Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 740 The simplest attack method

Broken Star Territory,

Not far from the space door, the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

According to the data from the main star detector, the Alliance people discovered that the boundary wall on the Broken Star Territory was shaking due to impact.

Therefore, when the subspace network channel is blocked,

They opened the wormhole directly!

But what the people in the alliance never expected was that,

The fixed-point wormhole had just been stabilized, and before their fleet could rush out, not far away, a ferocious crack with black gas opened directly!

Alliance wormhole and subspace... directly became "good neighbors" door to door!

"A generous gift to Crab Te!"

The Infinite Enterprise, the first ship launched by the Yuheng Civilization, looked at the crack in front of him that was like the mouth of an abyss. Captain McGrady's eyes widened and he exclaimed.

"The detector determines that the space cracks are fluctuations, just like the webway, and are determined to be subspace!"

"Complete Warp!"

"Raise the energy-clearing shield quickly!"

In the void, after seeing a chain suddenly sticking out of the crack and instantly penetrating the Alliance spacecraft docked at the home port, McGrady came back to his senses. Spikes suddenly erupted from his body, and countless spikes penetrated into the light layer of the cockpit.

In an instant, he takes control of the entire ship, and his orders travel through the ship at the speed of light.

On the outer wall of the huge pyramid-shaped spacecraft,

A layer of cyan spherical shield that looked like a lake immediately lit up!

Although I have never really encountered a complete subspace,

But the message left by Tianshu Civilization stated that to deal with this kind of insidious thing, the shield must be opened first, and no movement should be missed!

"Alliance, this is Infinite Progress. A subspace passage has been discovered in the Broken Star Territory. The opponent has essentially invaded us. We will counterattack immediately. Please follow up with reinforcements to enter combat mode!"

Di Mai took a deep breath,


Although the situation was urgent, he was ready.

bring it on!

The Alliance is ready for war.

However, the war situation this time was completely different from the abuses they had experienced before.

This time, they faced the "new subspace" that they had fattened with their own hands!


There was a violent space vibration,

The chains with a terrifying black energy extending from the subspace are retracting, and the cracks that were originally opened are also preparing to close.

Just then,

The cyan laser suddenly shot out and blasted into the crack.

It hit the body of the "ball" that was squeezed into the crack and retracted the chain somewhat boringly!


The "ball" that was hit was stunned.

Think I have no temper, right?

I'm so damn ready to leave, and you insist on keeping me here for "lunch"?


"Buzz buzz-"

The subspace crack that was shrinking suddenly paused, shook, and was stretched open!

Space is now like a membrane,

Being directly supported by a spherical object!

Through the crack, a ball with a dark metallic luster squeezed out half of its body!

Just half a body,

When it appears in the manifest universe,

Within a few light years, the entire space suddenly trembled. Within this range, all intelligent creatures could not help but have an unreasonable evil thought in their hearts!

They have visual hallucinations in their eyes, auditory hallucinations in their ears, hallucinations in their bodies, and uncontrollable fantasies in their minds!

This is the Broken Star Territory,

It is one of the most prosperous trading posts in the alliance. The number of civilizations that have stopped here is countless. This prosperous place was shaken at the moment when the "ball" squeezed out of the subspace!

on the street,

In space, wherever there is intelligent civilization, some people have red eyes and some have ferocious faces. They kill each other and devour each other until they eat each other's flesh and blood and dig out each other's eyes.

Chaos, death, violence,

The madness of the intelligent creatures in the Broken Star Territory seems to be welcoming the coming of "it"!

Not only affects the hearts of intelligent creatures,

The league is not a vegetarian either. Under the protection of the energy-clearing shield, McGrady roared and launched an attack at the ball in the sky!

The focused energy beam collided with the "ball" that revealed its body in the manifest universe,

The energy waves swaying around it are like waves,

Layer by layer, constantly colliding with the focused energy beam,


There was a loud noise near the space door!

The powerful concentrated energy beam cannot even leave a trace on the surface of the "ball"!

It is the true complete body that enters the manifest universe.

It is no longer the weak creature in the subspace that needs to support the distortion of the entire space. It is part of the distortion of the rules of the universe, and it itself is a part of the entity of the rules!

"The focused energy beam is distorted, and very little energy acts on it!"

McGrady also discovered this situation, and he was horrified.

The opponent can't hold on to the focused energy beam!

When the focused energy beam hit it, most of it was directly dissipated!

"Damn it, it is the core of subspace, we must crush it!"

Seeing this scene,

Maddie responded!

Just because of the existence of this thing, certain rules of the entire universe have been distorted.

Now, it actually uses this twisted rule to appear in the universe, and unscrupulously disintegrates the energy structure in the concentrated particle cannon, showing its power.

Qiu: What's going on? It's me. If you don't accept it, hit me!

"Change to kinetic energy bullets and hit me hard!"

Maddie couldn't bear it anymore.

It's you who blocks the road and dares to jump in front of them,

Kill you!

"Captain, many civilizations in the Broken Star Territory are already in chaos. We..."

Some crew members observed the situation in the Broken Star Territory and were a little worried.

"Don't worry, the alliance's main fleet will be here soon. They brought the Mind Tower. Most of these wanderers will be fine!"

Maddie shook her head,

Under the purification of the spiritual tower, most people will be fine.


After waking up, take a look around your mouth and look around you.

They will probably leave a lifelong psychological shadow!

"Buzz buzz-"

At this moment, the "ball" that had been hitting the edge completely revealed its true body in the manifest universe.

The dark metal shell was half covered with twisted flesh.

The flesh and blood follows a certain pattern, beating constantly like a heart, which looks very weird.

It is like a mechanical heart mixed with flesh and blood. It looks extremely precise and at the same time extremely weird!

As the real body appears,

The black energy it exudes is even more domineering,

At the same time, surrounding it, a dazzling halo condensed,

It is the core of this halo!

At the moment when this halo is revealed,

It's moving!

It finally moved!

Its attack is simple, very simple,

Just like a cannonball, it started immediately in zero seconds, accelerated instantly, and crashed out at an astonishing speed!

The halo moves with it,

However, it does not rely on its own hard shell as a means of attack.

It relies on the solidified rules of the universe!

The moment it crashed out,

The surrounding universe is distorting with its movements!

Twisted to the extreme, the direction it moves forward,

Massive amounts of energy appear out of thin air!


It didn't appear out of thin air,

But it is originally an energy node,

These energies are already entrenched around it!

That is to say,

It moves, moved by distorted energy!

Every impact it makes, no matter what, is equivalent to a star exploding out of thin air!

So domineering!

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