Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 737: Laugh, why aren't you laughing?

In the dark, cold spaceship laboratory,

On the test platform, a frozen body was placed quietly,

This is Tiger's clone,

It is also the object of his research!

Although he is not from the Twelve Main Stars of the Alliance, he was appreciated by the elders of the main stars for his breakthrough in energy technology, and he knows a lot of things that ordinary alliance people should not know.

After learning the truth,

He did not despair, but devoted all his energy to research!

he thought,

As long as we can break through energy technology,

A truly united alliance,

is invincible!

They have a vast territory and advanced technology,

When the entire alliance truly merges into one civilization, they will embark on unprecedented prosperity.

At that time,

They will forge the spirit of the new alliance in the battle with the enemy!

That's right,

Tiger is still a radical;

He believes that even if the subspace is dead, the enemy cannot be invincible!

Compared to living an ignoble existence,

He would rather complete his transformation in the war with the other party!

Moreover, their faction also has its own theoretical basis.

In the Broken Star Territory, the ancient Tianshu Civilization was not wiped out by a single wave. According to the data left by the alliance, the Tianshu Civilization resisted.

Otherwise, what happened to the destroyed subspace?

Even said,

If the first batch of civilizations had not participated in the war and turned the war against Tianshu Civilization,


They've already won!

Can win!

The current alliance has surpassed Tianshu Civilization in size, and there are countless strengthened civilizations that can be recruited.

Even if they are treated as cannon fodder,

As long as the alliance blocks a large-scale attack, it will be enough for the opponent to drink!

"Just wait, I will prove myself, elder... You have become cowardly too!"

Tiger was a little disdainful,

He carefully took out the equipment, installed the evolutionary extractor, and walked to the experimental table.

"Now, start the experiment!"

"The Alliance is Immortal!"

With a roar, he pressed the start button hard and continued to adjust the parameters of the entire process on the supercomputer set.

"Buzz buzz-"

A low whistle sounded,

On the output device, the energy of the evolutionary absorber has appeared, and the orange energy slowly penetrates into the body on the experimental table.

This body,

From the moment I came into contact with the energy of the Evolutionary Drainer, shining light emanated from every hole.

Visible to the naked eye, his skin suddenly became transparent, and his internal organs were clearly visible.

Next, his muscles, bones and internal organs also began to become transparent.

It wasn't until the whole body became completely transparent, like a creature that had lived in a cave for a long time, that the dazzling light turned into a shimmering light and turned purple at the same time.

The body on the experimental table,

It completely turned purple, which was also proven by the characteristics of constant fluctuations in the environment.

The body has entered the energyization process!

"It's not enough. We failed here last time. Continue!"

Tiger stared at the control panel in front of him.

He carefully debugged the energy data on this body, as if manually migrating data on a supercomputer. Not a single data disk could be inserted incorrectly!

In the same way, he only has one chance, and he cannot make any mistakes in the parameters of a cell!

if wrong,

This energized body will directly cave in and collapse!

"Be careful, be careful!"

Sufficient heterogeneous energy prevented the experiment from collapsing yet,

On the stage,

The human-shaped object emitting purple light has curled up into a light group at this moment, and orange light has appeared on it,

The range of orange light is constantly expanding,

One-tenth, one-fifth, one-third,

The moment its range reaches one-third!

The balance of the entire body seemed to be broken. On this small light group, the purple light circulated crazily, forming a powerful energy storm!

"Damn it, it's right here, it's right here, it must be because there's not enough energy!"

Tiger's mechanical body couldn't help but tremble,

Once this energy storm is left alone, it can shatter all order in the energy body, making this energy body completely unable to accommodate the soul!

Even this purple energy storm will sweep away orange energy!

Tiger speculated,

It must be because orange energy does not account for a large proportion, so...

"Pump me hard!"

Tiger shouted angrily and prepared to make a desperate move.

He increased the output frequency of heterogeneous energy,

Orange energy, you have to stand up and suppress the storm of purple energy!


On the experimental bench,

When the two colors of light collided, the orange light suddenly received external assistance and expanded itself crazily. At this moment, it actually completely suppressed the other party.

The whole turbulent light group,

In an instant, it miraculously stabilized!

"Is it...successful?"

Tiger became angry,

The purple light is being eaten away by the powerful orange light. Is he going to succeed?

A miracle happened? ?


"I just said, this path will definitely succeed!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Tiger was stunned for a few seconds, and then burst into ecstatic laughter.

Although he is still using a machine body, he is too excited!

The Alliance has been working tirelessly for thousands of years to study the things that have not been obtained.

Not only has he made a breakthrough in his hands,

but he has even completed it completely in his hands!

His name will definitely shine throughout the Alliance and be passed down for generations!

"It's so beautiful, is this what we will look like in the end?"

Watching the orange gradually replace the purple,

the whole light group exuded a golden glow, and Tiger was fascinated for a while.

Although these heterogeneous energies are exchanged for iron and blood, and although countless civilizations will die and become extinct because of this, Tiger doesn't care. Since ancient times, it has always been a general's success and thousands of bones have been sacrificed.

As long as they do it secretly, the Alliance will still be the Alliance!

It's just some scum of the Broken Star Field who died.

If there was no protection from the Alliance, they should have died long ago!

In front of him,

the orange light has pushed the purple light to a corner, and this experiment will be completely successful!

Tiger clenched his fists, and his face was full of ecstasy.

He didn't think this last point would be an obstacle!

He has succeeded!


But, the moment the champagne was opened, his laughter seemed to be stuck in his throat, and he could no longer make it,

because in front of him, on the experimental table, the orange light ball was really stuck at the last step!

It did not dissipate, nor did it collapse,

it was just like a machine crash, and all processes were directly paused!

It was stuck in the same place, stopped in the same place, and the orange light on it continued to shine.

"What's going on, what's going on, keep going!"

Instantly, the smile on Tiger's face disappeared,

laugh, he couldn't laugh anymore!

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