Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 769 Now that we are here

Solar system, edge of Kuiper belt,

Tiger really wanted to slap himself twice.

What kind of operation was he doing to actually send himself into the encirclement!

Just because I came out of the turbulent flow of space, I felt insecure and wanted to find an asteroid to hide for a while, so I walked a little longer.

This distance!

It became his Achilles heel,

Let him fall in!

Similarly, Wu Xun, the flagship commander of the cruising fleet in this universe, was also dumbfounded by the opponent's operation.

What a super unlucky guy?

The head-hugging rat scurried and entered the restricted air zone directly!

In the War of the Worlds, because of the existence of the Alliance, the forbidden air zones arranged by this universe in the solar system are set at a level that even the Alliance spacecraft cannot invade.

The result was a hit or miss.

Hey, the Alliance spaceship is really coming in!

"You're already here, so why don't you leave!"

Wu Xun opened his mouth and said that Dongda's 5,000-year-old traditional performing arts are "all here." After saying that, he commanded the fleet and pressed forward directly.

You entered the solar system and offended mankind, and you still want to leave?


"The shield ships press forward, the combat ships aim at the opponent, and the information warfare and logistics ships shield the energy source!"

"Surround them around me and capture them all alive, including the people and the boat!"

Looking at the dazzling light on the outer shell of the spaceship, Wu Xun's eyes sparkled.

This fucking achievement is simply a waste of effort!


In this position, the opponent can resist nothing!

In fact, Tiger also thought about resisting.

He looked fiercely at the fleet blocking the way, his hands pressed on the weapon launch pad.

With a sudden change of heart, he opened his mouth and prepared to give orders to break through the opponent's encirclement.

"There are only sixteen battleships. I piloted the alliance's spaceship and fought against sixteen. It was no problem at all. It was easy!"

This is his confidence as an alliance member,

In this galaxy, the Alliance is the sky and the strongest. No one's spaceship can match the strength of the Alliance!

So, he was ready to fight,

And full of confidence!

The opponent's fleet is pressing forward in battle formation,

Tiger didn’t panic at all, and even wanted to laugh a little!

Eat my dual-mode entangled particle distortion cannon and wake up all of you backward civilizations with one shot!

Press down hard with your hands,

From the bow of the pyramid-shaped spacecraft, a particle beam compressed to the extreme burst out and bombarded directly towards the space fleet. At that moment, the light shone across the entire confrontation scene.

With this shot, Tiger definitely has a 99.99% probability that the opponent will be directly penetrated by the shield and the spacecraft!

The spiral twin-particle light traced a beautiful path in the cosmic space, then hit hard and hit the deployed energy-gathering shield of the space shield ship.

After a shocking explosion,

The opponent's shield... rippled a little.

Tiger in the cab trembled stiffly, his expression changing from confident, to shocked, and finally to frightened.

This attack that he had high hopes for only produced a little ripple? !

Seeing this scene,

Tiger stared suddenly,

I exclaimed in my heart:

It’s bad, I met the “big guy” hiding in the galaxy!

This protection technology is no less than that of his Alliance battleship!

He is confident that he is invincible when he beats a 16-year-old bastard, but at the same level of protection, 16-year-olds beat 1. The other party can tell you how many there are to die!

"If you can't beat me, run away!"

Realizing that something was wrong, Tiger's face suddenly changed, and he was about to tighten his grip.

Run away, let me run away from the head office!

However, when he turned back to operate, he looked at the dense green dots that suddenly lit up on the radar, and his expression froze.

It directly stopped the spacecraft in place.

It turned out that on the detection wave radar display, in addition to the sixteen warships in front of him, including the star system behind him, there were more than 30,000 fire control systems locked on him!

More than thirty thousand,

Including planetary defense systems and standing armed forces in the star system!

How can you escape?

He didn't even dare to move!

One shot from the opponent can directly submerge him and the spaceship!

"Depend on!"

Just out of the tiger's den, he enters the wolf's den again,

Tiger is directly autistic!

Tiger was caught;

The process of catching him is very simple. He is targeted by 30,000 strongholds and can only appear within seconds.

He didn't dare to move at all,

Then, Wu Xun commanded the shield ship to press forward directly, formed a circle, and directly surrounded the opponent's spaceship with shields.

Here comes a roll!

Finally, it pierced the opponent's outer wall, injected super fiber, and seized control of the opponent's ship.

"Haha, what a coincidence. I was thinking about where this guy would go, but he ended up coming directly to our door!"


Seeing Tiger being escorted back by his captives, Mr. Zhu chuckled a few times.

"After catching this guy, my progress will probably be faster. After all, he has been researching energization for who knows how long!"

Horos's eyes lit up,

This is a helper sent from heaven, coming to help him!

After saying that, he thought of Fang Jing, turned his head and extended his thumb, and said in surprise:

"You really opened your mouth, people really jumped in front of us!"

"Haha, it's indeed quite a coincidence."

Fang Jing laughed awkwardly,

He can already predict that after this time, he will have many nicknames of "mouth blessing" in the base.

"Let's go and greet this guest who has come from afar and is worth a million bucks!"

Seeing that the escorting spaceship was speeding back to the space gate base, Mr. Zhu stood up slowly, glanced at everyone in the office, and smiled slightly.


Everyone's hearts are completely balanced!

There will be chaos around the solar system.

Anyway, the people are in their hands now, so it’s not a bad thing to be in such a mess!

The autistic Tiger was turned into the interrogation room.

The World War has come, and this interrogation room is very lively. First there is Kai, then White Shark, Arad, and now Tiger comes again.

This place is very much connected with the Alliance!

"Who the hell are you? Apart from the Alliance, there is no such technologically advanced civilization in the galaxy."

In the interrogation room,

Tiger was unexpectedly calm,

He had already determined in his heart that the civilization that captured him was either from outside the galaxy, or it was a hidden "big brother" who had been hiding in secret and was at odds with the alliance.

No matter which kind it is,

The enemy of my enemy is my friend,

He is now a wanted criminal in the alliance!

"You are Tiger, the culprit who caused the war in the Broken Star Territory."

As soon as the door is opened,

Zhao Guangyao directly pierced Tiger's heart and broke his surface calmness with a hammer.

"No, not me!"

"This is all the fault of the damn person behind the scenes. I was just doing an experiment. I just wanted to succeed. I was not wrong!"

Tiger, who had been quiet for a few seconds, suddenly burst into flames. The robot's hands suddenly raised, dragging the holder and making a "clang, clatter, clap" sound. His face was filled with anger.

He is a victim, a victim!

How can you blame him for this?

Wasn't he still secretly experimenting after the elder issued the ban?

Who knows if nothing happened before?

After you issued the ban, something suddenly happened!

This is for him,

This is the world against him!

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