Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 82 How to lose when flying dragon hits the face?

Throughout May, under the fanning of the United States.

This universe.

The topic of controlled nuclear fusion and ITER has become increasingly hot.

Under the overwhelming propaganda.

There is a momentum that whoever completes the controlled nuclear fusion technology first will be the new light of mankind.

The Western world also shamelessly launched the slogan.

"Winning by force is something that only barbarians can do, and modern civilization must compete in technology!"

This is to firmly grasp the technological hegemony in their own hands.

Under this kind of propaganda, some Chinese netizens who were originally sitting on the Diaoyutai are now beginning to panic.

People always follow the crowd.

When everyone is saying that China's controlled nuclear fusion is lagging behind and is about to end.

Even if you don't believe it, you have to be nervous.

There are even more worried people on the Internet who start to ask around.

" @Plasma Experiment Center, since we have withdrawn from ITER, we should have our own controllable nuclear fusion calculations, right?"

"Yes, even if we are not the first, we cannot fall behind too much!"

"Damn, those American and European dogs have jumped out and barked again recently!"

"We should have our own plans, after all, we have such a big advantage, and the higher-ups should have their own arrangements, right?"

"Urgent, urgent, is there any announcement? I am so annoyed every day when I see the United States bragging about ITER!"

"Ah, where is our ESAT, come out to save it!"


This time, because of the overwhelming publicity, not only the people who eat melons are panicked.

Even the nuclear physicists at the Institute of Plasma Physics are a little panicked.

The other party is building momentum!

How should we deal with it?

The key is that the other party's momentum is troublesome if they don't respond.

The relevant hot money in China will run to the West.

This is what they earn.

The hot money is enough for the West to recover a wave of blood!

"No, Director, how should we respond?"

The scholars of the Plasma Institute saw the news and felt that the visitor was not friendly, so they immediately ran to the director's office.

However, he just pushed the door open anxiously.

He saw the director sitting leisurely in the office, browsing his computer with a smile on his face.

He walked closer with curiosity.


What was playing on the computer at this time was the overwhelming propaganda of the West!

The director's face was not nervous at all, and scholars who were familiar with him even saw the mockery in his eyes.


What's wrong with the director? He is not nervous at all?

On weekdays, whenever there is a little disturbance in the international community, he is the most nervous.

Why did he change his personality today? !

"Haha, Xiao Li, you must have seen the news too."

Seeing his subordinates full of doubts, the director took a sip of the silver thermos cup at hand and grinned:

"We don't have to worry about this matter, the higher-ups have their own arrangements."

"Fulun and the others still want to fight us, wishful thinking!"

"Director, do you have... what inside information?"

Ever since Jiang Xu mysteriously disappeared after returning to China, the people in the institute have speculated that China is secretly holding back.

Now seeing the director so confident in the face of the aggressive enemy.

He must know the inside story!

The light of truth called curiosity burst out in his eyes.

The scholar was full of curiosity!

"Okay, Xiao Li, you will know soon."

Waving his hand, the director did not reveal anything and waved away the other party.


Knowing that this might be confidential, Xiao Li nodded disappointedly and left immediately.

After he left.

The director looked at the screen of the interview with Fulun displayed on the computer screen and suddenly sneered.

"Fullen, you are just a clown."

"With the situation of ITER's wrangling, it will take at least 30 years to produce results?"

"With those two things, you are doomed to fail!"

A determined look flashed in his eyes.

Just at this moment, the phone rang rapidly beside him.


"Mr. Zhu?"

"Are you serious?!"

"Okay, I will release the news immediately!"


After hanging up the phone, the director of the plasma institute stood up from his seat in shock.

He was full of horror.

It seemed that he had heard some unbelievable news.

After hesitating for a second, he walked out of the office immediately with the documents in his hand and headed towards the publicity office.

The United States has made such a big fuss in nuclear fusion research.

A certain Eastern power, it's time to make some money!


France, ITER unveiling press conference.

Fullen and Ennis sat on the sofa for the interview, and opposite them, the Fox reporter smiled.

The atmosphere at the scene looked very harmonious.


In fact, it is very targeted.

"Dr. Fulan, what is your forward-looking view on the ITER project?"

The reporter first served a small appetizer and asked a trivial question.

"Well, ITER is the only controllable nuclear fusion reactor in the world that is currently available. It will provide us with rich experimental data in the coming time."

The smile on Fulan's face was very confident. At the end of his speech, he raised his head high, as if he could convey his confidence to the audience watching the show.

"As long as we solve the remaining problems, controlled nuclear fusion will not be a problem."

"I am confident that controlled nuclear fusion, the artificial sun as the Eastern Power calls it, will be successfully ignited in southern France!"

Speaking of the Eastern Power, Fulun's tone was caressing and somewhat contemptuous.

Obviously, he deliberately brought it up at this time.

"Oh, you just mentioned the Eastern Power. What do you think of China's withdrawal from ITER?"

The host took over Fulun's cooperation very keenly, and immediately launched a set of combined punches, pretending to ask casually.

"Oh, excuse me, we regret China's withdrawal."

Fullen shrugged regretfully and sighed: "They missed the critical moment of human civilization's eternity."

"From now on, although they have more advanced military weapons."

"But personally, I think that developing technology that can benefit mankind is our top priority."

"After all, history tells us that those who are brave for a moment are not heroes."

"By the way, this sentence was told to me by my Chinese colleagues. It is said to be an ancient Chinese saying."

Fullen's tone was flat, and it seemed that there was no other meaning in his words.

But from his posture and eyes, everyone could see it.

This is a mockery!

Naked mockery!

ITER has been built. Even if China wants to build one of the same level, it will take at least two or three years, right?

By then, they may have achieved results!

How can Feilong lose by riding on the face? !

Fullen's words made the reporters and even the audience excited.

This is undoubtedly a shot in the arm.

Fulun looked at the expressions of the audience and was also excited.

That's it.

As long as they keep going, they will sooner or later surpass a certain Eastern power again!

"Then Mr. Fulun, can you be more specific..."

The reporter was about to ask a few more questions, but there was a commotion in the audience.

The audience, who were originally sitting upright, heard the faint exclamation and followed the sound to open their mobile phones.

At this time.

No matter which news software.

All the hot searches, only one was prominent.

Explosive news!

"China announced that it will build a prototype of a controlled nuclear fusion reactor and put it into use this year!"

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