Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 774: Malicious Eyes

in darkness,

Fang Jing came to a familiar place. At the end of the pure black space, a bit of white light slowly shone down. The mysterious machine wrapped in the light emitted a soft and warm light.

Look carefully,

On the machine, at the current end of the silver-white branch, a small white dot flashed white for a few seconds, then turned from white to red.


Fang Jing naturally knew what this meant. He approached the machine curiously and gently touched the small dot that turned red with his own consciousness.

"Buzz buzz-"

There was a strange buzzing sound in my ears,

The darkness around him suddenly changed, and a beautiful and strange landscape appeared around him.

Like a kaleidoscope,

Various brilliant lights and strange particle structures were all displayed around him, which made Fang Jing feel excited. He was very familiar with this gorgeous scene.

This is in the world of microscopic particles!

He had felt this way when he first entered the Trinity,

Now, is the prompt for the opening of the new world space door to enter the world of microscopic particles?


Just when Fang Jing was guessing,

The gorgeous world unfolding in front of him suddenly shook, and Fang Jing felt a malicious gaze suddenly "looking" at him from all directions.

Due to the observation of this "gaze", the originally gorgeous microscopic world began to collapse directly after the shock!

Even the scene itself,

They are also collapsing with this collapse!

A few seconds later, when Fang Jing and the surrounding microscopic world collapsed,

In reality,

Fang Jing suddenly opened his eyes!

He's awake!

As soon as he opened his eyes, his eyes were full of doubts.

Microscopic world, particles, observer, malicious gaze, collapse,

What does this mean...

After hesitating for a second, he stopped thinking about it.

Hey, let the external brain take the headache away!

Thinking about it, he turned his head and looked in the direction of Horos with a "vicious" look!

Horos at this time,

He was very self-aware and had already hid at the back of the crowd. When Fang Jing woke up and looked towards him, he warmly extended his hand to say hello, as if nothing happened just now.

This guy was so dark when he started, why is he hiding behind the crowd now?

Didn’t you kid say you’re not afraid of me?


He secretly gave Horos a middle finger.

Fang Jing jumped up with his hands on his hands and came to Mr. Zhu.

"Let's go to the conference room to discuss. This is not the place to talk."

Mr. Zhu chuckled, patted Fang Jing on the shoulder, walked at the front of the team, and led the way for everyone.

A large group of people came in force,

He left in a grand manner, but when he came he was expecting, but when he left he was completely excited.

During the War of the Worlds, after walking around the alliance,

This universe recognizes,

Their current strength is at best at the level of Tianshu Civilization.

This kind of strength is considered very powerful in the universe, but so what?

Tianshu civilization now only has ruins left.

So this strength is completely insufficient.

They need stronger strength, enough strength to break all shackles!

For this reason, moving on is the best option!

"This is truly a microcosm."

In the conference room, Tianhuo looked at the gorgeous pictures displayed on the projector and nodded affirmatively.

"And this perspective on the microscopic world is very strange. I feel that from this perspective, we can actually see the laws of the microscopic world?"

All scholars who have some understanding of the microscopic world are amazed when they see this scene.

They have now mastered the technology of raising particles to four dimensions and reducing them to two dimensions, but even so, some strange particle laws still cannot be analyzed.

It is as if the dimension in which humans are located limits the ability to observe.

"Combined with that malicious gaze, quantum collapse..."

Horos sat at the edge, touched his chin, and whispered thoughtfully:

"It feels like quantum life is observing quantum structures, just like we are observing the burning of a flame. It is natural to discover certain laws of flames. Fang Jing's perspective is on quantum life!"

"So, when encountering an observer, the quantum itself will collapse, and the original superposition state will become a definite state!"

The more he analyzed it, the more certain Horos' tone became.

Tan Wei's eyes next to him became brighter and brighter, and at the same time, more and more sweat appeared on his forehead.

Damn, this range is a bit broad.

They really can’t be sure which world it is!

"So, I need to get in touch with that quantum life in order to open the space door?"

Fang Jing frowned.

Quantum life, how to contact it?

"If it were anyone else, there would be nothing you could do, but if it were you, there would be no problem at all!"

Horos shook his head and said proudly:

"Your body has been modified by our peak technology, and is close to a trinity!"

"As long as you enter the energy form, you can see the so-called quantum life!"

The energy of the Trinity and the observed scale are different from those of normal life.

Like quantum ghosts, particle life,

They can all be seen with normal "eyes"!

"The important thing is actually the malicious observer!"

Several scientists in this universe frowned and said with some concern:

"When the observer observes the entire microscopic world, he does not observe the state of particles like us, but... but deliberately makes the entire microscopic world collapse!"

This is the word he came up with after thinking for a long time.

That's right,

the malicious observer,

is deliberately making all the observed quanta collapse!

"The world is a mystery for the time being. The goal is to find quantum life. The biggest enemy may be the observer in the dark..."

Mr. Zhu summarized the analysis, took a deep breath, turned his head to look at Fang Jing, and whispered:

"Fang Jing, make your own decision!"


Fang Jing pointed to his nose, grinned, showing his teeth, waved his hand, and said loudly:

"Of course I'm going!"

There are so many unknown worlds,

Is he still afraid of this mere new world?

Let's do it!

"Then get ready to go!"

Old Zhu nodded, looked at Fang Jing and said:

"It just so happens that we have analyzed the energy utilization technology of the alliance, and we will give your equipment a slight upgrade, so I have nothing to worry about!"

You can attack when you advance, and you can jump when you retreat.

If it doesn't work, you can teleport back directly.

Old Zhu is sure that with Fang Jing's configuration, he can go into the alliance alone and retreat calmly.

If he really fights hard, he will definitely not be able to bear it.

But they gave Fang Jing the most running and hiding equipment!

As long as he can survive,

Wait until the space door is opened, and then call for help!

Group fight!

Based on this confidence, Old Zhu has nothing to worry about. After a few instructions,

the logistics department of the entire 237 plan began to operate frantically.

The new world is coming!

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