Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 798 I'm going to fight you

In the sky, metal balls made of various incomplete metals are cast.

They were directly and forcibly imprisoned together!

The magnetic field and gravitational field are continuously compressed,

The huge metal ball went from pitch black and red in appearance to shrinking into a pocket sphere.

Until this moment,

The red sphere is constantly rotating in the sky,

When the speed reaches the extreme, a small gap appears in the gravitational field and magnetic field.

"call out--"

The red pocket sphere was "thrown" directly with bursts of scorching air waves!

It's very fast,

In just a moment, he rushed to the fleet in battle formation!

"What's that?"

The deputy exclaimed, looking up from the detector to the porthole.

That thing can already be seen visually by them!

"Its speed has reached Mach 6. It's not fast. Can we avoid it?"

Alex’s eyes were even more dizzy,

The pocket sphere was not too big, probably equivalent to an F16 fighter jet, but its scorching heat-filled appearance made his scalp tingle just looking at it!

There are still crew members on the deck.

If you are touched by this thing!

I'm afraid it will directly become "BBQ"!

"There's no way to avoid it. The launch distance is too close to us, and it's just following us!"

"Damn it!"

"We're about to hit you!"

The deputy exclaimed,

The ball, which was originally very small in their field of vision, was now so close that they couldn't avoid it at their speed!

"Be careful of falling!"

Alex roared angrily and immediately reached out and grabbed the armrest at hand, as did the other crew members.

They just hope they don't get into big problems this time!

"A mere metal ball will at most create a big crater in the deck area!"

Alex consoled himself with a few words,

He can survive, he can survive!



At this moment, the metal ball directly hit the deck of the aircraft carrier. The hot lava was too metallic, like a puddle of water directly stuck to the deck of the aircraft carrier. The lava splashed everywhere,


The crew member who was turning back to escape was burned to the point of being shrunk into a mummy after just a trace of contamination!

Not only that,

The moment the metal ball hits the deck,

In the sky, Captain Yuan Hong sneered and ordered urgently:

"Increase the gravitational field of the sphere!"


As the order was given, a silver-white circle immediately flashed above the spacecraft.

"it's over?"

Alex, who was thrown to the ground, slowly stood up and looked out of the porthole.

A huge gap has been dented in the main deck of the aircraft carrier, and the red metal ball has been embedded directly into the deck runway, completely destroying the aircraft carrier.

But is that the end?

Alex felt a little lucky. Fortunately, this thing didn't hit the ship island.

Otherwise they will all be doomed!

In the end, I was the one with the upper hand!

Just thinking about it,


The metal ball suddenly made a strange sound, and as the sound sounded, it started to rotate continuously!

"This is……"

Alex's pupils shrank suddenly,

A bad premonition came to his mind!


In front of me, on the control panel and the metal base, cracks suddenly appeared, heading towards the scripture ball, and the cracks continued to twist and expand, until finally,

Alex clearly saw,

The metal above was forcefully pulled towards the metal ball!


The horrifying scene in front of him left him confused.

But the next moment,

There was also a strange sound coming from his body, and the sound of bones and skin being twisted made him widen his eyes!

He saw it with his own eyes,

His own skin was actually like the cracks on the ground, constantly cracking towards the hot red metal ball!

Skin fragments, blood, internal organs, bones in the body,

They are all cracking inch by inch!

Disintegrating inch by inch!

This severe pain surpasses all torture in human history,

Even the most skilled executioner will tremble with fear when he sees this scene!


He screamed in pain, and he was so frightened that he didn't even have time to make other sounds...


As the entire aircraft carrier shook violently, Alex completely lost consciousness!

The gravitational force locked on the metal ball was strengthened, causing the entire aircraft carrier to shrink violently following the metal ball.

The originally huge aircraft carrier floated with the metal ball and continued to compress. Under the huge gravity, the rigid hull made various distorted "creak" sounds.

Just ten seconds,

The aircraft carrier, which was originally more than 300 meters long, was directly twisted into the shell of a metal ball!

Even the boat and people,

Even the reactants in it are all melted into this metal ball and become a part of it!

On the battlefield,

When the nearby American troops saw this scene, their eyes were filled with tears!

Such a large aircraft carrier was instantly defeated? !

"Run, run!"

The captain on the cruiser exclaimed, trying to escape regardless.

They are the main protectors of the aircraft carrier. They are closest to the aircraft carrier and can see it most clearly.

It only took a dozen seconds for the red metal ball to melt an entire aircraft carrier into its part!

The strongest aircraft carrier on earth, which took four years to build, one year for sea trials, and one year for service, was completely destroyed in just a dozen seconds!

What honor and reputation, what military merits and orders,

The captain now just wants to escape from here and just wants to survive!


When they crossed the identification line, they were doomed to never go back.

In the sky, the metal ball that melted the aircraft carrier rolled forward.

It was like a toy in the hands of Captain Yuan Hong, pointing and hitting wherever he pointed, with great accuracy.

And with one strike,

the ships that were hit would immediately be squeezed into a ball by the huge gravity added by the metal ball, with people and ships.

More than a hundred warships,

At this moment, they didn't even have the power to resist.

They were on the sea and could only let the metal ball come and go freely.

One strike took away an entire warship!

"I'll fight you!"

The gunners of the US ships close to the Wuyishan ship had bloodshot eyes. They raised the angle of the guns desperately, aimed at the target and prepared to fight to the death.


the ships in the sky didn't even pay attention to him,

and didn't care about these shells at all!

Silence is the greatest contempt.

These shells flew to the side of the ship. In the expectant eyes of the US gunners, they were directly trapped in place by the continuous magnetic field of the ship, and turned into metal flow on the spot, flowing to the metal ball that was hitting it at a high speed!

Seeing this scene,

the gunners were completely desperate.

Their attack was a joke to the other side!

It's over,

the fleet is all over!

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