Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 847 Let’s try a different universe…

The surface world of a black hole, somewhere in the unknown void,

Thousands of planets, which are about the same size as the moon, are staggered and arranged in a neat row, like soldiers in formation holding their heads high and loyally sticking to their posts!

on the planet,

The dense chain channels shot straight out, passed through the specially processed space cracks, plunged into the subspace, and penetrated into the core of the body!


These spurs have changed direction,

From the original direction, it was stabbed all over the face of the core, to now, it is evenly distributed, completely locking the whole body of the core!

One by one, the pipelines are painted black and reflect gray-white light energy.

Just keep injecting the anesthetic!

This is a great project,

As a "Cosmic Monitor", the core of the subspace, which is at least as big as several moons and can even teleport through the boundary wall, is imprisoned in such a shame!

The body cannot move, and even the consciousness, only the bottom layer remains active.


What’s the use of being active at the bottom?

It's like a brain that has been deprived of a body and locked in an airtight maintenance cabin. He is unable to perceive the outside world. He only knows that he is still alive and his ability to think and imagine is still there.

Apart from that, he had nothing else,

I can only stay in the endless darkness and be alone all the time.

Thousands of planets away, navigation beacons are constantly flying in, and a huge planet is also standing in the distance.

The unmanned fleet is in position,

In the future, this star field that confines subspace will become an absolute restricted area.

And the subspace within it, if nothing unexpected happens, will sleep in it forever.

The main thing is that this universe doesn't dare to kill him.

According to information received from the alliance,

The subspace core itself is a "node" of a certain structure. If it is killed, a new one will be regenerated in other nodes before long!

Regenerate a new one?

Who knows how easy it would be to deal with this one!


Cherish it, there are still soft persimmons to pinch!

"The entire forbidden planet area has been sealed off as a restricted area, and the unmanned fleet has also been stationed. The detector team has also set up a department to focus on the subspace and there to ensure that if there is a problem, we can deal with it as soon as possible! "

Zhao Guangyao stood beside Mr. Zhu and reported the situation in a low voice.

"Very good. Now, the last constraint has been resolved. Here, we finally don't have to tie our hands and feet!"

Mr. Zhu took a breath and a happy look appeared on his face.

The progress of energy quantification research has been delayed again and again.

Now, the final obstacle has finally been resolved,

The next step is to completely complete this technology!

"Most of the scientific researchers have already entered this world. They have sufficient energy and research materials and are ready to start experiments at any time!"

There was irrepressible excitement in Zhao Guangyao's tone.

Mr. Zhu’s eyes were bright, he clenched his fists, nodded and said:

"Well, let the experiment begin!"

Transformers world,

Stroh was sitting in the maintenance cabin of the cab, looking helplessly at Optimus Prime beside him, who was directly carrying the pressure with his body, with a look of envy on his face.

Is this mechanical intelligent life?

He is simply a born space warrior.

Stro, whose race is some kind of beetle, thinks that his body strength is not weak anymore. At this point, he can only hide in the immersion maintenance cabin and use a viscous liquid to withstand the effects of super-light travel. Huge pressure.

As a result, the person next to him looked like a perfectly fine person!

"How long until we reach our destination?"

Optimus Prime felt Stro's gaze and felt a little strange, so he turned around to find a topic.

"It's almost time. According to the data we analyzed at the ruins of the war, the frontline battlefield should be in the broken area ahead."

Stroh used his mind control to open the star map and calibrate the position more than ten light years ahead.

"Good, I hope that thing is still there!"

A flash of hope flashed in Optimus Prime's eyes,

His trip was for one thing, the broken subspace of the Death Core!

Since ancient Cybertron once fought against the erosion body, and Tianzun took action and blocked the passage, then like the Tianshu civilization in the world on the surface of the black hole,

Above the ruins of the battlefield, there must be remnants of broken subspace!

"What are we looking for?"

Stroh still can't figure out what the hell humans and this Optimus Prime are going to do?

"The existence of the Alliance has given us all a lot of insight. His mode of operation, the prosperity, harmony and fraternity of the galaxy under his rule, are our role models."

Although Optimus Prime has not shown up in the alliance, he has been hiding in the cabin.

But the scene of thousands of civilizations coexisting harmoniously on the planet shocked him after all.

"so what?"

Stroh was puzzled;

Isn't the logic of operation in this universe and the alliance somewhat different?

Could it be that the other party also wants to follow suit and form an alliance?

"So, Mr. Zhu asked me to make some attempts in this world!"

Optimus Prime's eyes glowed,

With the Shattered Warp, it is not difficult to build a network transmission system similar to the Alliance. Coupled with the weapons and capabilities of this universe, we can build a "white glove" to communicate with other galactic civilizations outside the space gate.

Or an alternative "alliance", an alliance in which this universe secretly controls the core members.

It will be very helpful for the development of this universe!

"The alliance is shattered, and reconstruction is now a long shot."

Stroh reminded Optimus Prime of the fate of the alliance.

"It's different. Our experiments will not touch certain taboos. These united civilizations will become our tentacles and helpers!"

Optimus Prime shook his head,

This is just an experiment, chosen in the Transformers world, with many considerations.

One is the various ancient battlefields of Cybertron. There are too many good things. This universe simply does not have so many people to dig and study them. It is better to establish an overlord similar to an alliance and let other civilizations be "workers".

The second is that, coincidentally, Optimus Prime also advocates the concepts of peace and fraternity.

The two hit it off instantly,

Mr. Zhu simply handed over the matter to Optimus Prime.

Find the Shattered Warp, transform it, and create the Webway teleportation system in the Transformers world.

Wait until everything is ready,

The "New Cybertron" civilization, composed of real Cybertronian beings such as the "Transformers" and Optimus Prime produced in this universe, will restart in the Transformers world and promote the concept of harmonious coexistence.

Anyway, it’s just following the alliance’s template.

It doesn’t matter if you fail;

Think of it as gaining experience!

Anyway, Mr. Zhu’s meaning is very clear.

Now that you have met the Alliance, you might as well find a universe, follow his way, give it a try, and explore the way forward for the future!

This is what I said,

Stroh felt arrogant just thinking about it!

Might as well find a universe to try...

That’s what this universe can say!

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