Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 78 Two Worlds, a Historic Meeting

The world of Wandering Earth was arranged very quickly.

After Zhou Weirong took Fang Jing to the location where the space door was placed, Fang Jing did not stop for a moment. It disappeared in an instant.

When he appeared, he had returned to the weapons room of this universe.

"The other side is ready!"

As soon as Fang Jing appeared, he immediately reported to Mr. Zhu who had been waiting for a long time.

"Okay, let's place the space door!"

Hearing this, Mr. Zhu nodded, but his eyes were curiously focused on Fang Jing.

Not only him, but everyone involved in this matter in the armaments room looked at Fang Jing curiously.

Almost instantly, they turned into curious babies.

This is opening a space door!

How will Fang Jing open up?

"Just put it here, right?"

Looking at the huge scientific research equipment in front of him, Fang Jing pointed and followed the scientific researchers to confirm.

"That's right, Colonel Fang, right here."

"That's good!"

Fang Jing received the confirmation and immediately communicated with the machine in his consciousness.

On the machine, a small dot floated, and a red light gradually appeared on the small dot.

The red light is getting bigger and bigger.

Under Fang Jing’s conscious guidance.

In front of the huge scientific research equipment, there was a tear in the space.

A pitch-black spherical cavity appeared in place.

On the spherical space gate, the dark part is shining with dazzling starlight, and there seems to be endless galaxies flowing on it, which looks extremely mysterious.

"This is the space gate?!"

"It's spherical, exactly the same as the shape of a wormhole unfolding in three-dimensional space!"

"It's amazing. One person can do this with an unknown machine?"

"That machine must be a legacy of high-latitude creatures!"

"This is the space gate that can travel through parallel universes!"


Although they were prepared in their hearts, the scientists present were still extremely shocked.

This scene simply shattered their outlook.

No, their three views have been shattered after joining Project 237.

And this time.

It was like using a steamroller to crush their already shattered outlook on life.

The three views have been firmly attached to the ground!

"Team one, come in with me!"

Mr. Zhu's lips curled up, and Ang Tian laughed a few times, strode forward, and was about to go in with Fang Jing first.

"Xiao Fang, that's enough. Can we come in?"

"According to the prompts of that machine, it's OK."

Fang Jing answered truthfully.

"Okay, let's go!"

"I want to see what kind of wonderful person that Zhou Zhezhi you praised him for."

After saying that, he wielded his golden sword and walked towards the dark space door with twinkling stars.

A group of heavily armed soldiers followed immediately without hesitation.

Fang Jing stood in front of the space door, also very curious.

In the past, he relied on that machine to travel through space. I wonder what kind of experience he will have with this space gate?

Follow Mr. Zhu and step into the space door.

His vision was dark, and when he could see clearly again, he had already appeared in the world of Wandering Earth.


"It's like walking through a curtained door..."

"Feel nothing."

Wandering on the earth, in the underground space, Zhou Zhe's eyes widened when he saw the sudden appearance of a dark, starry sphere.

"This is...this is the space gate!"

Zhou Weirong looked at the sphere in the distance, the boss with his mouth open, and was shocked in his heart.

They never thought that the space door would look like this!

What appeared in front of them simply subverted their understanding.

Especially then, an old man with gray hair but extremely bright eyes slowly walked out of the space door.

"You must be Mr. Zhu!"

Zhou Zhezhi's eyes moved, a smile appeared on his face, and he immediately came forward to greet him.

He solemnly held hands with Mr. Zhu!

This is a historic meeting.

Representatives of China from two different universes officially shook hands!

Deeper cooperation——

It officially begins!

Xishan base.

Jiang Xu sat meticulously in the control room of the tokamak nuclear fusion device, clenching his fists and sweating from his forehead.

This is the 567th experiment he has led since arriving at Xishan Base.

half a year ago.

He was falsely accused of stealing ITER data, which resulted in China being kicked out of the International Thermonuclear Fusion Experimental Reactor project.

Although his boss and his colleagues all knew that he was framed.

But there was always a grudge in his heart.

Because of him, China may fall behind in research on controllable nuclear fusion!

Energy revolution!

Whoever controls energy controls the destiny of the world.

This can be proven by the fact that the United States has occupied petrodollar hegemony for seventy years and has declined but not declined!

Jiang Xu will never allow China to miss out on its leading position in controllable nuclear fusion because of him!

In fact, China has always been at the forefront of the world in research on thermonuclear fusion and tokamak.

This advantage must not be ruined in his hands!

Fortunately, there are also complete sets of tokamak devices in the Xishan base, so he can continue his research.

"Didi didi——"

"The experimental results are out. The plasma is stable at 160 million degrees and the confinement time is 650 seconds!"

Looking at the results on the computer in front of him, Jiang Xu clenched his hands tightly and growled excitedly:

"The record has been set again, and there are still 350 seconds left before the fusion is self-sustainable!"

"There is no damage to the first wall and the active cooling system is working properly."

"Great, the new material blocks the collision of neutrons. At present, this material is completely feasible!"

Jiang Xu's eyes were full of excitement.

He wants to wash away the shame on his body and prove to people at home and abroad who don’t know the truth:

He, Jiang Xu, did not steal ITER's data!

This is a false accusation.

This is naked political persecution!

And the only way to prove it——

It was he who came up with a result that was more perfect than ITER, more advanced than it, or closer to controllable nuclear fusion!

He dare not expect to completely complete controllable nuclear fusion in his hands.

However, he must produce stronger results than ITER!

"I need more data on this material!"

Realizing that the first wall material provided by Xishan Base was unusual, Jiang Xu's eyes lit up and he was ready to continue the experiment.

"Old Jiang, it's already four o'clock in the morning, you still want to continue?"

On the side, Jiang Xu's colleagues saw that Jiang Xu was continuing the experiment and quickly held his hand.

Brother, you are such a big brother.

We’ve all had two shifts!

You are addicted to staying up all night.

"It's close. This is the day I'm closest to controllable nuclear fusion. The temperature has reached and the first wall blocks neutron radiation. If it can last for 1000 seconds and proves the stability, I can persuade Mr. Zhu to build the Bigger equipment!”

"This equipment will definitely be able to surpass ITER. Once the problem of plasma turbulence is solved, it will even be able to complete real controllable nuclear fusion!"

650 seconds and 1000 seconds distance.

This was the first time Jiang Xu felt that controllable nuclear fusion was so close to him.

All it takes is the finishing touch!

And the most important thing is.

650 seconds, the first wall is easy to handle!

He felt that 1,000 seconds was not a problem at all.

"Continue the experiment, this time the target is 675 seconds, focus on observing the reaction to the first wall!"

Although Jiang Xu was excited, he never forgot the rigorous spirit of science.

Being reckless is a taboo!

An increase of 25 seconds, this is a reasonable guess he made based on the data on the first wall!

He wants to push it to 1000 seconds step by step.

Wash away the humiliation from him!

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