Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 781 This is too sudden

"What, a parallel world?"

In the deepest office of the three-phase bomb research base, Zhang Jingshan showed a shocked expression after being blocked by Fang Jing's metal shielding wall.

They want to break their heads, but they only dare to imagine aliens.

As a result, you started in a parallel world? !

How could he believe this!

"We have traveled through more than a dozen parallel worlds. Mr. Zhang, please take a look at the documents."

Fang Jing always kept smiling,

He already has extensive experience in dealing with this situation,

What, don’t believe it?

When I perform a great transformation in front of you,

You can believe anything!

"It's just amazing."

Zhang Jingshan took the document handed over by the other party, still looking puzzled, shaking his head, not believing it.

In fact, this is reasonable,

If someone suddenly comes out and tells you that he is from a parallel world,

You will definitely be doubtful, and even think that the other person is stupid!

Zhang Jingshan was the former. He was doubtful. As for the fact that Fang Jing was stupid, he raised his head and looked at the freely deformable metal, the holographic projection in front of him, and then the document in his hand.


No matter what, he can't be a lunatic!

Slowly taking out the document in his hand, Zhang Jingshan stared suddenly when he saw the content on the home page.

With a "swish" sound, he stood up immediately!

"Colonel Fang, is everything you said true?"

His breathing became rapid, and the eyes he looked at Fang Jing became extremely eager.

That fiery gaze was like seeing a treasure.

"Exactly, Mr. Zhang, I have to go back to make a report. You should also take the opportunity to communicate with the superiors. Seeing is believing. There is a door on the left!"

Fang Jing smiled slightly, he could handle this scene with ease!

As he spoke, the machine in his consciousness communication mind instantly disappeared.


Zhang Jingshan was still wondering about the meaning of Fang Jing's words, but the other party disappeared directly in front of him!

Disappear into thin air!

"It's actually true!"

His eyes widened, his face full of surprise!

Quickly walking to where Fang Jing was sitting, and circling around the seat, Zhang Jingshan reached out and touched it, repeatedly confirming that Fang Jing had indeed disappeared!

Taking a sharp breath, his heart was beating hard!

This is so damn true!

After calming down for a while, he suppressed the excitement in his heart and said,

Then he walked towards the shielded room with fiery eyes.

No matter what, this cooperation plan must be won!

As far as what is written on the document,

Is this really a collaboration?

This is simply technological poverty alleviation for them!

The third paragraph of cooperation stipulates:

This universe and other technologically advanced universes will provide technical assistance to backward worlds, raise them to the level of interstellar civilization in the fastest possible time through direct and indirect methods, and completely resolve many conflicts at home and abroad...

Raise to the level of interstellar civilization!

The note at the back of the document is that only civilizations that can use fusion engines to enter a super-light cruise state are considered interstellar civilizations for the first time!

It's like launching a spacecraft and sending astronauts to travel in the Earth-Moon system.

In the document, it is considered a primitive civilization!

Directly upgrade "primitive" civilization to interstellar civilization,

The key is that all this is true!

Zhang Jingshan thinks,

Happiness comes so suddenly!

In this universe, in the sterilization room No. 13 on Mars Node Island,

It has been an hour and a half since Fang Jing left!

Everyone is waiting anxiously.

"Mr. Zhu, Tiger has been escorted away by me. During the World War, the alliance's spaceship is centered on the solar system and is looking for people inch by inch!"

Zhao Guangyao left and returned. After suppressing Tiger, he immediately returned here.

"Haha, the Alliance probably didn't expect that Tiger would run directly into our hands."

Mr. Zhu locked his eyes on the monitor screen and chuckled, feeling a little amused that the Alliance fleet was stationed at the edge of the solar system.

The captain of the alliance really didn't doubt humans!

He thought that humans were just a new civilization and had only learned about the alliance not long ago, so how could they directly collude with Tiger.

Therefore, the other party actually eliminated the suspicion of human civilization right away!


They are frantically tracking down the civilizations that have been plunderers within 10,000 light years!

Winning a world war around the solar system,

It was so lively!

Bounty hunters, interstellar wanderers, and mercenaries are all gathered here, but one thing worth mentioning is that none of these people dare to enter the solar system.

Because the Alliance is stationed here!

"This guy is a thorn. After Horos left, he actually started doing research on his own. He also adapted quickly. With a little use, he will become a scientific researcher who will be of great help to us."

Zhang Guangyao was very wary of Tiger.

But his scientific research strength is indeed beyond doubt.

Soon after entering, he will be able to help Horos complete the analysis of the purple particles and complete the conditions for opening the space door.

The other party's research in this area is indeed not weak.

"Well, I know in my heart that Tianling will keep an eye on him."

Mr. Zhu still stared at the surveillance screen, but his tone was full of confidence.

Tiger is a scientific research madman,

After he knows the "characteristics" of this universe, he will beg to stay here!

No scientific research fanatic can refuse the unique scientific research conditions provided by this universe!


Zhao Guangyao just gave a few reminders.

"When the new world gradually stabilizes and the Alliance fleet leaves, don't forget the Laiya people... Fang Jing is back!"

Halfway through speaking, Mr. Zhu's eyes lit up and he temporarily put these things behind him.

In the monitor screen,

The silver-white mimic armor suddenly appeared in the center of the sterilization room 13. At the same time, video information and Fang Jing's body detection information were immediately sent to the monitoring room.

After confirming that Fang Jing is safe and sound,

The members of the expert team opened the intelligence information excitedly.

"In the independent world of "Ball Lightning", come up with Plan No. 43 immediately!"

"Since this is the world!"

"Garden of Eden, observer, the information has been calibrated, and the judgment is confirmed to be correct!"


After the expert team determined the world, they immediately sent the plan to Fang Jing. At the same time, everyone looked at each other with a strange look in their eyes.

The world of ball lightning,

The situation faced by Dongda is only slightly better than full-band jamming.

In fact, this situation

This universe has also experienced it, and these expert groups in Project 237 all have deep memories!


Da Mao does not give up and actively wants to integrate into the Western world.

Dongda was surrounded by enemies from both sides and had thought of all possibilities, but it had never thought of surrender!


An enhanced version of the old world appeared in front of them,

The obsessions in the hearts of these old people who came out of that suffocating situation could not help but emerge.

His grandma's,

Apart from that "Easter egg", there should be nothing left in this world for the observer behind it, right?

In this case,

If Lao Mi still dares to cause trouble,

Then don't blame them for being cruel!

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