Broken Star Territory,

The subspace core has retreated, and peace has been temporarily restored here.

Under the organization of the supporting captain,

Order is being restored.

Although there were some conflicts, the alliance's good reputation and strong strength suppressed all questions and doubts.

Many wanderers could only treat this as an unexpected invasion.

Collect the corpses of your companions and compatriots and bury them.

for a time,

The originally prosperous and lively Star Territory was now particularly sad and defeated.

There are wanderers returning to the planet,

In the midst of bloodstains and mutilated limbs, he searched painfully for his companions.

Looking up,

There were all broken limbs and arms, and blood of various colors flowed freely on the streets.

Such a miserable situation,

This caused them to feel a sense of unreasonable fear in their hearts towards that giant dark sphere.

Who is that enemy?

Why did it attack the Alliance? !

All kinds of questions floated into their minds as the sadness faded.

The dead are gone,

Those who survived could only focus their hatred on the invader.

"We want revenge!"

"Join the Alliance, the Alliance has the ability to resist them!"

"Yes, we want to join the Pan-Union and take revenge!"

A land of dead silence,

The living roared unwillingly.

But little do they know,

Hate, sadness, pain, when these emotions arise in their hearts,

They are already at a disadvantage in this battle of revenge!

Alliance, Broken Star Territory,

Pan-Alliance 6th Defense Division station,

The place where the scientific research experiment ship "Super Energy" is located,

The illusion in front of Robot Tiger disappeared, and that hell on earth was completely gone!

"Hahaha, I don't care what you are, no matter why you still influence me, now that you have disappeared, I won, I won!"

The robot fell to the ground,

All parts of his body were broken to pieces!

That's right,

Just now, I received the influence of an inexplicable vision,

Tiger almost dismantled himself!

He used his mechanical hand to dig out his electronic eyes!

Under the painful and twisted mental shock, he constantly wanted to tear himself apart, wanted to sacrifice himself as a sacrifice to the civilization that was slaughtered because of him, and wanted to appease their anger.

Under this mental impact,

He almost went crazy,

But in the end, he got through it, he got through it!

"The only winner is me, I win!"

He stretched out his mechanical hand tremblingly, touched his electronic eye awkwardly, reinstalled it, and looked sideways at the evolution absorber. Seeing that there was still half of the energy on it, Tiger let out a wild laugh:

"God help me, I still have a chance, my experiment still has a chance!"

"Tiger, you have no chance!"

Only then did Tiger’s wild laughter ring out,

A mechanical foot stepped hard on the evolution absorber,

The laughter stopped suddenly and his head stiffly lifted up. His eyes widened and he saw another robot holding a weapon and looking at him fiercely!

"You caused heavy losses to the alliance because of illegal experiments,"

Maddie looked at him fiercely, with a murderous intent in his eyes:

"Now, you're under arrest!"

In the war of the world, on the boundary wall, on the gorgeous energy path spread out like a tree,

Hidden in the subspace within it,

The ball returns to center.

The shell that was half metal and half sarcoma grew back, with dark chains running through its body, restoring its injuries, and the black energy pouring in from it restored the energy in its body.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

"The more you bully the less, right?"

After failing to show off and being scared away, Chip Ball roared several times, causing the chain to make expanding sounds.

The more I thought about it, the more angry I became.

The more you think about it, the more you take a step back.

It has always been the one who annoys others, but now it is being educated by others!

"It's not at a crisis level. We can't let those jackals take action. Otherwise, what kind of bullshit alliance will we break into pieces? We won't be able to put it back together!"

The ball wants revenge,

But the opponent is not at a level that he can't stand,

So it can only take action!

"Do you really want to consume the other party and spend millions of years to consume the other party to death?"

This is how the ball used to work,

But he was tired of doing this.

For the Alliance, it just wants to kill them quickly!

Returning to the subspace, it seems that the ball's IQ has also taken over. After thinking for a long time, it suddenly figured out a question,

If the alliance does not reach a dangerous level,

Then wouldn't it be enough to let it go, expose some flaws, and let the other party reach a dangerous level? !

Although it does not have the ability to control the disappearance of its own rules, he still doesn't know what conditions the crisis level must reach to destroy so many civilizations?

The door is clear!

Give the opponent a little breakthrough, and then he can shake people upright!

Eight against one, right?

Just bully it, right?

Its subspace core is not too much.

I want eight companions to come over and fight eight against your alliance!

The whole ball body trembled,

On this boundary wall, where the subspace core is located, some deflections suddenly occurred.

Judging from the mottled energy lines, as it moved, one of the several energy lines that had been severely displaced because he was stuck there was slowly corrected a lot.

This energy line was originally lavender. After returning to its original position for a long time, part of the entire line returned to a somewhat orange color. It looked mottled and the originally straight line was still greatly distorted.

As for the other dozens,

There was no movement at all. Even if the subspace core deflected, it still remained motionless!

These are the parts that cannot be moved at all!

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

"Break through, break through. When you break through, it will be your death!"

"Wait for me!"

After doing this, the subspace core let out a cold laugh in its heart,

It has already set its sights on these guys, and the matter is not over yet!

This alliance is a bit difficult to fight.

Don't talk about those jackals and tigers!

Rush up and eat the opponent without even leaving any bones!

Just like that Tianshu civilization...


Thinking back to that civilization,

The subspace core's body suddenly trembled three times.

It suddenly remembered that it seemed that the Shu civilization had killed another subspace core that day!


"whispering sound!"

Taking a deep breath of cold air, the subspace core decided.

This time, we must not rush too hard like the previous one. We must let the clean-up guys stand in front!

It will never be used as cannon fodder!

Thinking of this,

It turned back and pointed the direction towards the boundary wall.

On the huge and dark boundary wall, from its perspective, that is, on the unknown scale that can be moved at will, this boundary wall is filled with densely packed thin strings.

Originally, these strings were neatly arranged and looked very comfortable.

But since the subspace became conscious,

It has seen too many times that these strings suddenly changed on their own,

Some are bent, some are directly disconnected, and some are even fused together!

And the few that go around it,

It was twisted into a twist as always!

Suddenly, some strings shook violently.


[The target has not been touched yet, no need to clear it. 】

【Wait and see...】

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