Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 752: Discovered...?!

Beyond the Stellar system,

Wu Tong's fleet pretended that they had not discovered these malicious thieves, and continued to sail back according to normal procedures as if nothing had happened.

The civilization that left here,

Generally, they will choose a position of 1-1.5 light years to enter a completely super-light state.

This universe is no exception. It opens the curvature at the acceleration point and enters the transition mode.

The fleet dragged out a long tail flame column and officially set sail!

In the cockpit,

"The lock is still going on. The intensity and energy ripples are all the same. How brave, hanging behind us!"

The intelligence adjutant laughed angrily when he saw the detection report.

These guys are really brave!

I am really not afraid of death!

"Continue to pay attention. In addition, notify the entire ship to sound the first-level combat alarm!"

Wu Tong looked indifferent and didn't say much. He just issued a battle alarm.

Still following now,

Then there is no running away, a proper enemy!

"The first-level battle alert order has been issued, the entire ship has entered combat mode, the immersion mode has been locked, and the space tear shield has been mixedly opened."

"The tracker has been secretly calibrated, and the shaped cannon is locked on the asteroid area and is ready to be launched at any time!"

"Jumping kinetic energy bomb, ready to activate!"


Level 1 battle alert!

As soon as the order was issued, all the officers and soldiers in the fleet became nervous.

A lion fights a rabbit with all his strength,

Even if the opponent's energy level is roughly judged not to be high, this is no excuse for their carelessness!


Wu Tong decided to strike first to gain the upper hand!

"The detection team will continue to track the other party's communications. When they reach the asteroid area, they will definitely contact them. In this moment, we will catch the ambusher!"


Lying in the immersion chamber, a fierce look flashed in Wu Tong's eyes, synesthetized in virtual reality.

Rely on the communication system to find the approximate location of the intercepted enemy.


Haha, then he will let these guys see what cruelty is!

"Alright Captain, we are exploring all areas,"

"The acceleration phase is almost over, and we are already entering the asteroid field!"

"Ten minutes, ten more minutes to go."

The detector carefully cleared the fleet's blind spots, and at the moment when the full-band fluctuation entered the star area,

"Didi dididi——"

The rapid warning sound made the detector freeze his eyes and reminded loudly:

"There are obstacles, Captain. High-quality obstacles have been laid in ten places including our channel!"

"They are going to force us out of FTL mode!"

"Can you stop us?"

Wu Tong asked in a low voice.

"The opponent's curvature is reversed by 8 gradients, which can stop us now!"

The detector's voice was not anxious at all;

8 gradients can only stop them "now".

In this universe, the fleet can have far more than 8 gradients of curvature!

"Oh, naive!"

"Accelerate, add another 8 degrees to the curvature."

There was a flash of ridicule in Wu Tong's eyes, and his voice was calm, as if he didn't care about the other party's methods and even wanted to laugh a little, and said calmly:

"Change the curvature layout and open the tearing collision angle of the ship's bow,"

"We'll just... bump into it!"

8 gradients is the limit you can achieve, but it is the lower limit of our disguise!

This kind of obstacle would make the ship in this universe exit the super-light speed mode. What a dream!

asteroid field,

The Cube Fleet, which is cooperating with the White Shark here to ambush, is hiding far away from the obstacle point.

They are quietly waiting for the fat sheep to fall into the trap!

"This obstacle with reverse curvature has been tried and tested repeatedly. If placed on the opponent's channel, it will definitely force the opponent to stop!"

On the flagship of the ambush fleet, Silver Shark sneered a few times and muttered to himself:

"Wait until the opponent is forced to stop, attack from the front and back, and immediately use shock bombs to cause the oxygen and equipment in the opponent's ship to vibrate, allowing the immersion to generate bubbles, and finally, infrasonic weapons appear!"

"The soaking equipment with bubbles is their living coffin!"

Silver Shark doesn't even intend to capture a human alive;

The purpose of coming up is to deal with all the things with life characteristics in the entire fleet, die!

They are well prepared,

Obtained information about human civilization and prepared specially restrained equipment.

If the fleet in this universe really only has this strength on paper, it might really be able to pass without any damage.

It's a pity that there is no if,

Silver Shark, the predator, never expected that what they were facing was a group of Gou people!

"Captain, the opponent has discovered an obstacle and must slow down soon!"

The detector on the cube ship clearly felt that the opponent's fleet paused, and he immediately shouted:

"The speed instantly dropped from three times the speed of light to ten times the speed of light. They..."


After reading out the data from the space velocity sequencer on the detector, the detector suddenly paused and suddenly came to his senses.

Three times to ten times? !

Instead of slowing down, the other party accelerated!

"Captain, something is wrong. The opponent suddenly accelerated. The curvature of space directly increased by 8 gradients. Our obstacles can't stop us at all!"

This voice has just fallen,

In the asteroid belt,

The fleet of this universe rushed in front of the obstacle!

This obstacle is essentially a reactor and a curvature device. The synesthesia directional curvature can offset the curvature layer of the spacecraft that wants to force the impact, and force the spacecraft to slow down through the positive and negative collisions.

It can be said that the preparation is indeed very sufficient.

This obstacle can block the ships of 99.9% of the civilizations of the alliance without any problem!

But they happened to encounter this universe!

In the quiet universe,

a stream of light flashed,

and directly penetrated the entire obstacle!

I saw that the obstacle shook violently, and the originally wide and hard surface, including the anti-curved space curvature,

was forcibly torn apart, revealing a hideous huge hole!

This is not over yet,

Twenty-four spaceships collided with the flag,

The original obstacle, the obstacle that was placed with high hopes, was directly smashed into pieces of broken fragments!

Not even a millisecond of time was saved!

"Damn it, contact White Shark for me, his information is wrong!"

Silver Shark's eyes were red with anger,

Obstacles are also money!

It was just destroyed like this, and it was useless. He was heartbroken!

How did the White Shark get the intelligence? It was damned!

"Contacting, the signal has been connected, and the White Shark captain is also... confused?"

The communicator was a little helpless.

The intelligence was wrong!

"Ambush failed, prepare for a surprise attack!"

Silver Shark cursed in his heart and could only give orders fiercely.

Since obstacles can't block it, just hit you and slow you down!

Three hundred to twenty,

How can they lose!

Dare to do this to their precious obstacles, wait a minute, he must let the other party see how fierce they are!

The Silver Shark Fleet was ready for the raid.

Just as the spacecraft was about to rush out of the bunker,

the explorer suddenly spoke again, this time with a very terrified tone:

"Deploy the shield immediately, we have been discovered!"


In the dark universe,

after accelerating suddenly and ruthlessly crushing the obstacles, the universe suddenly slowed down, and the muzzle turned, directly aiming at the inconspicuous meteorites in the asteroid belt.

That ferocious muzzle was definitely aimed at them!

Muzzle: You bastards, it's you!

The explorer was suddenly shocked,


When did the other party discover their location!

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