Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 795 No, buddy, you are from the army!

on the Western Pacific,

The American fleet, with its lackeys, has already set up a posture.

The Liben and Nanbang fleets crossed northward, separated the Dongda Northern Fleet, and contained it in the north, daring not to move.

After all, with the "martial arts" of Xiao Liben and Nan Bang,

Dongda's fleet must keep an eye on them, otherwise these two can really do anything during their free time!

in addition,

The First and Third Fleets of the United States, as well as the flagship fleet where Alex is located, are slightly farther away, and are confronting the main fleet and coastal defense forces of the East University at a long distance.

Of course, the atmosphere is just tense now;

The electronic warfare aircraft of the two sides are "fighting" in the sky.

The reason Alex didn't start fighting directly was because Dongda's reaction made him misjudge the situation.

"It's just a high-intensity alert. The other party's shore defense fire control radar has not been turned on and locked. Does the other party think I am joking?"

Seeing the irritated reactions of the Eastern Fleet and Coastal Defense Forces,

Alex raised a brow.

The other side thought they wouldn't start a war, so this big battle was just to scare them?


"Haha, since you are so naive, let's wake you up!"

The captain sneered and said,

Seeing the other party's reaction, he was no longer worried.

An army so unprepared,

He can be destroyed with a flip of his hand!

Of course, what he didn't know was,

When he wondered why the Eastern Fleet was unprepared, the Eastern Fleet itself was also confused.

Opposite Lao Mi and his dogs, it was clear that they were going to cause trouble. Why did the command post still issue such an order?

"Captain, do we really want to retreat?"

"The range of our ship-based missiles is not as good as theirs. If we don't attack them now, if the other side really takes action, we will only be beaten!"

The munitions adjutant was very anxious at the moment;

It's still 2009, and many of Dongda's military technologies are still in the process of being developed.

Therefore, it is a pity that their technology is really crushed by Laomi in all aspects.

"The command has issued a death order. You must not get too close. Are you saying it is for fear of affecting us?"

The captain of the main fleet, Zheng Delin, took a deep breath.

Are they thousands of nautical miles away from the other side's fleet?

What kind of weapon should I use to hit Lao Mi? I am afraid that it will affect me.

There was only one name in his mind at the moment - nuclear weapons!

Is this going to...use nuclear weapons?

"If we launch one from the air, the shock wave will only affect hundreds of miles around the sea. It should not be a nuclear weapon. Otherwise, the best choice would be for us to press forward and hit the drowned dog!"

The munitions adjutant shook his head.

They only need to press forward a hundred nautical miles. By then, the two armies will still be nearly a thousand nautical miles apart. What nuclear weapon can spread to such a far place?

Unless something "big" is prepared from above!

Get a big Ivan out!

But is this possible?

The munitions adjutant has already denied it in his heart, so what does it mean?

"This is Colonel Fang Jing and Captain Yuan Hong. Mr. Zhang has ordered that this incident involving the United States threatening maritime borders be left to them to handle with full authority. Do you understand?"

In the Dongda command post, on the communication channel,

Fang Jing smiled and greeted everyone.

His smile made everyone in the command post feel a sudden thump in their hearts. On the contrary, Captain Yuan Hong, who always had a serious face and resolute eyes, made them somewhat fond of him.

"Commander-in-chief, this time there may be a naval battle. This Colonel Fang... seems to be wearing an army uniform?"

In the command post,

One of the data clerks said weakly,

What is this going on? Doesn’t it look reliable?

You wear the uniform of the army to command the navy in naval battles?

Isn't this a bit contrary to Tiangang?

"Ahem, you don't need to worry about this. First of all, listen to my order. The three fleets of the North, Central and South are not allowed to press forward. For the time being, they will stay by the coastline to assist in offshore defense!"

Fang Jing noticed the looks in the eyes of these people in the command post.

Army uniform?

The main reason is to train with Zhou Yuan and get used to wearing them!

He really belonged to the Space Force. The military uniform, a black starry sky uniform with gilded wheat and rice patterns on the embroidery, did look a bit like the Navy. However, he was going to prove it to the Army today!

"Only offshore defense?"

Now even the deputy commander in the room was confused.

No, it's just offshore defense, so wouldn't they be treated like sandbags?

The opponent surrounded the port and flew kites to attack them. Once the formation unfolded, their navy would definitely lose!

Do you really want to obey this kind of instruction?

For a moment, all the commanders fell into deep thought and felt unwilling.

However, these doubts, along with Fang Jing's next order, completely stunned the commanders.

"Captain Yuan Hong, your ship is following the fleet and parked beside the coastline. If the other party dares to take action, you can directly attack with thunder and penetrate them directly!"

Arrange the security issues of this world's navy,

Fang Jing then grinned,

The real main offensive force is here!

There are more than a hundred people in total, and one annihilation ship doesn't look like much, but for this kind of thing, look at quality rather than quantity!

"Yes, I will move in as quickly as possible and harmlessly deal with the opponent's nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and submarines, so as not to cause pollution to the nearby waters."

Yuan Hong nodded lightly,

In the eyes of the people at the command post, this action was indeed extremely "pretentious".


They noticed that Fang Jing said "your ship" instead of "your fleet". In other words, Captain Yuan Hong only had one ship.

How many fake drinks have you drunk?

One ship is going to take out all of Lao Mi’s aircraft carriers and submarines?

Why didn't you say you would kill the United States directly?

"After taking care of the opponent's fleet, Captain Yuan Hong immediately went eastward and attacked all the military ports in the United States. He directly attacked the opponent's homeland and destroyed several important industrial bases first."

As a result, Fang Jing’s next sentence really meant that he wanted to fuck the American mainland!

These words made everyone in the command post widen their eyes.

No, bro, are you serious?

The commander-in-chief was finally too stressed and went crazy? ?

A group of people had their heads full of questions. They wanted to ask Colonel Fang Jing, who was wearing an army uniform, who gave you the courage and confidence.

Is your confidence wholesale? So much, so much!

"I see!"

The key is that Captain Yuan Hong accepted the order without changing his face.

Who is this person? He is so brave? !

While everyone was shocked,

In the communication screen, Yuan Hong nodded and took a step back.

That's it,

The people in the command post instantly widened their eyes.

They seemed to understand where Yuan Hong's confidence came from.

Because the military uniform worn by Captain Yuan Hong looked like a navy one up close, but when he really took a few steps back and fully showed off his shirt, everyone was shocked.

Because the badge on the hat of the military uniform clearly depicts a tapered space battleship.


As Yuan Hong turned sideways, they understood.

There are clearly a few big words written on the armband——

Space Force emergency response fleet super-stellar Wuyishan ship!

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