Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 735: Collusion of Civilizations

The surface world of a black hole,

In the heavy space door base,

A metal can was thrown directly into the cage that glowed with pure orange light.

in the tank,

Kai, who was unconscious, had begun to have some strange reactions.

He kept spinning around in circles and even started spitting energy bubbles!

This is because the Z-shaped hoop directly tied his energy body into three sections, which caused it to be short-circuited to some extent.

Although the metaphor is a bit inappropriate, it is probably equivalent to compressing your brain!

"Release this unfortunate guy!"

Zhao Guangyao controlled Avatar and walked into the interrogation room.


He still understands that acting requires a complete performance. Otherwise, if he wants to look back later and finds that the road was blocked before, he will be doomed!

They are now the Avatar civilization!

Na'vi:? ? ?


Beside him, the soldier who was also operating the Avatar unlocked the tank and the Z-shaped hoop.

Directly release the shackles,

This is why Zhao Guangyao has absolute confidence.

The orange light in the room where Kai was imprisoned was a layer of high-energy energy. This was a cell specially set up for Kai. He alone could not escape at all.

And most importantly,

Even if he escapes, he will come back soon.

Because he will find out in despair,

This is not even the universe where the Alliance is located anymore!

"Whoosh whoosh-"

The metal can turned into a pool of metal particles,

The light ball imprisoned in it, Kai, is slowly regaining consciousness.

Mainly purple, with some orange light balls mixed in, flickering like a candle,

The originally suppressed consciousness recovered instantly,

He looked at the scene in front of him in horror and screamed:

"Who are you, the alliance will not let you go!"

"Please stay calm, Mr. Kai Dis, we are the Avatar Civilization, Alliance? You can come to us."

Zhao Guangyao spoke righteously and his expression was full of majesty and righteousness.

Whether we change our names or our surnames, we are, completely, 100% Avatar civilization!

"Avatar Civilization, I remember you!"

The light of Kai Dis’ light group became softer,

He has come to his senses now. These people tried their best to capture him alive, and they must have wanted to question him.


"I advise Mr. Kay Dees not to be too clever if you still want to go back to that jar."

I glanced at the prompter sideways.

Tianling reminded him that this guy was thinking something wrong, and Zhao Guangyao immediately reminded him.

"We came to inquire in person out of respect for intelligent creatures. If you don't cooperate, sir, then we can only plug you into the computer and read all the memories ourselves."

After speaking, Zhao Guangyao's tone showed a faint threat,

The meaning is obvious,

Don't be so shameless!

I want to give you face before I talk to you and interrogate you. If you don’t give me face, then don’t blame us for being rude!


Thinking of the jar I was in earlier,

Kai St's entire light ball trembled,

Plug it into the computer and read it directly,

Recalling the other party's weird technique that made time freeze,

It’s not impossible!

After thinking for two seconds, Kai Dis decided decisively...give in!

Brother, cooperate, can’t you cooperate?

Don't mess with me!

"Tell me, why the alliance is looking for...corrosive body."

Zhao Guangyao got straight to the point, without any unnecessary nonsense, and started talking loudly.


Cai Dis was slightly shocked by this question, and then said with a grimace and some light in his eyes:

"You call that corrosive body? Corrosion consciousness controls the body. It's right to call it that!"

"No, not only do you know about this thing, you have also caught it!"

Now think about it, the fluctuation of the erosion body,

It is probably the layout of this Avatar civilization!

"Answer my question."

Zhao Guangyao did not respond to Kai;

Are you interrogating or am I interrogating? !

"Oh, we need to find clues... clues to the erosion body, because..."

Kai's light group became dim, and he said helplessly:

"We have taken the wrong path, and energyization is completely in trouble. In fact, this process is irreversible."

Kai's tone was a little helpless,

But he told about a certain helplessness of the Alliance civilization.

The twelve civilizations in the alliance were originally neighbors and enemies.

But in the Broken Star Territory, they learned a shocking truth!

Those were the few words left after the Tianshu civilization was destroyed.

It turns out that in this universe, when a civilization reaches a critical point, it will be attacked and destroyed for various reasons!

Tianshu civilization is a living example.

They are the first civilizations in this universe. They have developed to the extreme. The entire civilization has energized the body. Just when they want to go one step further and complete the Trinity,

When all members of civilization enter the eternal realm,

"The sky is cracking, war has broken out, and the enemy who breaks through the boundary wall is coming..."

This is a little information left by the Tianshu civilization.

The alliance at that time couldn't understand it at all, so they could only explain it in a scribble, and then digest and absorb the Tianshu civilization technology from the debris of the broken star field.

When the Broken Star Territory first started, it was not so fragmented at all.

The Tianshu Civilization died very thoroughly and decisively, and its resistance was very weak, so the Broken Star Territory was filled with large pieces of planetary debris and residual technology everywhere.

At that time, the alliance and the twelve main stars were still hostile.

Twelve civilizations are snatching technology and fragments in this star field.

Robbed for three thousand years!

Their fight will completely crush every area in the Broken Star Territory!

If nothing else happens,

The story will end with a final winner,

However, the accident happened so suddenly.

It wasn't until the Yuheng Civilization discovered the Broken Subspace hidden in the dark side of the Broken Star Territory that things changed!

"At that time, twelve civilizations were inspired by the Tianshu Civilization and began the process of energyization, but the progress was different. This was originally a good thing,"

"But the discovery of the subspace made us all realize the reality."

Kai sighed.

The subspace at that time was already broken,

The chips and damage on it are all traces of Tianshu civilization’s resistance.

Yuheng Wenming rushed in with anticipation, but walked out with despair.

“It’s not just subspace that’s attacking Tianshu Civilization!”

There was a trace of fear in Kai's eyes, and his voice trembled:

"There are other civilizations that are among the first civilizations like the Tianshu Civilization. They came with the subspace!"

"It's like an alliance,"

"Some of the first civilizations have united, but their purpose is... to completely eliminate civilizations that have touched a certain taboo line!"

"They, in our universe, are quietly curbing the development of civilization!"

This information made Zhao Guangyao's pupils shrink suddenly.

Containing the development of other civilizations is not the point. There are many civilizations that do it.

The crux of the matter is,

These civilizations and subspace came together and launched an attack on Tianshu civilization together!


It’s worth pondering!

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