Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 818 This is fucking terrible. If it weren’t for my good luck, I would have been destroyed lo

The more you talk, the more likely it is that problems will arise!

The great elder told the soldier not to worry about the orbital garrison joining the carnival.


In the sky above the entire energy-rich sea area,

A huge light group immediately illuminated the entire dark sea area,

This made the Laiya people who were enjoying the pure energy washing their bodies open their "eyes" in confusion. Some of them were curious and directly surfaced to observe.

It was okay not to look at it, but when he looked at it, the Laiya people below were instantly panicked.

Because in the sky,

The shining spaceship is not the strictly regular cube flying object of their civilization.

It's a huge shuttle-shaped spaceship!

This is something different from their civilized painting styles. You can see it at a glance.

It's from aliens!

"No, there's an alien invasion!"

"Where's the Orbital Defense Force? Where's our defense force!"

"Defense Force? I just saw a member of the Defense Force sneak into the carnival group."

"Damn, so there's nothing on the track now!"

"Quick, spread out, everyone spread out!"


When the Laiya people in the sea saw the spaceship in the sky, they were frightened at first. When they learned about the situation of the defense team, they were even more stupid!

What the hell,

The door is wide open, and someone has really taken advantage of it!

Ordinary Laiya people were panicking, but the people in the defense team were paralyzed.

My heart felt cold,

Sweat profusely!

Some people quickly ran out to organize the crowd to disperse, allowing these people in a row to escape for their own lives.


If the alien above really opened fire, this row would really be full of incense!

It was like lining up to be shot!

"What's going on? Quick, let the defense team board the ship immediately!"

The great elder in the forbidden area was also frightened.

Just for a moment, aliens really came?

What the hell,

There really is no chance at all!

"The other party didn't kill them directly. We are contacting the crew members. One ship, even one, must be lifted into the air immediately!"

The whole body of the soldier next to him turned green.

Retribution in this world, this is called retribution in this world!

I have been on duty for four years and have never had any problems. However, I just slacked off for less than half an hour, and something big happened!

"I immediately sent a message to ask the fleet in the sky what the purpose of this visit is!"

The great elder's body was trembling,

His tone of voice was pleading,

He said that the other party came to visit, not because he got any news, but because he hoped that the other party really came to visit!

Otherwise, you’re really screwed!

in the sky,

A dozen huge fusiform warships ten kilometers long were arranged staggeredly, and searchlights were fired out, illuminating the entire sea area. Naturally, the panic and panic of the Laiya people underneath were also clearly illuminated.

At this moment, the Laiya people who were in a carnival suddenly woke up,

Under the sea, there is chaos!

Tens of millions of Laiya people crowded together, screamed and fled away,

The scene was extremely chaotic,

The rolling waves are so unbearable to watch!

on the spaceship,

Everyone in the cab was silent.

After they detected that there was no Raiya in orbit and there was an abnormal energy-enriched area on the opponent's home planet, they decided to come over and take a look.

As a result, the spacecraft turned on the gravity neutralizer and was forcibly loaded into the atmosphere.

They saw an extremely shocking scene.

Hundreds of millions of Laiya people gathered in the energy-rich area and were having a party!

The so-called carnival, carnival,

In addition to holding hands and dancing there, there are many areas, including the corner areas, where a large number of Raiya people are doing bad things!

What "bad thing"?

The bad guy who caused Raya's life!

And what a coincidence, that area is right under their fleet of spaceships.

Looking at the lights, everyone on the spacecraft could see the scene clearly.

"Good guy, this is really a carnival. The number is tens of millions, right?"

Professor Dong covered his eyes, unable to bear to look directly.

Even Fang Jing shook his head,

What is this for?

What is this for!


Captain Yuan Hong looked calm.

Why are you so shy? This is an alien, a Torus Raiya, and you are completely indifferent to it!

Thinking about it, he turned his head to look at the intelligence adjutant and ordered:

"Flash the headlights and disperse the crowd of people below. It's an eyesore!"

"I don't know how these guys developed civilization. They don't even have basic vigilance. There isn't even a ghost on the track. If it weren't for us,"

"By this time, they have been exterminated hundreds of times!"

"Flashing lights!"

The corners of the intelligence adjutant's mouth twitched, he was really blind!


Thousands of Laiya people who gathered together and were "doing bad things" were suddenly frightened and fled in panic.

It was obvious that they were not just mentally terrified, but physically as well!

"It's all cleaned up."

The intelligence adjutant breathed out.

"Wait, can you bring up some energy? I want to analyze this energy, but it seems a little familiar."

At this moment, Professor Dong spoke, his eyes shining,

I was very interested in watching the faint blue energy aftermath rising from the bottom of the sea.

"Just do it!"

Captain Yuan Hong nodded and agreed to Professor Dong's request. At the same time, he looked at the Laiya people below who couldn't help but complain:

"The opponent's fleet is still starting up. This reaction speed shows no military discipline. Is this a 'theocratic' civilization?"

theocratic civilization,

Seeing the opening of the Kingdom of God, all reason, all discipline, and all rules were instantly abandoned.

Seeing the ugly appearance of the Laiya people, Captain Yuan Hong only felt that they were a little pathetic.

"The energy escaping from the sea is being absorbed and has entered the experimental site, and the assistant is analyzing it."

The intelligence adjutant acted quickly;

Now the entire sea area is bursting with energy, and the Laiya people are defenseless. It is not easy to collect a little.

Soon, the energy data was handed over to Professor Dong.

"It's such pure energy, and it's very suitable for living things to come into contact with. It's not destructive to living things like other energies, and it's very gentle."

After browsing the data,

Professor Dong was surprised,

This energy is so gentle!

Simply, it is just like the energy that has been absorbed by the body of a living being during the energy transformation process.

It lost its violence and aggression and became very gentle and suitable for the body.

No wonder,

Raiya people will think this is a gift from God.

However, the keen Professor Dong quickly discovered something was wrong. After carefully examining the entire energy data and restoring it, he came to a conclusion that made his eyes widen.

That is...

This energy is very similar to the energy wave used by the alliance!

"No, it's not just similar, the horizontal wave fluctuations are exactly the same. I won't admit it. This is the energy of the alliance!"

Professor Dong took a deep breath,

Horos's original guess was correct.

The so-called divine gift, the so-called infinite crack,

It's because after the alliance experiment was energized, the abundant energy couldn't be filled in the infinite world, so it was discharged!

And Lai Yaxing,

This is the "excretion port"!

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