Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 845: Imprisoning the other party

The surface world of a black hole,

On the new earth, the construction of three comprehensive scientific research experimental bases has been completed.

In the future, some scientists who studied at Kyushu United University will come here to engage in the most cutting-edge scientific research in this universe.

However, this is not what I want to talk about now.


in subspace,

In the darkness of nothingness, wearing black is like the core of a thin chain, standing firm and motionless despite the changes in the outside world.

It has been in dormant standby mode for more than a month,

The various wounds caused by the continuous bombing for a year have long since healed.


It's restored to wholeness!

If nothing unexpected happens, according to the experience of this subspace core,

It may not be until thousands or tens of thousands of years that it will be awakened again by civilizations that touch taboos; or some unlucky guy who has crooked the technology tree and wants to travel faster than light through subspace will break into this place. , bring some fun to it.

This is a universe with a lack of civilization, decay and poverty,

Human beings who can create New Territories are considered relatively strong civilizations in this universe!

It took millions or tens of millions of years for a bunker civilization to develop like this.

Call the Cleaners from the core of the warp,

You can tell when the cleaners are stuck.

Even the cleaners can’t fix it!

"Buzz buzz-"

The subspace core is lying in his nest. Although he is sleeping deeply at the moment, he has not relaxed his vigilance deeper.

It has absolute control over the boundary wall!

Was the illusion just now... really just an illusion?

Now let’s review the recent situation.

The bunker civilization is also quite weird. It seems to be delaying time.

Why delay?

No one has ever broken into the boundary wall. It is impossible for a civilization to suddenly pop up and know the truth behind the boundary wall without any investigation, right?

There are many doubts,

The subspace core, lacking key evidence, actually had nightmares while sleeping!

It's really not a nightmare,

It is its deep logic that deduces this issue.


If this universe is like this and thinks that it can hide the truth every time, then as the number of times increases and the feeling of the subspace core becomes more and more frequent, then one day something will definitely happen.

However, this can only be a possibility,

Because this universe has taken action!


The calm subspace suddenly heard a wave of space being torn apart,

The core that had been dormant for more than a month suddenly woke up. It was confused and confused.

How much time has passed?

Why is there another unlucky person tearing apart the subspace?

Let me see what's going on!

He leaned closer and looked at a small crack that had opened. The subspace core looked at it with disdain and sneered.

It takes so much effort to even open the crack, it seems that he is really unlucky!

With this thought in mind, it is ready to release its corrosive body and go out to play with the other party!

As a result, the next second,

"Tear! Tear! Tear!"

Countless shattering waves came from all directions!

In an instant, thousands of cracks burst open on the subspace wall.

And behind the cracks, strange objects with sharp thorns and strange pipelines were tied directly to the main body of the subspace core!

The core couldn't laugh anymore and was shocked!

"No, you're specifically coming for me!"

How to shut the mouth of the subspace core?

What if it has no chance or time to see the infinite situation?

Scientists from all walks of life in the expert group discussed it for a long time, for ten days!

to the end,

They just came up with a feasible plan!

Isn't the core protected in the subspace by black chains filled with erosion and energy?

This universe is prepared to follow this idea,

Let it be imprisoned in subspace forever!

"Judging from the experience of bombarding the core over the past year, as long as we don't kill this core, nothing will happen. The liquidators will not intervene and a new subspace core will not be born!"

Professor Dong showed a cruel smile, very confident!

He has data to back it up!

If the core could just call out the thug, the Cleaner, it would have been called out long ago during the year of torture!

"So we formulated a plan called the 'Ball Lock' to imprison the core forever!"

"We use objects similar to syringes with long energy pipelines to insert hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands into the subspace core body, and then use the situation to control the other party..."

The plan finally put together is very bold and very consistent with the current situation of this universe.

The plan is simple;

Use an object similar to a pipe, with a space tearing head, to pierce directly into the core body,

Then inject "anesthetic" specially developed for corrosive bodies to anesthetize the core for a long time; if the anesthesia fails, Qingyuan energy will be injected immediately to torture the core!

Continuous torture!

Either, it is anesthetized until it loses consciousness, making it confused and unable to feel the infinite world; or, it can directly inflict continuous torture on the other party, making it so painful that it has no feeling of the infinite world!

In short,

Just don't let it stay calm!

What does it mean to be unaware of anything?

If the subspace core cannot be discovered, doesn't it mean that the gods are unaware of it?

As for why it couldn't be discovered,

We can't completely hide the movement, so we can just deal with the people who can detect the movement!

"This plan is currently the most feasible. Hidden identity, just follow this plan!"

In the end, it was Mr. Zhu who made the final decision and finalized the plan!

The scale of the mission is large, and the identity must be hidden.

Just to serve as a "foundation" and "energy source" to keep pipelines tight and cracks open, there would be tens of thousands of satellites the size of the moon!

And it also requires complex equipment and sophisticated computing groups.

At the same time, in order to place subspace activation equipment,

Qingyuan energy also flows back and forth throughout the system!

At that time,

Tens of thousands of these planet anchors form an array in the void, creating dense thorn locks that shine with gray-white light, which will firmly anchor the core!

Like a giant ship that has dropped its anchor,

Can't move easily!

"Boom boom boom——"

The construction ship was started far away from the new solar system. The tens of millions of equipment on it began to cooperate with each other in complex ways. Small satellites were transported one after another and underwent transformation from the inside out.

This construction ship is scary big!

It is a huge ring, and the diameter of the inner ring is so large that it can even fit in the entire sun!

This is a veritable giant!

It was designed with only one mission, to transform the planet!

Hundreds of satellites of various sizes were dragged into the huge ring by the spacecraft.

On the ring of the spacecraft, light pours in from all directions,

Hit the satellite!

Sets of equipment and pipelines were densely arranged on the satellites, like assembly lines. These satellites were quickly transformed.

Tens of thousands of satellites were quickly transformed!

This is the power of the construction spacecraft-Star Creator!

The transformation is completed,

The task of imprisoning the core begins!

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