Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 843 The nightmare has just begun

Black hole surface world, Earth, Todai.

After receiving the news, the head of the Spacecraft Power Research Center, Tang Qingshan, agreed to the arrangement of this universe without hesitation.

This kind of arrangement

It's equivalent to giving away a planet directly.

Can you agree?

If we stay on the same earth as an insect like the United States, how can we develop well and get out of the earth?

Dongda: I show my cards, leave the earth, and go it alone!

"But Mr. Zhu, population is a big problem!"

"Such a big planet needs to be built exactly like the Earth, but we only have a population of 1.4 billion. This vast land is so sparsely populated, it's a bit scary!"

However, Tang Qingshan still raised a very serious question,

The new earth is full of wastes waiting to be renovated,

1.4 billion people control the entire planet. The problems in the Kyushu world have happened again!

Tang Qingshan's meaning is very obvious,

This universe connects so many universes, how about some support from other places?


Mr. Zhu grinned,

Where did he come from to transform so many people for you now?

They hollowed out all the people in the Eastern world of Avatar and poached many people from other worlds, thus easing the previous population crisis.

The new generation is only ten years old!

"It's okay. If we first replace the labor force with robots and develop high technology and high automation, we won't need so many people!"

He shook his head helplessly,

The current population of this universe is barely sufficient, and this population cannot help at all.

"Yes, we have already started preparations. When the transformation on the New Earth is completed, we can move at any time."

Tang Qingshan waved his hand,

Then let's do this for now. Mr. Zhu is right. After high automation, so many people will not be needed.


The population?

Of course the more the better!

"In one month at most, the New Earth will be completely renovated. The urban construction on it will also be renovated according to new standards. The original land of East Asia and East University alone can accommodate the entire population."

"If people don't want to live on other continents, they can find their own home directly at the original location."

Zhu Lao said this lightly,

One to one upgraded reproduction,

If productivity is developed to this level, it will be invincible. How about getting a house?

Send directly to the city!

As long as you think about it, with this ability, you can persuade so many people to go to other continents in the New Earth!

This universe directly builds cities!

Live on your own!

Of course, it must still be under the jurisdiction of the government.

This kind of autonomy, this kind of welfare, this kind of treatment,

I believe no one will refuse if this news spreads!

Especially Dongda people who have some obsession with houses and land. No, even if they are not Dongda people, they will be deeply tempted.


This policy only targets the Chinese people of the old earth.

"I understand, in one month, the interstellar Spring Festival Transport will begin!"

Tang Qingshan nodded and remembered this time point.


One month later, everyone, there is something new,

Everyone is going to live on a different planet!

We, fellow citizens, have our own planet!

It is also the surface world of a black hole,

The New Earth and the New Solar System are under intense construction, striving to become the cutting-edge scientific frontier of the entire universe.

On the edge of the galaxy, on a certain spaceship.

Horos's remotely controlled experimental platform is undergoing intense experiments.

On the experimental table, a pioneer lobster man was bred, lying flat and restrained.

Its body is densely covered with various energy syringes, like needles, which are flashing cyan light at high frequency, and the electric current "buzzes" continuously.

In front of the stage, several robots were holding various experimental equipment with expressionless faces.

The whole scene looked like some Frankenstein was conducting some secret and illegal experiment that was harmful to nature.

"The energy is ready. The simulated evolution drain energy has been charged and is ready for experimentation at any time!"

In the communication channel,

The deputy of Horos, Tiger, who had calmed down, looked at the experimental table with a somewhat excited expression.

Can it really succeed?

His long-cherished wish in this life, an obsession that could not be fulfilled until the alliance was destroyed!

"Prepare to cut off communications."

Horos took a deep breath and calmly issued the order.


Tiger replied immediately,

Although he was a little regretful that he could not see with his own eyes whether he succeeded or failed, but compared with this, his life was more important.

He didn't want to be found by the subspace core, or the Cleaner, following the communication!

I finally checked the automatically running program and found no problems.

Tiger cut off contact with the unmanned experimental spacecraft.

both sides,

Communication silence has entered.

In an instant, the spaceship where Horos was sitting fell into a deathly silence.

All the researchers held their breath nervously, waiting for the results.

This result includes the reaction of the subspace core and the success or failure of the experiment!

No one knows what the outcome will be.

Everyone kept praying in their hearts.

"Woo buzz——"

In the subspace,

Located in the center of the entire space, the core has fallen into a short sleep.

It has not had such a comfortable sleep for a long time, and abundant energy flows into its body through the chain supply,

All the hidden wounds on the body are constantly being repaired.

My heart keeps feeling refreshed,

It made it reluctant to wake up.


Suddenly, with a thought, the dormant body shook and turned around suddenly. The closed valves in the subspace suddenly opened like eyelids.

The dark sphere slowly turned around and looked in the direction of the boundary wall...

No exception? !

"What's going on? I clearly feel that energy of different textures is rushing towards me?"

The subspace core is a little confused.

It clearly had a similar feeling just now, so it was forced to wake up and check immediately.

But what lay before its eyes was a peaceful scene.

on the pipeline,

On the limiter, there is no orange light at all.

It's just that the energy accumulated at a certain node is much more.

"Is it an illusion?"

The core turned around in confusion and closed the valve.

Well, it must be an illusion.

The subspace fell silent, and the boundary wall also fell silent. Everything was so harmonious, without any abnormalities.

"Got you!"

Suddenly, the core that had been silent for a moment suddenly turned around and opened its valves,

Look fiercely towards the boundary wall again!

The result was unexpected,

There is still nothing!

? ? ?

Good guy, this subspace core also wants to cheat, come back with a wave of counterattack,

It's a pity that this guy is completely outsmarting the air.

"I really feel wrong. Why do I always feel a little strange?"

The core checked it carefully again,

It really found nothing unusual.

Can't find something,

It's impossible to find it by force, right?

After a long time, the core could only give up and regard the feeling just now as his own illusion.

But what he doesn't know is,

Its nightmare has just begun!

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