Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 74 No way, you feel dizzy right after arriving on the moon?

In space, a day passes quickly.

Fang Jing had a great time in the flight cabin, and finally remembered that he wanted to live broadcast, so he quickly followed Brother Zhai and introduced the entire flight cabin.

Live streaming in space has a great advantage.

Fang Jing doesn’t use any ideas to cater to the audience.

Driven by curiosity, even if the scene is just the earth behind the scene, the audience will not feel bored at all.

This is the charm of space!

Few people can resist the novelty!

However, as Fang Jing got closer and closer to the moon, he became increasingly nervous.

The previous batch of astronauts have already settled in the lunar base.


The machine in Fang Jing's consciousness didn't move at all.

"There is a high probability that I will go to the moon myself."

Fang Jing felt confident and had no worries at all.

Anyway, we are already on the way to the moon.

Whether it is a mule or a horse, you will know it when you reach the moon.

"I still don't believe that an alien will pop out of the ground!"

Fang Jing was curious and at the same time very expectant.

Because according to the think tank of Project 237, going to the moon to establish a base is likely to be the condition to open the door to space!

This possibility is the highest!

If this is really the case, then they and Wandering Earth World will be able to cooperate on a large scale!

In the past, it was this universe that used technology that wandered around the earth for free.

The wandering earth is at the mercy of the demands of this universe.

Is this because wandering around the earth and universe is stupid?

Obviously, it's simply impossible.

The reason why the wandering earth is like this is because they want something from this universe!

Is there anything in this universe that can help them?

It didn't happen before, but once Fang Jing was able to open the space door.

Then there it is.

And it is also a huge help related to the survival of civilization on the wandering earth!

On a smaller scale, this universe can provide a large amount of food and emergency supplies for the future of the wandering earth; on a larger scale, if this universe develops, it is impossible to say that all humans in the wandering earth can move into this universe and completely get rid of the sun. The dangers of helium flash!

However, at present, the second option is still quite difficult.

After all, the earth in this universe can no longer accommodate a population of 8 billion.

Imagine the number of people in China multiplied by two.


It’s scary to think about it.

"Give a brother a hand" is because of this hope. Wandering Earth will definitely do its best to help this universe.

Basically, what kind of technology is needed?

If the other person treats you sincerely, the universe will treat you sincerely!

Fang Jing pointed the camera out the window and took pictures of the approaching moon, with excitement and excitement in his eyes.

"Moon, here I come!"

The lunar spacecraft has entered orbit.

In the lunar synchronous orbit, the speed of the spacecraft continues to decrease, continues to decrease!

"We're about to land, everyone, pay attention!"

Brother Zhai was sitting in the commander's position, looking at the descent and autopilot data with great vigilance.

This is the critical moment for landing, and there is no room for any mistakes!

"Dongliang understands, the safety lock has been fixed!"

"Dong San understands, the safety lock has been fixed!"

"Nanhai Nanhai, this is Lanyue 3, the crew is ready!"

After Zhai Gang checked the landing process, he solemnly turned on the communication band.


"Lanyue 3, this is the South China Sea. We have received confirmation and are guiding the autopilot... The signal has been confirmed and the landing procedure has started!"

"Haha, sit tight, we are about to land!"

After hearing the instructions clearly, Zhai Gang grinned.

As Zhai Gang's voice came out, the entire spacecraft suddenly shook slightly.

The moon-carrying spacecraft began to land slowly!

The whole process is already familiar to the space agency.

However, for the audience in the live broadcast room, it is extremely novel.

This was the first time they experienced landing on the moon from a first-person perspective!

"Hahaha, at this moment, I am an astronaut!"

"So this is what it feels like to land on the moon,"

"It's a little shaking. You can see the moon through the porthole!"

“It worked, awesome!!!”


With a slight tremor, Fang Jing heard the commander's announcement on the communicator.

They landed successfully!


Fang Jing pointed the fixed camera out of the porthole.

About to unbuckle the seat belt.

As a result, he felt something was wrong with his body.

"Why do you feel a little groggy?"

Fang Jing closed his eyes for a while, wanting to relax.


When he opened his eyes again, he suddenly felt that the world was spinning in front of him, then everything went dark, and he fainted suddenly.

What you see is a dark world.

In this world, Fang Jing woke up confused.

He couldn't tell the difference between front and back, left and right, and could only walk aimlessly in one direction.

There was something attracting him in this direction!

Slowly approaching, slowly approaching.

Ahead, a patch of crimson suddenly appeared.

His eyes pierced fiercely. When he got used to it, Fang Jing's eyes lit up and he rushed over impatiently.

"That machine, that machine shines!"

Red light!

The prompts received by Fang Jing were generally the same.

When the machine in his consciousness emits red light, the space door can be opened!

But, can it only open the space door?

Fang Jing was a little unwilling.

He wanted to know why this machine appeared and why it appeared!

He ran as hard as he could, ran as hard as he could.

I want to run to the red light in this dark space and take a closer look at that mysterious machine.

"Damn it, why can't I get closer?"

Fang Jing ran and ran.

It's really like running to death.

He couldn't get close to that red light no matter what!

"Buzz buzz-"

There was a buzzing in my ears, and the red color in the distance slowly dissipated, fading away from the original brilliant color.

"Damn, what on earth is going on?!"

The situation in front of him made Fang Jing very confused.

The red light in front of him slowly disappeared and turned into pitch black.

Then, Fang Jing coughed suddenly and woke up suddenly.

And with a sudden start.

A flash of extra consciousness appeared in his mind.

"Go ahead and come to Jupiter's orbit."


"Wake up, Fang Jing is awake!"

Fang Jing suddenly opened his eyes when a voice of surprise came to his ears.

What caught his eye was a bright cabin. Zhou Yuan was beside him, watching him wake up with a face filled with surprise.

The same is true for Brother Zhai.

"Vital signs are normal, Fang Jing, are you okay? Why did you faint suddenly?"

Brother Zhai looked at Fang Jing, very worried.

"No, it's okay..."

Fang Jing adjusted to the white light in front of him and struggled to sit up. Only then did he realize that they had arrived at the moon base!

"How long have I been unconscious?"

"In one hour, the moon base has complete medical facilities, so we brought you here."

Seeing that Fang Jing was fine, Zhou Yuan let out a breath, raised his hand slightly, and suddenly lowered it again.

He originally wanted to pat Fang Jing on the shoulder.

"Brother Zhou, the results are out!"

Fang Jing took a breath and calmed down. There was some confusion in his tone, but more of it was——


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