Although there is only a little bit,

However, this feeling of fear still made him calm down instantly!

move? He didn't dare to move at all!

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