Member of Eden Organization,

The teacher who led these primary school students this time looked at the little boy in front of him coldly.


Found a die-hard believer in Scientology!

"Since you want to be a scientist so much, I'll leave you alone!"

The originally gentle and intellectual teacher's face suddenly became a little crazy. She waved her hand and picked up the hammer in her hand, raising her hand to hit the little boy's head hard!

This hammer down,

The boy must die!


It's a pity that she can't have her wish this time.

The moment she raised her hand, the whole space outside the reactor suddenly made a dull low sound, as if something exploded underground.

Then, waves of sound waves spread instantly,

This exploding sound wave swept through all the internal spaces of the entire nuclear power plant in an instant.

Everyone who comes into contact with this sound wave faints instantly!

Right in front of that little boy,

The teacher, who had a fierce look in her eyes and a ferocious expression, was swinging a hammer in her hand to hit this "evil child" to death. Suddenly her whole body was shaken, and her eyes showed a trace of confusion.

What's going on? !

Why did she suddenly feel weak?

Then his whole body trembled violently, his feet slipped, his head tilted, and he fell directly to the ground!


The hammer hit the ground and made a crisp impact sound, which spread far and wide in the empty nuclear power plant...

Only the twenty-seven primary school students who were unaware of the situation were left with bewildered faces.

What's going on?

Why did the teacher fall suddenly?

The little boy was also very confused. He plucked up the courage, stepped forward slowly, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly said:

"It seems like sound waves!"

That's right, it's sound waves,

The hearing thresholds of children and adults are different.

So Fang Jing did not hesitate...according to the recommendation of his assistant, he used sonic weapons to distinguish children from adults.

That is to say,

Under attack from this weapon,

Without armor, an unmodified adult will be instantly comatose, while a child whose organs are not fully developed will be completely unaffected!

This hand,

Solved all problems directly and perfectly!

"This is Fangjing. All the terrorists in the nuclear power plant have been hit by sonic weapons and have fainted. The children are completely fine. Please rush in immediately and be careful to distinguish the terrorists from the hostages. Pay attention, you must survive!"

A sonic bomb came,

The terrorists had no way out, they were all captured!

In the command room,

Colonel He Guang also instantly got the picture in the two-way communication room.

After hearing Fang Jing’s report and seeing the pictures sent back by his subordinates,

The terrorist suddenly and inexplicably fell to the ground without any reaction, but the kidnapped child was fine.

The entire command post fell into a brief silence, the silence was terrifying!

"Holy shit, what kind of weapon is this?"

"It can also differentiate between adults and children. This weapon is outrageous!"

"Fainted. The guy who wanted to attack the child has fainted. All the terrorists under surveillance have also fainted. This is an opportunity!"


Next to him, He Guang jumped up from his seat in surprise,

Without any hesitation, he immediately ordered loudly:

"Falcon Commandos, all commandos, rush in and completely disarm the opponent!"

"Quick, quick, quick!"

Outside the nuclear power plant, high in the sky,

The silver-white tall battle armor waved his hand and attacked at will.

They actually completely reversed the situation that they had been in a stalemate for more than an hour!

A sonic bomb,

All terrorists are offline, without exception!

Following the order issued by Colonel He Guang,

The armed police and military teams that had been prepared for a long time immediately filed out from behind the bunker and rushed into the nuclear power plant.

At this moment they wish they had wheels on their legs!

"Group A has broken into the thermal steam turbine, found armed men, and is arresting them!"

"Group B has broken into the cooling tower and has been cleaned up!"

"Group C is entering the outer mechanism of the reactor. The target 'teacher' has been captured, the 'red pill' weapon has been dismantled, and the enriched uranium has been put into a radiation-proof box. It's safe!"


This is the moment the commandos have been waiting for.

After the confrontation outside for so long, the commando captain of Group C kicked open the door of the science room with anger and led the team to rush to the "female teacher".

"Uncle soldier, you came just in time. Why did the teacher suddenly faint? Please help her!"

The little boy squatting next to the female teacher looked at the commandos rushing in and waved happily.

"Protect the children!"

Several strong men put down their guns, rushed forward, picked up the little boy, and completely separated him from the "teacher".


He cuffed the teacher's hands with his backhand. After the special operations team searched her body and found no weapons, they tied her up with ropes inside and out to mummify her for safety.

Only then did the captain finally heave a sigh of relief.

"Uncle, why did you tie up the teacher..."

The boy who was being held looked at this scene and asked weakly.

"Because she is not your teacher, they are the enemies you want to destroy when you become a great scientist. They are one of the enemies that should be eliminated most among human beings!"

It wasn't the commando holding him who responded to him;

But Fang Jing suddenly appeared in front of him!

Wearing a tall mimicry armor, the silver-white sharp metal body revealed a glare under the illumination of the nuclear power plant lamps. From the little boy's perspective, it was like a golden light behind this huge mecha warrior!

The warrior who walked out of the light,

Wearing the whole silver, sharp shape, looking at the particularly cool mecha warrior!

The moment the little boy looked up and saw this scene, he stared with his eyes and opened his mouth, with an incredible look on his face.


This figure will definitely leave an indelible impression in the little boy's heart.

"Little guy, you are very powerful. I hope that when we meet again in the future, you have become a real great scientist and can use technology to help the people you want to help!"

Fang Jing smiled softly, moved his body "click click click", walked slowly to the commando, stretched out a huge index finger, and slowly approached the other party.

"Well, sure!"

The boy's smart eyes flashed with excitement, he nodded fiercely, struggled to stretch out his tender hand from the commando's arms, clenched it into a fist, and gently touched the huge finger together.

"Big brother, my name is Xue Yueming, you are..."

"Hahaha, I am Fang Jing, the major of the First Orbital Airborne Division of the Space Force. If we are destined to meet again in the future!"

Fang Jing raised his index finger slightly, and under the control of his assistant, he touched the boy's head accurately and gently, then stood up suddenly, turned his head to look at the "female teacher" lying on the ground, and a light flashed in his eyes.

A small suspension machine flew out of his chest and slowly landed on her.

At the moment of falling,

the metal on the surface of the fist-sized spherical suspension machine surged, and instantly turned into a strange mechanical worm. At the moment of landing, it drilled into the female teacher's body through her nostrils.

This scene made the commandos next to him feel numb,

but they did not stop it,

because seeing the name Fang Jing reported and his many actions towards the child,

although he didn't know whether the airborne division was real, he was definitely not an enemy!

"Woo woo, sonic weapon, who are you?"

Perhaps it was the severe pain, or perhaps it was the foreign body sensation, the moment the detection bug drilled into the teacher's body, the teacher woke up!

She stared at Fang Jing fiercely with her eyes wide open, with a fierce look on her face.

All science, all technology should be damned, and those who worship them should also be damned!

"I, I am the destroyer of your Garden of Eden organization!"

Fang Jing raised his head, smiled coldly, slowly approached, raised his hand and hit the teacher's head hard.


The teacher with a crazy expression was hit hard on the head, and suddenly paused,

and fell into a coma again!

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