Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 840 The health bar is showing!


A strong light flashed on the battlefield!

The focused beam hit the material entity, and the violent explosion, with strong light and torn stellar fragments, instantly attracted the attention of all the cleaners!

[Hit! ]

The cleaner on Ship No. 2 exhaled.


Hide, hide again!

We were just bored and teasing you just now. With your tricks, you still want to escape us?

Go to hell!

The cleaners felt the explosion very clearly, that is, a certain stellar body was hit!

No matter which one,

Next, this damn civilization will go to extinction!

In the universe, the debris, shock waves, and various radiations produced by the explosion of stellar bodies prevented the operation of the detector, but according to the nature of this civilization,

the cleaner on Ship No. 2 was sure that the remaining stellar bodies of the other party would continue to jump forcefully!


the detector is still scanning the vicinity,

and the weapons of the main fleet are also ready, ready to launch an attack at any time!

[Where will you go, little mouse? 】

The cleaner on Ship No. 2 sneered, and the detector began a carpet search.


[Found you! ]

With a sound, the cleaner immediately locked onto the space fluctuations caused by the bunker civilization.

However, when the cleaners on the ship saw the location clearly, they were stunned in disbelief!

The detector data showed that

the landing point of the other party's transmission was... Ship No. 2!

They, want to die together? !

[Madman! ]

[Damn, it's too late to ban the airspace, but it's in time to jump. The opponent's war star has low power and jumps slower than the mother star! ]

The cleaner on Ship No. 2 was shocked,

but thinking that the opponent's mother star had been hit, according to the previous data of the chase, the power of the war star is lower, and the worry in his heart was instantly reduced a lot.

With the opponent's weak war star,

it can't even touch the corner of their ship's clothes!

[Jump! ]

So the cleaner on Ship No. 2 prepared to retreat calmly, but to anger this already crazy civilization.


your self-destruction attack is very brave,

but you can't hit it!

With a sneer, Ship No. 2 began the process of jump transmission.

Everything is within their sophisticated calculations. If nothing unexpected happens...there will be an accident!

Ship No. 2 has made a lot of calculations,

but perhaps it is the confidence in their own strength, or perhaps it is because they have been high and mighty for many years, and they are too arrogant!

You must know that a lion will use all its strength to fight a rabbit!

When they look at this war as a joke,

they must be prepared to be hit in the face with blood!

Just when the cleaner of Ship No. 2 has not completed the jump, the space above the ship fluctuates violently, and a huge planet appears brazenly,

and as soon as it appears, it is like the war star next to it, and it is thrown at Ship No. 2 as a weapon!

【? ? ? 】

The cleaner on the No. 2 ship widened his eyes when the planet appeared, wondering why the mother planet was still there.

When he saw it throw the war star towards him,

he understood it completely!

It turned out that the mother planet just now used the war star to block the attack...

[Not good! 】

It's too late to react now!

The thrown war star exploded instantly without hesitation for a second!

Once again,

a strong light flashed in the universe, and the planetary fragments hit the No. 2 cleaner ship with a violent explosion.

As expected,

the spacecraft withstood this wave of impact with its permanent shield!


the leader of the bunker civilization grinned and chuckled,

this is just the appetizer!

"Except the last one, full power, bombard!"

The order was given loudly,

The mother planet of the bunker civilization trembled as a whole. The giant device installed on the planet, which covered the sky and the sun, began to rotate at high speed. The energy of tens of thousands of star sources embedded inside was instantly drained by the center.

Various pipelines were directly filled with energy.

They extracted energy in a desperate manner, and the moment they gathered on the concentrator, they bombarded it out!

Standing in the universe,

I only saw that almost at the moment when the mother planet of the bunker civilization flashed out from the jump, this huge light column with a diameter comparable to that of a planet flew out!

[Oh no! ]

Next to them, the main fleet of the cleaners and the subspace core all exclaimed,


This energy level is a civilization with only one star system?

This is eight years old? !

Before taking action, the cleaners detected the level of the bunker civilization and only opened one layer of shield. As a result, you tell me that a child who they thought was holding a pistol,

suddenly took out a ballistic missile from nowhere? !

Is this reasonable?


The energy column as wide as a planet flashed and hit the very close No. 2 Cleaner Ship.

The shield that seemed to be there and not there only blocked for a few seconds before it "cracked" and shattered.


the energy column continued to impact and instantly submerged the entire No. 2 Ship!

In the white particle flow,

the ship's smooth mirror-like shell could still hold on to the impact at first, but as more and more particle flows hit it, the hard shell began to disintegrate.

It started to spread from one point,

gradually the entire surface of the spacecraft was penetrated, and then the protective layer, skeleton, and inner layer of the spacecraft.

Under the impact of the huge energy particle flow,

the spacecraft was completely disintegrated from the outside to the inside!

[No! ]

The cleaner on the No. 2 ship let out an unwilling roar before the inner protective layer was penetrated.

He couldn't believe that

this group of ants actually dared to attack them and could really cause them harm!


The leader of the bunker civilization looked at the spacecraft that was successfully hit by his sudden attack, and his face showed a look of surprise!

Although the opponent's attack was weird,

the spacecraft itself was not strong enough to ignore their attacks!

The cleaner, except for the weird attack, other things are still within the scope of understanding!

Of course,

it is also possible that the opponent underestimated the enemy and did not deploy the shield to cooperate with the heaven-defying attack.

But it doesn't matter,

because this test plan was successful!

The strong and invincible image of the Cleaner was ruthlessly shattered by the attack of the Bunker Civilization and completely collapsed!

Prejudice is a high wall in people's hearts!


The Cleaner, who was invincible in the alliance and killed his opponent instantly, was injured!

The Bunker Civilization even destroyed one of the opponent's spaceships!

That's enough!

"Our mission is over, Plan E has come to a perfect end, and the record: one Cleaner spaceship!"

The leader of the Bunker Civilization laughed loudly,


Just a rat!

Your health bar has been revealed!

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