Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 800 When he really got hit on the head, he woke up!

Dongda, command room,

At this moment, the entire command room was eerily quiet.

In the scene projected by the Wuyishan ship, the huge fireball formed by the fragments of American fighter jets and missiles was simply killing God when God blocked it, and killing Buddha when Buddha blocked it!

All the objects that stand in front of it,

They were all crushed into pieces!

The U.S. Navy's fleet, which could traverse the four seas, was even more vulnerable and was directly turned into the material of a fireball!

the whole picture,

The attack method of fireball is extremely simple and crude!

Crash, crush; Crash, crush!

Just these two simple attack methods,

Really achieved the goal of sweeping thousands of armies!

Who has seen this scene?

No one has seen it!

The people in the command room were stunned, and at the same time they were extremely happy.

Crush the opponent directly!

Complete victory!

"Excuse me, Colonel Fang, how far should we fight?"

The commander-in-chief coughed slightly and looked at Fang Jing on the other end of the video call with some anticipation.

"Well, let's plow the opponent's coastal shipyards and industrial bases again!"

Fang Jing shrugged.

To what extent?

Fight until the opponent surrenders first!

"I'll hit factories, oil refineries, bed-making factories, large companies, everything I can. Of course, I'll be careful to avoid residential areas."

Of course, Fang Jing still has to be humane.

After all, we are not dealing with aliens.

Residential areas cannot be touched. As for ordinary people in factories,

That was accidental damage during wartime.

There's just no way around it!

Compassion does not command troops;

Boom and that's it!


Captain Yuan Hong chuckled after hearing Fang Jing's order, and immediately controlled the scorching fireball and flew directly to the mainland of the United States!

This was the other party's first move!

They can decide when the war starts, but when the war ends,

It's not up to you when to stop!

Smashed the ship, smashed the base,

At this moment, the size of the metal lava ball has expanded several times, and its radius has reached two hundred meters.

Just this size, suspended in the air,

Just looking at it gives me a burning suffocating feeling!

Why is it burning?

Because it is compressed to the extreme, the temperature on the surface of this metal ball has reached hundreds of thousands of degrees at this moment!

It has completely turned into lava state,

Wherever you go,

The earth was baked into crystals, and all living creatures died instantly and burned into powder.

suspended in the sky,

It is the second sun!

In front of it, man and his buildings look so ridiculous,

This sphere is created using the most basic power of the universe.

It is considered a war weapon in itself!

A weapon of war against lower civilizations!

You can't untie the reinforced gravity above and can't stop the terrifying temperature. You can only watch, pray that it won't hit you, and then close your eyes and wait for death!


There is no other way!

west coast of the united states,

A worker who was processing aircraft wingtips in a military factory went out to get some fresh air. He raised his head and lit a cigarette.

Who would have known that it would be just this small move?

He did see a second sun light up in the sky!


"What is this!"

Putting down the lighter and cigarette in his hand, he rubbed his eyes to make sure he saw it correctly, and that the sphere was getting bigger and bigger, as if it was... flying towards them?

It's really flying over! ! !


His field of vision was entirely occupied by the crimson sphere,

Then, the scorching temperature instantly vaporized him and turned the arsenal behind him into ruins!


The mainland of North America!

“Didi, di, di, di!”

At this moment in the Pentagon,

The fear in Shibul's heart has turned into numbness,

Since just now, militia departments across the country have been calling,

Military bases, arsenals, factories, refineries,

That red sphere is scurrying everywhere, even the nuclear power plant!

What makes them most helpless is that

The opponent can even melt a nuclear bomb into a part of themselves, and they can't intercept it at all, they can only let this thing wander around!


Suddenly, the lights in the Pentagon and the command system screen in front of them went out.

The power is out here!

"The latest news is that that thing has arrived on the east coast, and the power plant in the special zone was directly destroyed,"

"It does not attack other areas, it only attacks military facilities and industrial equipment!"

General Micah slumped in his seat, his heart completely dead!

Can't stop it,

There is no way to stop the opponent. If the opponent is in a deserted land, he can destroy whatever he wants.

They have already landed from the west coast and fought all the way to the east coast!

Just these few hours,

The situation has worsened rapidly. More than 30 states across the United States have experienced large-scale power outages, power grid cuts, and water supply cuts. Most systems in the entire country have fallen into a state of collapse.

They have been defeated,


General Micah clenched his fists fiercely.

He shouldn't have listened to Nott's lobbying!

Well now, let alone the hegemony in the next hundred years, whether the United States can still exist now is a question!

This is a deadly move from the other party!

Finally, in the conference room, they saw that a garrison had been completely wiped out. Someone couldn't help it and loudly admonished Shibul:

"Your Excellency, please order the surrender. If we wait any longer, we will be beaten back to the primitive era!"

"The other party is deliberately and systematically destroying our industrial system,"

"If we don't surrender, we will be doomed!"

The person who spoke out was a general from the army.

Among the US military, the Army is the most unpopular service, especially when the Air Force is not a good person, the Army's life is miserable.

The most classic one is,

During Operation Broken Sword, two Air Force planes carrying nuclear weapons were about to collide. The nuclear weapons were left behind as a last resort, but the Air Force did not want to look for them.

So they coaxed the Army into a "competition" to dig trenches nearby to see who could dig faster, hoping to find abandoned nuclear weapons.

Do this,

It is enough to show the status of the army!

And now, the general of the army is also stunned. What was destroyed just now is their army base!

How can we fight this?

It flew up and smashed it,

One base was immediately gone.

Are we not going to surrender and wait for people to take us back to the primitive times?

Your Excellency, the President, are you going to take us through the development process of the United States again?


When Shibul heard what the other party said, his attention was focused on these two words.

He slumped back into his seat a little decadently.

The originally ambitious plan,

In less than an hour, he was completely shattered, and had he reached a point where he had to surrender?


What would he do if he surrendered?

He will definitely be put on the pillar of shame in the United States.

He can imagine his assets and his future life!

No, cannot surrender, cannot surrender!

Shibul took a deep breath. Even if he was really beaten back to the primitive era, the word surrender could not be uttered from his mouth!

"Mr. President, please make a decision quickly. That damn fireball is flying towards our position!"

The air force generals are also anxious!

Just with these words, Shibul, who had already made up his mind never to surrender, suddenly woke up.


Flying towards them?

Endangered his life? !

Shibul was immediately shocked, stretched out his hand towards the secretary and exclaimed:

"Quick, call the Ambassador of Dongda immediately, we will surrender immediately!"

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