Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 834 What a coincidence!

"Captain Tangke, do you know what kind of civilization this is?"

Kai saw that Tang Ke had a strange look on his face, and his thoughts changed.

"I don't know, I don't know."

He waved his hand,

Tang Ke quickly rejected it.

Firstly, thinking about the boast he had made, he now wished he could go back in time and slap himself twice; secondly, since the other party deliberately concealed it, it was better to respect the other party's choice.

Moreover, he is now certain of Tiger's whereabouts!

"Everyone, now that we are sure that the other party has no ill intentions, we should discuss what to do next."

Tangke took a deep breath and returned to this heavy topic.

"Although the main star is destroyed, most of the pan-alliance and alliance members are still there. The soul of the alliance is still there, so it will not be destroyed!"

"How many civilizations will support us?"

"The leader of the Stur civilization has expressed support. We will use the subspace network to immediately go to several powerful and credible pan-civilizations!"

"The Kameng civilization will definitely support us, they are strong enough!"

"Tost will definitely support us!"


The originally dull atmosphere, until now,

Everyone is getting more and more excited!

Kai and Tang Ke were both excited to see clearly the possible gathering of civilizations.

During the existence of the alliance, the civilizations that benefited from it gathered together. Except for a few who may be careerists, most of them thought about the good of the alliance!

Such a total,

The establishment of a new alliance is really not nonsense!

Because of this, everyone is getting more and more excited!

The mother star is dead, the main star of the alliance is destroyed,

But as long as the people in the alliance are still there,

The alliance will not die!

"There is no time for us to grieve and remember. Before the careerists start a war, we must immediately control the subspace network and the connected civilizations, then gather the old troops and establish another alliance!"

Kai took a deep breath,

Time is running out. They must gather as many civilizations as possible before the war breaks out.

Form a new alliance to pacify the four sides!

"Yes, sorrow is reserved for the desperate. We must continue to move forward with the spirit of the alliance!"

"Cleaner, subspace core, we remember this grudge!"

Tang Ke was filled with anger,

This hatred is the driving force, they must keep going,

The enemy wants to see the alliance die,

They don't!

The Alliance will be recast, the lost technology will be recovered, and they will continue to stand proudly in the galaxy and continue to develop. One day, the Cleaners and the Subspace Core will all pay the price for what they have done!

"Open the web channel. Let's go to the Camon civilization first. Everyone, act quickly!"

Tang Ke's voice was low and his tone was firm!

"Let's go now!"

Kai shouted too!


Ste Civilization cooperated to open the cross-shaped "space door" and opened the network channel.

A shining space door appeared in place,

Ships filed in,

They began their journey to gather the old alliance members.

The journey must be difficult,

But they believe that the fire of the alliance will never go out!

Kai started his move,

The Milky Way Galaxy, which had been calm for a while, finally made some waves.

The vest of human civilization in this universe was also exposed in Tang Ke’s eyes.


This is also intentional in this universe.

After all, if they don't know about human civilization, how will they know who helped them?

The surface world of a black hole,

Horos carefully took out a sample of the Infinite Fragment with forceps, placed it in the analysis instrument, and began the analysis.

The whole picture is no different from ordinary experiments.

If... Ignore Tiger's words, which are firmly tied by chains outside the dormant cabin.

"Mr. He, is this really okay?"

When Dr. Chen was doing it, he glanced sideways at Tiger.

This guy's mouth is sealed and he is struggling!

"It's better to let this guy calm down, don't delay my experiment!"

Horos shook his head,

The news of the destruction of the alliance's main star has long spread in this universe.

Tiger was doing an experiment when it came out, and suddenly he went crazy, howling, and an important experiment failed!

"Oh oh oh!"

Dr. Chen scratched his head, did not dare to refute, and continued to attack Horos.

"The sample result analysis is completed and the data is expanded."

Horos concentrated on the experiment and ignored Tiger. Looking at the analyzed data, his eyes widened and he murmured softly:

"It's really that thing. This thing actually exists!"


Dr. Chen asked curiously.

"The samples from Infinite Bound that Old Dong brought back, and the particles taken out from the darkness behind the boundary wall, contain a terrifying amount of anti-hydrogen and anti-helium. Could it be that... after Infinite Bound, is the antimatter realm?"

Horos's eyes widened, feeling a little horrified.

"Antimatter realm?"

Dr. Chen was confused again.

"It is an antimatter universe that is exactly the same as ours, except that it is filled with antimatter!"

Horos touched his chin and walked around in thought.

Many scientists have speculated about the antimatter universe, and some radical scholars believe that perhaps our universe and the antimatter universe are even connected!

Pros and cons, it sounds quite philosophical, doesn't it?

However, the asymmetry of matter and antimatter has always been the biggest problem of this theory.

That is, if the two universes are connected,

then why can't they observe a huge amount of antimatter!

Of course,

it was indeed not observed before,

but according to Professor Dong, Nima, the infinite world, behind the boundary wall, there is a dark space that seems endless!

More importantly,

from the several groups of matter taken out of the space at random,

there are a lot of antihydrogen and antihelium!

This is very intriguing!

Either the boundary wall separates the positive and negative matter universes,

or it is something hidden by the other party, and these things just happen to contain a lot of antimatter.

"Very unusual!"

Horos licked his lips and felt a little excited!

"The analysis of the infinite world sample is completed. The assistant gave a feasible suggestion that using the Qingyuan energy and the erosion body to react at the boundary wall may open a channel of similar scale."

At this time,

the analysis of the artificial intelligence assistant ended,

and gave a way to refer to the experiment and enter the infinite world in other universes!

By using the annihilation effect of positive and negative matter similar to Qingyuan energy and erosion body, and reacting at the boundary wall, maybe we can enter the infinite world?

"The annihilation of positive and negative matter, Qingyuan energy and erosion body, coincidence, too coincidence!"

Holos' eyes lit up,


too coincidence!

He still remembered the panic and helplessness when he first encountered the erosion body, and especially remembered the shock of seeing the annihilation reaction between the erosion body and Qingyuan energy.

Now it seems that

these two things can react, perhaps there is something more fundamental that is affecting them!

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