Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 762: Beat him up first!

space gate base,

Horos looked at the failed experiment in front of him,

He was very angry and the consequences were serious!

No need to think about it, it must be the "ball" doing something good.

After being bombed like this, you still have time to point fingers?

Feeling resentful in his heart, he put down the experiment in his hands and dialed the communication center directly.

"Hello? Horos, what's the matter with you?"

The personnel in the operations center raised their eyebrows. What is this guy doing here?

"How long until your next wave of attacks against the subspace is launched?"

Horos' tone was solemn.

"Ten seconds."

The operator at the operations center looked it up and answered immediately.

"I want you to hit the ball a hundred times harder. I want to make that damn ball look good!"

Horos almost said this through gritted teeth,

While talking, a new experiment was immediately opened by him!

He just wants to seize the time, take advantage of the ball being hit, and see if he can scrape off some purple particles!

"Okay, the order has been issued."

The operator immediately issued an order to increase the intensity of the strike, and simultaneously uploaded the communication between him and Horos to the cloud.

However, he still thought in his heart,

Horos has a grudge against the subspace? Why is the attack suddenly increased a hundred times!

"very good!"

Horos couldn't possibly know about the operator's complaints.

After he hung up the communication, he immediately started the experiment in a hurry.

The creature on the experimental table began to be filled with purple light. Driven by the heterogeneous energy, the purple light was quickly driven away, and the orange light took over.

At this moment,

Horos moved!

He used some kind of "energy pliers" to carefully pull it out, and the particles in the purple light were immediately slowly pulled out.

This physical pliers made from a mixture of heterogeneous energy and strange energy,

It’s the Noble Phantasm he uses to study energy!

"The time is just right, the ball over there is definitely being bombed, and we will definitely succeed this time!"

Horos grinned wildly,

He pumped his hand fiercely, and the stubborn purple particles condensed in the energy,

It was actually pulled out directly by him!


Exclaiming in surprise, Horos did not get carried away. He immediately put the particles in his hand into the shielding tank and continuously input a large amount of energy into it to maintain its existence.

So far,

The particles that caused the energyization to continue to fail were really captured by Horos!

"No wonder it keeps failing. Not only can this thing suppress the energy structure, it can also absorb a large amount of energy. It is simply a gold-swallowing behemoth!"

It was also when I got these purple particles,

Horos completely understood,

This purple particle is simply a big pit,

After forming, it will become fixed and look as if it were energized.

But once it involves the compatibility of consciousness and body, it immediately reveals its violent nature,

The complete energyization failed completely because this purple particle broke the internal balance, and then it absorbed most of the energy!

That’s right, I absorbed most of it out of thin air!

By analogy,

You originally input 100 units of energy, and there is no problem in converting your consciousness into energy. But if you touch the physical body, this much energy is completely enough.

But the purple particles were ignored, disrupting the original structure and taking away 60 units of energy.

If this can be successful, it’s really crazy!

"What a fucking thief. Not only are the rules twisted, but these purple particles are also a big trap!"

"Also, where does this energy go?"

Horos looked at the crazy energy consumed in order to maintain the purple particles, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

This is a joke,

What a fuck!

Fortunately, he succeeded!

The surface world of a black hole,

Pioneer Mine,

Now, in the entire universe, the most resource-intensive resource is here.

In order to continuously combat subspace, many mining farms have also moved directly into the surface world of black holes.

White Shark, Luo Luo and Arad were also sent here.

These three guys were put on special biological armor and then thrown in directly.

Something worth noting,

In this closed mine, the leader of the mining team is - Megatron!

"Three little bastards, the amount they dug today doesn't match up, they are useless!"

At this time, after finally waiting for the drones to collect the ore, Megatron could rest for a few minutes. He sat on the rock, looked at the bill, and cursed directly.

Hiding in the corner, cowering among the Decepticons, White Shark, Luo Luo and Arad lowered their heads and said nothing, their bodies trembling constantly.

"You three allowed me to dig twice as many mines, damn it!"

After saying that, Megatron raised his fist as big as a car tire and gave it to each of the three people.

They were hit so hard that they almost died!

"You three, please listen to me clearly. If you don't get the stipulated number of ores this afternoon, I will kick you like a ball. You will not be able to survive or die!"

Megatron's entire robot was furious;

This mining is not for these three wastes to dig by hand!

I gave them a mechanical one, and it ended up like this,

He was so filled with hatred now that if he hadn't spared his life, he would have rushed forward and tore these three bastards to pieces!

"I know, I know!"

Evil people still need to be punished by evil people,

No, Arad, who was originally extremely unconvinced, now only has panic in his eyes.

On the contrary, Baisha and Luoluo have accepted their fate.

The three of them nodded like they were pounding garlic, fearing that Megatron's "True Iron Fist" would fall directly on their heads.

"Now that you know it, go dig it!"

He scolded angrily,

Not to mention, the furious Megatron, no matter in appearance, size or momentum, is simply oppressive.

Bai Shark and Luo Luo's bodies trembled,

Ready to get straight to work,

However, Arad got on the car smoothly, but Baisha and Luoluo suddenly stopped in front of the machine door.

The two people's consciousness blurred for a moment, and they fell to the ground.

The original dazzling light on his body turned into white light in an instant.

The white light made a circle in the ring-shaped body, and all the nodes glowed brightly. And when the nodes gathered together, all the nodes pointed to the center of the ring, where there was a blank space.

Although there is no structure, just nothingness, a small point of light suddenly appears,

Then a surge of energy came out of his body,

Gone in a flash!

The whole mine shines,

Directly make the alarm in the mine sound crazy!

"What the hell?"

Megatron was slightly startled,

You got into a car, how could you do something like this?

"Who the hell is rebelling!"

As for the management of the mine, Tiebi heard the siren and rushed in with weapons in hand.

As soon as I walked in,

Ironhide and Megatron looked at each other and were stunned for a moment.


Megatron wanted to explain that this was none of his business!

But just as he opened his mouth, Tiepi rushed forward and punched him directly in the face. Physics shut him up!

At this moment, Tiepi's face was full of excitement,

No matter who it is, just give Megatron a good beating first!

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